Sunday, 09 March 2025


MENDOCINO NATIONAL FOREST, Calif. – Mendocino National Forest officials have provided an update about road construction across the forest including the completion of several projects, the continuation of construction in a couple areas and the postponement of one project.

Projects completed include Forest Road 17N06 to Summit Springs, Letts Lake and the first phase of construction on the M4 Road from Paskenta to Mendocino Pass.

The next phase of the M4 Road is paving and that is planned for November. 

The Fouts Campground surfacing has been postponed.

Road construction continues on the following roads:

– M1: Forest Order Closure has been extended through Oct. 31. Road is closed from approximately 4.5 miles northeast of the Eel River Work Center to the seasonal gate closure on Boardman Ridge.
– M6: Road will be closed from Aug. 1 to Nov. 4, from M61 intersection to 19N68 road. See Forest Order No. 08-16-15 for more details.

Additionally, on the Grindstone Ranger District, two bridges west of Forest Highway 7 near Cottonwood Glade have been barricaded to vehicle traffic for safety purposes.

For more information, please check the forest website at .

I was pleasantly surprised to read in the S.F. Chronicle that its editors are recommending yes on Proposition 56, the Tobacco Tax Initiative.

Prop 56, if approved, will add an additional $2 tax on a package of cigarettes.

Research has confirmed that heavy taxation on tobacco products is the most effective means to stop smoking. It also confirms that smoking is the most addictive of all risky health behaviors.

Cessation is important because providing public health care for those addicted to nicotine costs us, the taxpayers, on average, $18.29 per package of cigarettes sold!

Prop 56 will also apply the tax to e-cigarettes. This is equally important because the tobacco industry, the prime manufacturer of e-cigarettes, is targeting our youth in its marketing campaigns.

This is easily demonstrated by the “cutesy” packaging and the multiple sweet flavors that can be used in an e-cigarette. Of course each flavor contains nicotine and we all know this is the additive that creates the addiction.

The funding generated from the additional tax will primarily go to fund the health care costs paid by public health. It will also pay for research and public education programs to raise greater awareness of the devastation of tobacco products and in particular the tobacco industry’s marketing strategy to “hook” our children on e-cigarettes much like its “Joe Camel” strategy.

Radio and TV ads are already trying to convince you to vote no on Prop 56, by linking the proposition to a diversion of funds for education.

Do not be deceived. The only education funded by tobacco taxes is to increase awareness of the detrimental health caused by smoking. These ads are entirely paid for by the tobacco industry. They are spending millions to kill this “We the People” initiative.

At the same time this industry is silent on Prop 64, the Marijuana Recreational Use Initiative. This is because they are quietly buying up acres of land to position itself to become the major marijuana producer, thereby putting our small entrepreneurs out of business. I think it should be clear to all what this industry’s motive is: Profit.

Don’t let big money win. Vote Yes on Prop 56.

Tom Jordan is the former executive director of First 5 Lake. He lives in Lakeport, Calif.

KELSEYVILLE, Calif. – The Lake County Amateur Radio Society will hold its Operations Day on Saturday, Oct. 22.

The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Grace Church, 6716 Live Oak Drive in Kelseyville.

All levels of ham radio operators are welcome, licensed or not.

The event will feature testing information, radio issues, programming help, simple radio repair, affiliates, digital communications, general information and a raffle for a handheld ham radio.

For more information contact Kathy (KK6TNH) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Andy (KK6TDG) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

shhclshuttleCLEARLAKE, Calif. – Helena Hospital Clear Lake’s More Than Wheels Campaign has raised $92,600 in gifts and pledges to raise funds to purchase new ADA-compliant patient transportation vehicles and to help cover an additional driver’s salary for a year.

The campaign will also establish an “After Hours” Fund to cover bus and cab fare for patients during the weekends and evening hours when the transportation program is unavailable.
When the hospital reaches its goal of $135,000, Adventist Health will match the community’s commitment by purchasing another vehicle so that there will be two free shuttles available to help alleviate a growing problem with patient transportation.

