LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Candidates for county offices have kept busy over the summer raising funds, according to the latest campaign financial reports filed with the Lake County Registrar of Voters Office.
The most recent financial reports, which candidates had to file last week, covered the period of July 1 through Sept. 30.
The reports show that, altogether, candidates in the races for district attorney and sheriff have raised $139,937.54. A committee supporting incumbent Sheriff Rod Mitchell raised another $1,300, bringing the full campaign fundraising total for the two races to $141,237.54.
The candidate who has raised the largest amount of money so far this year was Mitchell, with $56,442.
Mitchell also raised the most of any candidate in the three-month reporting period, $27,333, of which $26,933 was cash contributions. That's more than the combined total raised by Mitchell's opponent, Francisco Rivero, and the two district attorney candidates, combined.
Rivero brought in $10,058 in contributions for the period, of which $5,000 was a loan to himself. So far this year, Rivero has loaned himself $35,000 of the $48,700.22 in contributions he has reported.
From July 1 to Sept. 30, Mitchell spent $14,292.56 and Rivero $9,454.46; for the year, expenditures for Mitchell totaled $47,077.95, with Rivero spending a total of $37,742.27 so far.
In support of the two sheriff candidates, two committees have formed: Family & Friends of Lake County Law Enforcement in Support of Sheriff Rod Mitchell-2010, which qualified as a committee on Sept. 1, and Families and Friends for Democracy & Justice in Lake County, which has not yet qualified, according to statements of organization.
In the district attorney's race, Doug Rhoades raised more than his opponent, Don Anderson, in the latest finance reporting period, raising $7,927 compared to Anderson's $6,426.
However, Anderson edged past Rhoades in the total contributions for the campaign so far, with $17,603.32 to $17,192 for Rhoades.
For expenditures, Anderson reported $5,779.45 for the reporting period and $17,978.45 year-to-date, with Rhoades reporting $7,158 and $16,631, respectively, for the two time periods.
The full details of the financial statements follow.
Don Anderson
Total contributions received this period: $6,436
Monetary contributions: $3,399.50
Nonmonetary contributions: $3,036.50
Itemized contributions: $2,661
Unitemized contributions: $738.50
Loans: $0
Expenditures: $5,779.45
Itemized expenditures: $2,643.88
Unitemized expenditures: $99.07
Beginning cash balance: $39
Total cash ending balance: $695.55
Outstanding debts: $0
Total contributions received year-to-date: $17,603.32
Total loans received year-to-date: $0
Total expenditures year-to-date: $17,978.45
Itemized contributions: $2,661
Law Office of Bill Feeney, Lakeport, attorney; $500 ($700 year-to-date)
R.H. Henning, Kelseyville, retired; $250 ($450 year-to-date)
L.R. Russ Addiss, Kelseyville, self-employed accountant; $500 ($1,125 year-to-date)
Donald Anderson, Lakeport, attorney and candidate; $300 ($1,062.54 year-to-date)
Robert Riggs, Kelseyville, attorney; $250
Robert Bridges, Lakeport, deputy county counsel; $100
Olga Martin-Steele, Clearlake Oaks, retired; $110 ($235 year-to-date)
Barbara Galvan, Huntington Beach, retired; $175 ($320 year-to-date)
First Pick Builders, Lakeport, self-employed general contractor, $106
Mary Ann Schmid, Upper Lake, owner of Lodge at Blue Lakes; $170
Norman J. Valdez Jr., Witter Springs, disabled/unemployed; $100
Janina and Mike Hoskins, Hidden Valley Lake, contractor, Hoskins & Sons; $100
Itemized nonmonetary contributions: $2,610.50
Maurice Kemp, Hidden Valley Lake, attorney, wine for silent auction at fundraiser; $251
