- Suzanne Lee
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Calling all quilters: Quilt guild invites entries for October quilt show
LAKEPORT – Calling all quilters!
The Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild (LLQG) invites entries for its 15th Annual Falling Leaves Quilt Show.
The LLQG is inviting entries now to give quilters time to complete works in progress before the October show.
The deadline to submit entry forms and photographs of the quilts is Aug. 13. Entry forms, instructions and details are available from the LLQG Web site at www.llqg.org/quilt-show.html , or contact Linda Morrison at 707-263-4504 or lcmorrison@pacific.net .
The guild loves seeing what others are doing with their quilting. Quilters may choose to have their quilts judged for $8 or to enter quilts for $1 without judging.
All levels of quilters may find it beneficial to have their quilts judged, learning much from an impartial evaluation. The judges are very positive and constructive with their comments, so this is not a scary process.
The judges will award ribbons for first, second and third places in each category, best of category, judge’s choice, and best of show. Honorable mention ribbons will be awarded at the Judges’ discretion. Members of the community will give VIP Awards. The Viewers’ Choice quilt, as voted by the show attendees, will receive $50.
Show organizers expect to display more than 200 quilts in this show, which will be held at the Lake County Fairgrounds Oct. 1 and 2.
This year's featured quilter, Tami Benevedes-Graeber, is a hometown girl.
Graeber is a winner of national and international quilting awards, a published author specializing in original art and painted surface designed quilts. Graeber will be displaying some of her works and giving demonstrations throughout the weekend.
Among the quilt show’s other attractions will be vendors, demonstrations, prize drawings, a silent auction, theme basket raffles, opportunity quilt drawing and the Country Store boutique.
LLQG welcomes all quilters, prospective quilters, and quilt lovers to its meetings and events.
For more information about the quilt guild, contact Betty Fessler at 707-279-5009 or visit the Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild Web site at www.LLQG.org .