- Elizabeth Larson
- Posted On
Clearlake City Council to discuss council raises, tobacco retail licensing program
The council will meet virtually at 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6.
Because of the county’s shelter in place order, Clearlake City Hall remains closed to the public, however, the virtual meeting will be broadcast live on Lake County PEG TV’s YouTube Channel.
The agenda can be found here.
Comments and questions can be submitted in writing for City Council consideration by sending them to Deputy City Clerk Tina Viramontes at tviramontes@clearlake.ca.us . You can also visit the city’s new town hall site and submit written comments at https://www.opentownhall.com/portals/327/forum_home . Identify the subject you wish to comment on in your email’s subject line or in your town hall submission.
To give the council adequate time to review your questions and comments, please submit your written comments prior to 4 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 6.
Each public comment emailed to the city clerk will be read aloud by the mayor or a member of staff for up to three minutes or will be displayed on a screen. Public comment emails and town hall public comment submissions that are received after the beginning of the meeting will not be included in the record.
At 5:30 p.m., the council will meet in closed session to discuss existing litigation against Pacific Gas and Electric Corp. and two potential cases of litigation.
On the agenda for the open portion of the meeting is a discussion regarding raising council members' salaries.
A report to the council from City Manager Alan Flora and City Attorney Ryan Jones said at a recent meeting the council requested staff bring back a discussion related to the council’s compensation.
Their report said the current monthly council salaries are $300 per member, the maximum salary allowed under state government code for cities with a population of less than 35,000 people. However, state law also allows the council to increase the salary above that amount by 5 percent per calendar year since the last adjustment of salary.
They added that amounts paid for retirement, health and welfare, and federal Social Security benefits are not included in the computation of the maximum salary.
Flora and Jones reported that the salary for Clearlake City Council members was last amended by city ordinance in 1989. They said the council may amend the Municipal Code and increase the current salary by $465, to a total of $765 per month under Government Code section 36516(a)(4).
The city’s current total cost for council salaries is $18,000, plus health care benefits, the costs for which vary depending on the plan of the individual council member but average between $30,000 and $40,000 per year.
“If the maximum increase mentioned above was implemented of $765 per month the stipend costs would increase from $18,000 to $45,900 or from $3,600 to $9,180 per year for each council member,” they wrote. Those increased costs would be covered by the general fund.
They said the Government Code also restricts the council's ability to change the salary during the council member’s term of office. “Under Government Code section 36516.5, a change to the
compensation of all city council members is permissible when one or more of the members of
2 council begins a new term of office. Any increase to the City Council’s salary could be effective following the November 2020 election.”
Flora and Jones’ report includes a 2018 League of California Cities council compensation survey as well as information about nearby cities. The information showed that Lakeport City Council members receive $300 a month, Cloverdale council members receive $550 a month and Ukiah council members receive $490 a month.
Also under council business, the council will discuss potential direction to staff regarding a tobacco retail license program.
City Clerk Melissa Swanson’s report to the council explains that staff wants to know the council’s thoughts on the matter and whether they should continue to pursue such a program’s implementation in light of the funding limitations.
On the meeting's consent agenda – items that are not considered controversial and are usually adopted on a single vote – are warrant registers; consideration of continuation of declaration of local emergency issued on Oct. 9, 2017, and ratified by council action Oct. 12, 2017, in response to the Sulphur fire; consideration of continuation of declaration of local emergency issued on March 14, 2020, and Ratified by Council Action March 19, 2020; and ratification of a letter of support for the National Endowment of the Arts “Our Town” grant.
Email Elizabeth Larson at elarson@lakeconews.com . Follow her on Twitter, @ERLarson, or Lake County News, @LakeCoNews.