These vehicles will replace the hospital’s current bus, which is becoming unreliable due to high use and age.

Up to 30 percent of Lake County residents do not own a vehicle, which means they must rely on friends, family or public transportation to get to and from vital appointments or tests. Having transportation options will help patients to access the care they need.

“A third of patients can’t make it to their medical appointments because they don’t have a ride,” said Jim Robello, St. Helena Hospital Clear Lake’s Development Council chair. “We are making great progress toward our goal of $135,000.”
The campaign’s focus is broader than just providing a ride: the development council is ensuring that Lake County residents have access to the medical care they need.

“Many of my patients are seniors who are unable to drive themselves to their appointments,” said Dr. Marc Shapiro, St. Helena Hospital Clear Lake’s chief medical officer and a member of the development council. “Often there are people who arrive at the hospital because of an emergency and struggle to find a way back home.”
With clinics in Middletown, Hidden Valley Lake, Kelseyville, Lakeport, Lower Lake and Clearlake, the hospital has extended wellness services throughout Lake County.

While this means quality health care is available close to home for most residents, getting to each clinic still remains a challenge.

“The transportation issue has only grown worse since the Valley fire,” said Linda Lopez, a patient registration associate at the St. Helena Family Health Center-Middletown.

Lopez regularly observes patients scheduling their appointments based on the ability to travel instead of on what is best for their health.
St. Helena Hospital Clear Lake’s Development Council has been instrumental in development of the Campaign and participation in events including the hospitals’ Charity Golf Tournament & Silent Auction held in May.

The council is made up of David Santos, president and chief executive officer of St. Helena Hospital Clear Lake; Shapiro; Robello, retired chief executive of AAMGI; Conrad Colbrandt, general manager of Redbud Health Care District; Madi Mount, owner of Boatique Winery; Dr. Corey Warner, St. Helena Medical Care-Hidden Valley Lake; Carl Webb, retired Lake County Sheriff’s Lieutenant; Randy Krag, manager of Beckstoffer Vineyards; Stephanie Codling, retired from the Lake County Chamber of Commerce; Dr. Pari Azari, Live Well Program medical director; Charlotte Griswold, philanthropist and retired educator; and Sarah Anzano, branch manager of Mendo Lake Credit Union in Clearlake.
Contributions to the More Than Wheels Campaign can be made online at .

For more information about giving to St. Helena Hospital Clear Lake, contact Rebecca Southwick, CFRE, at 707-995-5677 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

CLEARLAKE, Calif. – The Clear Lake Trowel and Trellis Garden Club will meet at noon, Tuesday, Oct. 18.

The group will gather at the Scotts Valley Women's Club House at 2298 Hendricks Road, near Lakeport. A light lunch will be served.

Colleen Rentsch will speak on the Lake County Farm to School program. 

This program works with school food service staff in Lake County to link their meals with farmers in the region. 

The club also will finalize the details on this year's mum show, titled “Flower Friends With Mum.” It will be held at the Lakeport Yacht Club on Nov. 4 from 1 to 4 p.m. This event is free to the public.

The club welcomes new members and information can be found by visiting .

For more information please call Dana at 707-275-3500.

The Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club is a member of the Mendo-Lake District of the California Garden Club Inc.-Pacific Region and National Garden Clubs Inc.

MIDDLETOWN, Calif. – Middletown's monthly Movies in the Park event will present “Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey” on Saturday, Oct. 15.

The free movie, which begins at dusk, will be moved indoors at the Middletown Community Center, 21256 Washington St., due to the inclement weather

“The Incredible Journey” is sponsored by Star Gardens Nursery, with host Lovie's Garden Supply. Middletown Area Merchants Association and Hardester's Markets present the movies.

This month, Middletown Boy Scouts Troop 215 will be the refreshments vendor.

For more information, visit or call 707-987-0998.


Responsible local journalism on the shores of Clear Lake.

