Friday, 28 March 2025


SACRAMENTO – Caltrans is calling on state freight operators to participate in the Caltrans Truck Survey in an effort to collect data on physical and operational characteristics of commercial vehicles operating in the state.

The data collected will help Caltrans plan and develop projects to improve freight movement in California.

“This data is vital for identifying projects, strategies, and initiatives that can improve the flow of trucks across the state,” said Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty. “Freight movement is critical in terms of jobs and the economy, and I encourage fleet managers to participate in this important opportunity.”

The survey results are expected to yield key insights on the types of trucks operating on California roadways, the types of commodities they are carrying, and their travel patterns.

The data will provide critical information to both the California Statewide Freight Forecasting and the California Statewide Travel Demand models.

These models are used to help Caltrans evaluate plans and projects that are most beneficial to the environment, economy, and transportation network, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The survey is looking to collect data from approximately 14,000 drivers and will be primarily conducted online and over the phone.

Approximately 5 percent of surveys for trucks will use on-board global positioning system devices to collect data on trip distance, speed, duration, and fuel usage.

The devices are sent to participants and returned after one week of data collection.

For more information on the Caltrans Truck Survey, visit .

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Lake County Public Services announced that the Eastlake Landfill and the Public Services office in Lakeport will be closed on Friday, Nov. 11, in observance of the Veterans Day holiday.

The landfill will reopen Saturday, Nov. 12. The Public Services office will reopen Monday, Nov. 14.

Normal operating hours at the landfill are 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. The Public Services office is normally open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

If you have any questions regarding this subject or any of the solid waste issues in Lake County, please call 707-262-1760.

Whether one shops at Ray’s Food Place or not, it is never good news when a local employer closes shop.

However, this news comes as no surprise to many. Ray’s parent company has been suffering financially for years, in and out of bankruptcy.

Walmart was in place about two years when Ray’s opened. Closing underperforming stores is not uncommon for companies, including Walmart. Earlier this year, Walmart closed over 150 underperforming stores in the U.S.

Sad as it may be, the good news is the parent company reports that the property will be sold by the end of the year.

This is an opportunity for another retailer to come to Clearlake. We need it.

Far too often we have to shop over the hill for common household items and clothing. And by doing so, our tax revenue goes to other areas.

It’s time for Clearlake to grow its retail market and economy.

Chuck Leonard lives in Clearlake, Calif.

KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – Joyce Anderson, president of Lake County Division 35 of the California Retired Teachers Association, announced that the organization’s quarterly meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 9.

This luncheon meeting will be at the Riviera Hills Restaurant, 10200 Fairway Drive, Kelseyville.

Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. A business meeting will be called to order at 10 a.m. to be followed by this month’s program.

The two-part program will include music by Don and Saro Deacon and a silent auction to benefit the Division’s Scholarship Program. Attendees are asked to bring an item for the silent auction.

The Deacons are a local married couple who have performed at a variety of venues and events. They sing a mix of folk-rock-type songs with a few Celtic tunes as well. Don Deacon plays guitar and Saro Deacon plays Celtic harp.

The scholarship program awards $1,000 scholarships to local community college students who plan to pursue a career in education.

Donations to the scholarship fund are welcome and can be made by contacting the scholarship chairperson, Dick Bode, at 707-263-5892 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

All CalRTA members are invited to attend as well as recently retired teachers, family members or other interested individuals. 

This is an opportunity to learn how the California Retired Teachers Association is working to protect the retirement and pensions of California teachers.

In addition the Lake County Chapter provides scholarships to students, grants to local teachers and supports education in Lake County in numerous other ways.

At the conclusion of the program, lunch will be served. The menu consists of turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, salad and dessert. Beverages are included. The cost of lunch is $15 including tax and gratuity.  

Reservations may be made by calling Julie at 707-279-2625. Transportation can be arranged for those in need by contacting Julie at the above number.

CLEARLAKE, Calif. – The Lake County Adult Literacy Program will hold its next tutor training Tuesday, Dec. 6.

The free training will take place from noon to 5 p.m. at the Redbud Library, 14785 Burns Valley Road, Clearlake. A $25 donation is requested to cover materials.

Tutors can give the gift of a better future in an hour or more a week.

No experience is necessary, and the program offers ongoing support and workshops.

For more information or to register, call 707-263-7633.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – First 5 California, together with First 5 Lake County, announces the First 5 California Express will be visiting Lake County on Tuesday, Nov. 15.

The visit will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Lake County Campus of Woodland Community College, 15880 Dam Road Extension in Clearlake.

The First 5 Express is a statewide tour aimed at educating and entertaining families on the importance of talking, reading and singing in everyday life and its powerful impact on a child’s early brain development.

The First 5 Express features activities that provide parents with tips on ways to keep their children engaged through talking, reading, and singing.

Participants have the opportunity to explore hands-on activities, including First 5 Express staff-led story time sessions, a child-friendly library, an interactive karaoke booth, and nursery rhyme spin wheel.

“The first three years of life are particularly critical for mental stimulation through talking, reading, and singing, which helps billions of neurons inside the brain make strong connections that last a lifetime,” said First 5 California Executive Director Camille Maben. “Partnering with First 5 Lake County through the First 5 Express provides us with a great opportunity to reach local families and teach them about the importance of these types of verbal interactions, and help set their children on a life trajectory for success.” 

Children and families who participate in the express activities are given free prizes that encourage them to continue the healthy behaviors at home, including a storybook, toy musical instrument, and activity book. Parents and caregivers also have the opportunity to receive more educational tools, like brain development brochures, tip sheets, Kits for New Parents, and other available resources.
“The First 5 Express is a chance for us to connect with parents one-on-one to provide important health information and resources while kids are engaged in educational activities,” said Vicki Hays, First 5 Lake County staff.  “We want to ensure that parents have the tools and local resources they need to raise healthy children who are ready to learn.”

The First 5 Express is a bilingual children’s activity center that travels across California to inspire families with children ages 5 and younger to make healthy choices and understand the importance of a child’s earliest years.

The First 5 Express travels across California to a variety of events including large county fairs, community gatherings, public libraries, preschools and community centers.

The 2016-2107 tour period, which began in August, is scheduled to run through June 4, 2017, and plans to visit more than 100 events during this time.

For more information about the First 5 Express visit .

For more information about First 5 California visit . For more information about First 5 Lake County visit .

The citizens of Clearlake have an opportunity this November to help our city take a positive step forward by voting yes on Measure V – the road tax.

Over the past year or so I have read many accounts of Clearlake police busting up illegal commercial marijuana grows and city employees abating hazardous and abandoned buildings.

Under the direction of the current city council, our city has been moving forward with very limited resources. Now we have a chance to get a firm toehold on addressing our situation with our poor roads.

Make no mistake, Measure V will not solve our road problems. That will take millions of dollars and many years.

But it will allow us to start addressing the issue by being able to attract and obtain outside grant money, maintain the current quality of roads and stop their degradation by allowing regular maintenance and begin a program of upgrading roads in some areas.

Measure V is unlike other road measures in that it solely and entirely is focused on our roads.

We all want our city to improve and flourish. I hope you will join me and vote yes on Measure V.

Carolynn Jarrett lives in Clearlake, Calif.

KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – Kelseyville Presbyterian Church will hold a “shovunda” sale, on Saturday, Nov. 12.

The sale will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Fireside Room at the church, 5340 Third St.

Donations of gently used winter clothing, Christmas decorations and items suitable for gift giving are needed – you know, those things you shove under a bed or into a closet.

Come shop that day from and find some great gift shopping ideas.


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