Thursday, 27 March 2025



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Administrator and Development Review Committee of the County of Lake, State of California, will consider recommended environmental determinations and hold a public hearing on whether to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the Minor Use Permit 17-03 and Design Review 17-01 based on Initial Study, IS 17-02 described in this notice. The public hearing will be held on May 3, 2017, at 2:00 PM located in Conference Room C, 3rd Floor of the Courthouse located at 255 N. Forbes Street, Lakeport, California.

Minor Use Permit 17-03 and Design Review 17-01. Location: 2585 South Main Street, Lakeport, CA, CA, APN 005-053-19. Owner: Edward Brown. Project: To allow a commercial storage building over 6,000 square feet in size for the storage of boats, recreational vehicles, ATV’s, side-by-sides and accessory uses for Hillside Honda. Project Planner: Mark Roberts, (707) 263-2221 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Copies of the application, environmental documents, all reference documents, and staff reports associated with each project are available for review through the Community Development Department, Planning Division, Telephone (707) 263-2221. Please bring this notice to the attention of anyone who may be interested in this information.

Robert Massarelli, Director

By: ____________________________________
Michalyn DelValle, Principal Planner

LAKEPORT, Calif. – The Lake County Lupoyoma Parlor No. 329 of the Native Daughters of the Golden West meet Thursday, May 11, for a membership social and organizational meeting.

The group meets at 5:30 p.m. for social time and 6 p.m. for the business meeting at Round Table Pizza, 821 11th St. in Lakeport.

If you were born in California and are over 16 you are a Native Californian eligible for membership in the Native Daughters of the Golden West organization.

The Native Daughters is a fraternal and patriotic organization founded in 1886 on the principles of:

– Love of home;
– Devotion to the flag;
– Veneration of the pioneers;
– Faith in the existence of God.

All Native Daughters are welcome to attend.

For more information contact Parlor Worthy President Carla Dore, 831-524-5588, or V.P. Dee Cuney, 707-235-2902, or visit the Native Daughters of the Golden West, Lupoyoma Parlor No. 329 Facebook page.

For information about Lake County Konocti No. 159 Chapter of the Native Sons of the Golden West contact Tony Braito at 707-245-7663.

LAKEPORT, Calif. – The Lakeport Public Works Department will soon be starting its annual roadside weed abatement program through the application of herbicides on city-maintained streets.

Should residents or property owners with frontage along the streets desire that no weed abatement occur adjacent to their residence or property, they must contact the Public Works Department prior to May 5 at 707-263-3578.

As a reminder, property owners are responsible for maintaining their frontage in such a way that does not create nuisance conditions.

While property owners can request that their frontage not be sprayed, they must otherwise maintain their frontage to avoid creating a public nuisance that could be caused by overgrown weeds creating a  fire hazard, sight distances, aesthetics or other nuisance.

To assist those property owners who object to spraying, the Lakeport Public Works Department will review their proposed maintenance plans at no charge and issue a no-fee encroachment permit to perform the maintenance as necessary.

One or more of the herbicides “glyphosate” may be used on all streets within the city of Lakeport.

LAKEPORT, Calif. – All four branches of the Lake County Library will be closed on Saturday, April 29, for an all-staff training day.

Normal hours will resume on Tuesday, May 2.

Although the branches will be closed, the library’s Web site and online services will be operating.

Each library has an outside book drop where patrons can return books when the library is closed.

For more information about the library please call 707-263-8817.

The Lake County Library is on the Internet at and Facebook at .

Jan Cook works for the Lake County Library.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The Lakeside County Park boat launch will be closed to the public from 7 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 29, and Sunday, April 30, for the Heron Days festival and pontoon boat bird tour.

The park will be open to the public during these hours.

For more information contact the Lake County Parks and Recreation Department at 707-262-1618.


LAKEPORT, Calif. – In the nearly four years that Revae Leppanen has served as a member of Sutter Lakeside Hospital’s Auxiliary, she has discovered the sense of giving back to be deeply fulfilling.

Leppanen, who retired to Lake County after a 25-year career as a teacher in Napa, wanted to give back as well as meet new people.

“After I settled in, I felt the need to do something with myself other than work on my genealogy, which I’ve done for 45 years,” said Leppanen. “The auxiliary was a good opportunity to meet new people. I’ve definitely made good friends.”

