Notice of Completion
of a Draft Environmental Impact Report
Wild Diamond Vineyards Project
The Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) (SCH #2016022084) for the Wild Diamond Vineyards Project is now available for public review.
Public comment on this document is invited for a 45-day period from June 6 to July 21, 2016.
Based on the information presented in the DEIR, the Wild Diamond Vineyard Project will not result in significant or unavoidable adverse impacts to the environment.
Where impacts existed, the DEIR found that environmental effects can be feasibly reduced to Less-than-Significant levels with the incorporation of the mitigation measures provided in the DEIR.
Project Name: Wild Diamond Vineyards
Project Applicant: Wild Diamond Vineyards, LLC
What is the Project/Brief Description of the Project: The project proposes to plant approximately 80 acres of new vineyards, construct a winery with the capacity to produce up to 52,800 cases of wine per year, a tasting room that will be open to the public, host 35 special events per year, and includes a self-guided interpretive center. Approval of the project would include a Major Use Permit for the agricultural related winery and tasting room and associated special winery events; a Grading Permit; and a Lot Line Adjustment between the Applicants parcels to provide appropriate building setbacks.
Where is this Project located?: The project site is located just north of the community of Hidden Valley Lake, approximately 1.3 miles east of State Route 29 and adjacent to Spruce Grove Road.
Where can you review documents for this Project? A copy of the DEIR and its technical appendices are on file and available for the public to review on the Lake County Community Development website or during normal business hours at the following locations:
1. Lake County Community Development Department, 255 North Forbes Street, Third Floor, Lakeport, CA 95453
2. Lakeport Library, 1425 N. High Street, Lakeport, CA 95453
3. Redbud Library, 14785 Burns Valley Road, Clearlake, CA 95422
4. Middletown Library, 21256 Washington Street, Middletown, CA 95461
5. Upper Lake Library, 310 Second Street, Upper Lake, CA 95485
The Lead Agency is Lake County Community Development Department, and inquiries regarding the project and/or DEIR should be directed to Peggy Barthel, Lake County Planning Department, at (707) 263-2221, or .
Public Comment/Review Period: If you want to comment on the DEIR, you may do so by sending letters or emails. Your letters and emails are a called “public comments.” Public comment regarding the Wild Diamond Vineyard Project and/or adequacy of the DEIR will be accepted in writing. Written comments can be mailed to Lake County Community Development, Attn: Peggy Barthel, 255 North Forbes Street, Lakeport, CA 95453. Comments can also be sent by email to Ms. Barthel at .
The period for public review and comment during which the County will receive written comments on the DEIR will begin June 6, 2016 and end on July 21, 2016. Public comment will also be accepted by the County Planning Commission during public hearings on this project, which will be scheduled at a later time.