Barbara Galvan, Huntington Beach, retired, wine for silent auction at fundraiser; $434
Ceago Winery, Nice, wine for silent auction at fundraiser; $192
Jim and Olga Steele, Clearlake Oaks, retired, wine for silent auction at fundraiser; $289
Colleen Chatoff, Glenhaven, Realtor, Chatoff Realty, wine for silent auction at fundraiser; $250
Jody Galvan, Middletown, office manager, Storybook Mountain Vineyards, wine for silent auction at fundraiser; $470
Colleen Williams, Calistoga, vice president, Storybook Mountain Vineyards, wine for silent auction at fundraiser; $100
Donald Anderson, Lakeport, attorney and candidate, silent auction gifts; $624.50
Itemized expenditures: $2,643.88
Lake County Fair, Lakeport, booth; $350
UCC Rentals, Lakeport, tank for balloons; $140.22
Mary Ann Schmid, Upper Lake, food and venue; $928.22
Lake County Registrar of Voters, Lakeport, filing fees; $276.43
Lake County Registrar of Voters, Lakeport, filing fees; $812.83
Wildhurst Winery, Kelseyville, wine for fundraiser; $136.40
Douglas Rhoades
Total contributions received this period: $7,927
Monetary contributions: $5,869
Nonmonetary contributions: $2,058
Itemized contributions: $4,787
Unitemized contributions: $1,082
Loans: $0
Expenditures: $7,158
Itemized expenditures: $4,980.54
Beginning cash balance: $1,303
Total cash ending balance: $2,055
Outstanding debts: $0
Total contributions received year-to-date: $17,192
Total loans received year-to-date: $0
Total expenditures year-to-date: $16,631
Itemized contributions: $4,787
Laurel Groshong, Lakeport, retired state administrator; $50 ($325 year-to-date)
Nancy Rhoades, Kelseyville, educator, Lake County Probation Department; $500 ($1,390 year-to-date)
Ron Green, Lower Lake, attorney; $100 ($250 year-to-date)
Bill Wolfe, Kelseyville, retired tire salesman; $100 ($200 year-to-date)
Gary Hill Investigations, Finley, investigations; $50 ($150 year-to-date)
Lake County Democratic Central Committee, Clearlake; $500 ($700 year-to-date)
Douglas Rhoades, Kelseyville, attorney; $1,100 ($2,600 year-to-date)
Lowell Grant, Lakeport, Realtor; $50 ($150 year-to-date)
Dana Kearney, Kelseyville, pharmacy tech; $100 ($250 year-to-date)
Jim and Susan Herrmann, Kelseyville, retired utility/nurse; $250 ($350 year-to-date)
Judy Conard, Lakeport, attorney; $100
Wally Holbrook, Kelseyville, Lake County superintendent of schools; $205
Susanne La Faver, Hidden Valley Lake, retired; $100
Bob Borghesani, Kelseyville, lumber company owner; $160
Barry Parkinson, Lakeport, attorney; $300
Lake County Stonewall Club, Clearlake; $200
John Norcio, Lakeport, retired restaurateur; $100
Steve Davis, Lakeport, retired California Highway Patrol commander; $200
Robert Chalk, Kelseyville, retired law enforcement; $200
Dan Christensen, Lakeport, retired businessman; $100 ($199 year-to-date)
Larry Juchert, Lakeport, flooring installer; $120 ($219 year-to-date)
Pam Cochrane, Kelseyville, county auditor; $200 ($299 year-to-date)
Wanda Harris, Hidden Valley Lake, retired; $102 ($127 year-to-date)
Itemized nonmonetary contributions: $1,978
Lakeport English Inn, Lakeport, one night's lodging; $150
Villa La Brenta, Lakeport, wine reception event; $100
Tallman Hotel, Upper Lake, gift certificate; $100
Wildhurst Winery, one case premium wines; $120 ($340 year-to-date)
Doug Rhoades, Kelseyville, attorney and candidate, various items for silent auction; $220
Doug Rhoades, Kelseyville, attorney and candidate, campaign brochures – advertising; $499 ($3,457 year-to-date)
Doug Rhoades, Kelseyville, attorney and candidate, fair booth and worker passes; $560
Doug Rhoades, Kelseyville, attorney and candidate, additional large campaign signs; $239
Itemized expenditures: $4,980.54
Lake County Registrar of Voters, Lakeport, candidate's statement of qualifications for the ballot )June and November), copes of other candidate's 460s; $1,089
