- Brianna E. Legg
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Carlé Chronicle: Hazmat class update, and a farewell
LOWER LAKE, Calif. – The newly hazmat-certified students went though a two-week workshop where they learned how to deal with hazardous materials.
Instructor Angie Siegel had this to say about the two weeks she spent with her new FROs: “I had a wonderful hazmat group this year. Well, all my groups have been outstanding. This years hazmat students had amazing scores on the final, we had a lot of As and really high Bs. I was so proud of the effort that they put in and they were respectful and mature at the firehouse.”
Siegel would also like to send a big thank you to the firehouse’s Chief Willie Sapeta for his time training our newest FROs. He has been donating his time to Carlé’s Hazmat FRO program for 20 years. Our media class is making Chief Sapeta a thank you gift.
“This workshop gave a lot of real world examples and helped us better understand the right way to go about handling dangerous substances,” said hazmat student Alfred Lewis. “My favorite part about the hazmat workshop was actually going to the firehouse and suiting up in a Class A hazmat suit.”
Another hazmat student, Nick Kieffer agreed. “My favorite part was getting in the real hazmat Class A suit.”
Student of the week last week was Samantha McCulloch for her hard work and great attendance. You’ve earned it, congratulations.
The CHILY winner last week was Taylor Churchill. She picked an awesome candle. Congratulations.
The “Be Fresh” is a program straight out of the Lake County Resources Center. They teach health classes and exercise classes as well. Their motto is, “We want to get people healthier one bite or one step at a time.”
Carlé would like to warmly thank the wonderful Jacque Felber and Shelly Sandhoff for working with the students of Carlé and helping them choose between a healthy meal and an unhealthy one.
The mug design contest for school spirit is still going strong. We have received a lot of fantastic designs and all have already had their art work turned into mugs.
A new design contest has started. Instead of school spirit it is super hero or super villain-themed. Original artwork or Photoshop design, no exceptions. Good luck and let the best design win. All will get their artwork on mugs or key chains and the overall winner wins a movie soundtrack CD as well.
Finally a note from our writer: My name is Brianna E. Legg and I have been the writer of the Carlé Chronicle for the past two years. This is sadly my last article. I have finished my requirements and will be graduating the week this article comes out. I begin classes at Woodland Community College on Monday, Jan. 23. I have enjoyed the last two years and I will miss it, thank you so much for the opportunity. Our new writers, Donovan Harvey and Nick Phipps, will begin next week.
Brianna E. Legg is a graduating senior at Carlé Continuation High School in Lower Lake.