The Sutter Lakeside Hospital Auxiliary consists of over 22 members who regularly volunteer their time to work in the hospital gift shop, assemble Family Birth Center gift baskets, hold bake sales, and greet surgery patients in the surgery center.

In 2016, auxiliary members worked over 6,300 hours; in the years since it began, the auxiliary has donated over $150,000 to the hospital for equipment and improvements.

“I’m very proud of that,” said Leppanen. “The auxiliary has made an immense difference through the money we give back to the hospital.”

Leppanen, who also volunteers for the hospital’s Patient Experience Council, uses her time working in the gift shop to interact with patients and lend a listening ear.

“The most rewarding thing is the interaction with the patients that come in,” said Leppanen. “We get people who are killing time, and people just want to talk. They enjoy that, and open up about how they’re feeling. I really enjoy that I’m contributing to helping them.”

Leppanen was appointed the Volunteer of the Year for 2016 for her involvement in both the auxiliary and the Patient Experience Council.

“I was totally floored,” said Leppanen. “I was thrilled and felt honored that I would be pointed out this way. I texted all my kids.”

“I am amazed by everything the volunteers do,” said Dan Peterson, chief administrative officer, Sutter Lakeside Hospital. “They participate in such a wide range of activities and do so much good for our patients. They help make our patient experience here great, from the services they provide to the funding they generate for special projects and meaningful new services. Our auxiliary volunteers are a special group who give not only of their time, but of their energy and love by providing help to those in need.”

According to Leppanen, auxiliary is a worthy investment. “I would say that if you would like to meet a marvelous group of people, interact with patients, and feel as if you’re really contributing to your community, this is the place for you.”

To learn more about Sutter Lakeside Hospital, or to find out how to get involved, please contact Morgen Wells at 707-262-5121, or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Morgen Wells is community relations and fund development coordinator.

Expectations are everything. When we expect a certain outcome, we make it more likely to happen.

The best we can do as parents, as teachers, as role models and government leaders is to have high expectations for those we influence.

At the Economic Forecast presentation held at the Twin Pine Event Center on Dec. 9, 2015, one of the speakers made the point that Lake County is poised to rise from being one of the bottom counties in the state’s socioeconomic ladder.

Christian Ahlmann said that we have a beautiful lake, outdoor adventure, and great wines and produce. If we continually push to get that message across, businesses will come that will add value to our county and we all will rise.

He was right. It’s happening, but it will take time for the county to feel the effects. We all must be patient and keep delivering the message, over and over.

We have a great opportunity right now because of our recent fires and headlines.

People know us. People know our name. Let’s teach them that Lake County is a land of treasures: beautiful lake, outdoor adventure, great wines and produce.

The visitors will come. The businesses will come. The money will come. Just as it did in Napa a short few decades ago.

We compare ourselves to Napa because we have the same roots, the same beginnings. We can achieve their median income level if we have that expectation. And we can do it better since we can learn from their mistakes!

When we don’t hold out for our best version of Lake County, when we cave in to the demands of the present, we lose our opportunity to prosper.

The Dollar General brand is a rapacious corporate entity that brings with it the mark of economic distress. That’s because Dollar General specifically seeks out communities marked as low income.

The presence of a Dollar General store in a community creates an expectation of poverty for residents, visitors and, notably, future residents and business leaders.

We urge you to hold out for Lake County’s best. Have high expectations and we will rise to them. Quick fixes are just a finger in the dike.

Beth Rudiger is president and Monica Rosenthal the secretary of the Middletown Area Merchants Association Board of Directors in Middletown, Calif.


I'm celebrating my 78th birthday by publishing one of my own poems. When an old guy like me is still writing poetry, he tends to write a lot of old-guy poems.

Look for Me

Look for me under the hood
of that old Chevrolet settled in weeds
at the end of the pasture.

I'm the radiator that spent its years
bolted in front of an engine
shoving me forward into the wind.

Whatever was in me in those days
has mostly leaked away,
but my cap's still screwed on tight

and I know the names of all these
tattered moths and broken grasshoppers
the rest of you've forgotten.

American Life in Poetry does not accept unsolicited submissions. It is made possible by The Poetry Foundation ( ), publisher of Poetry magazine. It is also supported by the Department of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Poem copyright ©2017 by Ted Kooser, “Look for Me." Poem reprinted by permission of Ted Kooser. Introduction copyright © 2017 by The Poetry Foundation. The introduction's author, Ted Kooser, served as United States Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 2004-2006.


Responsible local journalism on the shores of Clear Lake.