Lake County Record-Bee, Lakeport, eight advertisements in newspaper; $467
Saw Shop Gallery Bistro, Kelseyville, candidate fundraiser on Aug. 13; $537
Voter Information Guide G10, Sherman Oaks, slate mailer, full feature listing on Voter Information Guide; $940
American Button Machines, Plano, TX, 1,000 campaign buttons; $103.94
Direct Image Printing, New Hope, MN, campaign material leadership brochures, $243.60
Digital Printing Services, New Hope, MN, 12 4-foot by 8-foot campaign signs, $265
Election Education Guide, Reseda, slate mailer, full feature listing on Election Education Guide, $1,335
Rodney Mitchell
Total contributions received this period: $27,333
Monetary contributions: $26,933
Nonmonetary contributions: $400
Itemized contributions: $19,318
Unitemized contributions: $7,615
Loans: $0
Expenditures: $14,292.56
Itemized expenditures: $12,890.58
Beginning cash balance: $134.04
Total cash ending balance: $13,700.93
Outstanding debts: $0
Accrued expenses: $926.45
Total contributions received year-to-date: $56,442
Total loans received year-to-date: $0
Total expenditures year-to-date: $47,077.95
Itemized contributions: $19,318
Ken Parlet, Lakeport, Lakeview Market; $100
Helen Behn, Middletown, retired; $200 ($400 year-to-date)
Carl Braito, Kelseyville, Braito's Marina; $150
Frank Grossman, San Carlos, retired; $100
Jessie and Shirley Head, Hidden Valley Lake, retired; $100
Tom Marshall, Hidden Valley Lake, retired; $100 ($200 year-to-date)
James and Hettie Hendrickson, Middletown, Clover Dairy; $50 ($350 year-to-date)
Greg Scott, Lakeport, retired; $100 ($200 year-to-date)
Pamela Irwin, Lakeport, assistant, Wildhurst Vineyards; $100
Denise Hinchcliff, county of Lake investigator; $10 ($109 year-to-date)
Lake County Deputy Sheriff's Association, Lakeport; $500
Toni Scully, Lakeport, Scully Packing Co.; $75 ($175 year-to-date)
Robert and Jeanette Bartley, Lakeport, Bartley Pumps; $100 ($200 year-to-date)
Dave and Gerri Brown, Kelseyville, retired; $100 ($150 year-to-date)
Debbie Burnett, Middletown, Lake County sheriff/coroner assistant; $370
Mike and Denise Curran, Kelseyville; county of Lake investigator; $100 ($128 year-to-date)
Steve Davis, Lakeport, retired; $100
Wally Holbrook, Kelseyville, Lake County superintendent of schools; $100
Tom and Ruth Lincoln, Lakeport, Lincoln-Leavitt Insurance; $250 ($450 year-to-date)
Jacob and Lynda Steely, Kelseyville, county of Lake law enforcement; $120
Lloyd and Carol Stottsberry, Cobb, retired; $100
Mark Borghesani, Kelseyville, Kelseyville Lumber; $90 ($189 year-to-date)
Joseph Dutra, Kelseyville, county of Lake law enforcement; $90 ($189 year-to-date)
Kathy Fowler, Lakeport, Fowler Chevrolet; $100
Bill and Dana Kearney, Kelseyville, Northlake Pharmacy; $430 ($630 year-to-date)
Amelia Lincoln, Berkeley, student; $205
Calvin and Irene McCarley, Lower Lake, retired; $70 ($170 year-to-date)
Jerry and MaryAnn McQueen, Lakeport, Northport Trailer Resort; $100
Gil Schoux Sr., Kelseyville, retired; $170
Paul and Lisa Vartabedian, Lakeport, Vartabedian, DDS; $200
Terry and Linda Stewart, Clearlake, Discount Shades and Blinds; $100
Bill Brunetti, Lakeport, Bruno's Property Management; $500
Andrew and Maxine Peterson, Lucerne, retired; $300
Rick Kemp, Kelseyville, retired; $100
Lake Elephants, Lucerne; $1,500
Scott and Nathalie Anthus, Clearlake, survey party chief, DK Consulting; $130
Dorothy Emerson, Cobb, retired; $200
Robert Malley Sr., Clearlake, retired; $50 ($149 year-to-date)
Patricia Moshell-Johnson, San Mateo, retired; $100
Chris Vallerga, Lower Lake, Vallerga Fire Investigations; $100
Carl Webb, Clearlake, retired; $120 ($219 year-to-date)
Ken and Joann Avila, Kelseyville, retired; $100 ($200 year-to-date)
Richard Gorman, Clearlake Oaks, retired; $300 ($500 year-to-date)
Anthony and Claudia Marchese, Lucerne, retired; $50 ($150 year-to-date)
Robert and Patricia Sullivan, Lucerne, Sullivan Termite Control; $170
Bob Borghesani, Kelseyville, Kelseyville Lumber; $50 ($150 year-to-date)
Judy Conard, Lakeport, Conard law office; $100
Gary Hill, Lakeport, Gary Hill Investigations; $100
MaryGrace McMahon, Middletown, not employed; $271
Ron Minudri, Middletown, Minudri Insurance; $590 ($740 year-to-date)
Barry Parkinson, Lakeport, Parkinson law office; $200
Armand and Trena Pauley, Kelseyville, Polestar Computers; $300
Joe and Marian Sanfilippo, Lucerne, retired; $100
Peter and Mary Ann Schmid, Upper Lake, the Lodge at Blue Lakes; $300
Roland Nell Shaul, Kelseyville, retired; $150 ($350 year-to-date)
George and Anita Speake Jr., Kelseyville, retired; $100
John and Joanne VanEck, Kelseyville, VanEck Equestrian Center; $100
William Wolfe, Kelseyville, retired; $100
Mount St. Helena Vineyard, Middletown; $100
Larry and Carolyn Boardman, Finley, retired; $300 ($800 year-to-date)
Patrick Buckley, Lakeport, county of Lake law enforcement; $134
Robert Stack, San Anselmo, retired; $310
Gene Renner, Kelseyville, Tire Pros, $100 ($150 year-to-date)
Marie Ady, Clearlake, Lakeshore Feed & Grain; $220
Ronnie and Janeane Bogner, Clearlake Oaks, Weed Tech; $410
John J. Candido, Lakeport, retired; $170
Susan Constable, Lower Lake, Wynacht Memorials and Monuments; $170 ($220 year-to-date)
Karen Detweiler, Lower Lake; controller, Fowler Chevrolet; $210
Phil Garner, Clearlake Oaks, retired; $75 ($175 year-to-date)
Anne Garner-Austin, Clearlake Oaks, registered nurse, Sutter Lakeside Hospital; $135
Thomas Hewlett, Clearlake, Cooper & Hewlett Dentistry; $100 ($300 year-to-date)
Hedy Montoya, Hidden Valley Lake, director of Catholic Charities; $230
James and Frances Peretti, Lucerne, retired; $50 ($150 year-to-date)
Jim and Teddi Walker, Kelseyville, county of Sonoma electrician; $70 ($170 year-to-date)
Doug and Arlene Carter, Clearlake, retired; $100
John and Pat Norcio, Lakeport, McDonald's; $170 ($320 year-to-date)
Chris and Teena Macedo, Kelseyville; county of Lake law enforcement; $150
Jim and Carolyn Bolander, Middletown, retired; $100
Rodney and Charla Field, Hidden Valley Lake, site manager, Ledcor Construction Co.; $115
Craig Flynn, Cotati, Windsor Holdings and Windsor One; $1,500 ($4,000 year-to-date)
Richard Kuehn, Lucerne, Copper Cross Vineyards; $250 ($500 year-to-date)
George Lafave, Hidden Valley Lake, Lafave Construction; $390
Kristina Ryan-Rockwell, Hidden Valley Lake, not employed; $100
Charles and Kathleen Sloan, Hidden Valley Lake, Kann Du Construction; $225
James Totten, Hidden Valley Lake, JT Auto Glass, $1,003
Ben Lawson, Clearlake Oaks, Island Park Resort; $100
Cindy Radoumis, Kelseyville; county of Lake law enforcement; $100
Dennis Pluth, Clearlake Oaks, retired; $100 ($199 year-to-date)
Ed and Michelle Lavelle, Middletown, Crump, Bruchler & Lavelle Law Office; $174
Bob and Paula Piveronas, Lakeport, retired; $111
Mike and Ramona McKell, Middletown, retired; $1,000 ($1,500 year-to-date)
Thomas Moore, Kelseyville, retired; $175
Itemized nonmonetary contributions: $400
Albert H. League III, West Sacramento, Mentor Research, research time; $400
Itemized expenditures: $12,890.58
Kelseyville Lumber, Kelseyville, miscellaneous supplies for outdoor signage; $937.25
Lee's Sporting Goods, Lakeport, embroidered shirts; $365.40
Lake County Rodeo Association, Lakeport, advertising at rodeo event; $250
Lake County Registrar of Voters, Lakeport, balance for candidate's statement, candidate's statement, voter file; $1,311.72
Lake County Fair, Lakeport, fair booth fee, admission tickets and parking passes; $677
Chris Jones, Newcastle, consultant fee; $1,500
Lake County Chamber of Commerce, Lakeport, event admission and booth fee; $129
Lake County Welders Supply, Lakeport, helium tanks; $373.04
Computel Computer Systems, Waltham, MA, document research and retrieval; $116.50
Displays 2 Go, Bristol, RI, display items; $451.99
Banners on the Cheap, Austin, TX, printed banners; $2,330.03
Signs on the Cheap, Austin, TX, printed lawn signs; $1,868.14
Vistaprint, Lexington, MA, campaign literature and T-shirts; $1,480.19
Lake County Wine Alliance, Kelseyville, event admission; $125
Loeb's Ink Spot, Lakeport, printing; $134.85
Next Day Flyers, Rancho Dominguez, literature; $679.94
The Flag Co., Acworth, GA, American flags; $160.53
Accrued expenses: $926.45
Kelseyville Lumber, Kelseyville; $926.45
Payments made by an agent or independent contractor: $2,514.63
Bill and Dana Kearney, Kelseyville, fundraiser expenses; $1,436.55
Jessie and Shirley Head, Hidden Valley Lake, fundraiser expenses; $116.33
Ron Minudri, Middletown, fundraiser expenses; $675.36
Rob Brown, Kelseyville, fundraiser expenses, $286.38
Francisco Rivero
Total contributions received this period: $10,058
Monetary contributions: $5,058
Nonmonetary contributions: $0
Itemized contributions: $700
Unitemized contributions: $4,358
Loans: $5,000 (from self)
Expenditures: $9,454.46
Itemized expenditures: $7,673.53
Beginning cash balance: $10,316.39
Total cash ending balance: $10,919.93
Outstanding debts: $35,000
Total contributions received year-to-date: $48,700.22
Total loans received year-to-date: $35,000 (from self)
Total expenditures year-to-date: $37,742.27
Itemized contributions: $700
Patricia Meyer, Cobb, self-employed, Patricia Meyer & Associates; $200 ($290 year-to-date)
Lake County Democratic Club, Kelseyville, $500 ($700 year-to-date)
Itemized expenditures: $7,673.53
Lake County Registrar of Voters, Lakeport, fee for candidate's statement on ballot; $812.83
Perfect Painters, Clearlake, campaign literature; $278.51
Election Guide, Sherman Oaks, advertisement; $2,275
R.A. Hamilton, Hidden Valley Lake, signs and banners; $989.19
Middletown Times Star, Middletown, advertising; $750
The Outlook, Clearlake Oaks, advertising; $556
Rosemary Martin, Kelseyville, catering; $770
Watercolors Restaurant, Kelseyville, catering; $370
Lake County News, Lucerne, advertising; $872
Family & Friends of Lake County Law Enforcement in support of Sheriff Rod Mitchell - 2010
Date qualified as committee: Sept. 1, 2010
Treasurer: Jillian Burnett, Lower Lake
Total contributions received this period: $1,300
Monetary contributions: $1,300
Nonmonetary contributions: $0
Itemized contributions: $1,100
Unitemized contributions: $200
Loans: $0
Expenditures: $1,188
Itemized expenditures: $1,188
Beginning cash balance: $0
Total cash ending balance: $112
Outstanding debts: $0
Total contributions received year-to-date: $1,300
Total loans received year-to-date: $0
Total expenditures year-to-date: $1,188
Itemized contributions: $1,100
David Michel Jr., Kelseyville, retired; $1,000
Robert Jordan, Kelseyville, county of Lake law enforcement; $100
Itemized expenditures: $1,188
Lake County Publishing, Lakeport, newspaper advertisement; $1,188
Families and Friends for Democracy & Justice in Lake County
Date qualified as committee: Not yet qualified
Treasurer: Lawrence Ross, Kelseyville
Total contributions received this period: $0
Monetary contributions: $0
Nonmonetary contributions: $0
Itemized contributions: $0
Unitemized contributions: $0
Loans: $0
Expenditures: $0
Itemized expenditures: $0
Beginning cash balance: $0
Total cash ending balance: $0
Outstanding debts: $00
Total contributions received year-to-date: $0
Total loans received year-to-date: $0
Total expenditures year-to-date: $0
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