- Elizabeth Larson
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Firefighters respond to Memorial Day fires, incidents
The day’s most critical incident was the fire that destroyed the Hardester’s Market and Hardware store in downtown Middletown, which was first reported shortly after 2:15 p.m. Monday, as Lake County News has reported.
Earlier in the day, state, local and federal firefighters responded to a wildland fire near Indian Valley Reservoir east of Clearlake Oaks.
Northshore Fire Deputy Chief Mike Ciancio said the Reservoir fire was first reported at around 11:30 a.m.
Initially it was dispatched as a smoke check, but as crews got closer, they realized it was a wildland fire, Ciancio said.
The fire was located about two to three miles west of Indian Valley Reservoir on Bartlett Springs Road, he said.
Ciancio said Cal Fire, the US Forest Service, Lake County Fire and Northshore Fire responded to the fire, which burned about five acres.
Only wildland burned, Ciancio said, noting there were no structures damaged and no injuries. The cause is under investigation.
Radio reports indicated the incident was terminated just before 8 p.m., although officials expected a crew would remain at the scene overnight.
Later in the day in Clearlake there were concerns that a fire might break out due to a downed power pole, however, no fire resulted, according to Lake County Fire Protection District Chief Willie Sapeta.
The pole, located at Uhl Avenue and Golf Street in Clearlake, was sheared off due to a vehicle crash shortly after 3:30 p.m., according to radio reports. When firefighters arrived, they found the vehicle’s occupant was gone.
The Clearlake Police Department sent out an alert directing residents on Uhl between Mullen and Pearl to remain indoors.
Reports from the scene said that about six blocks around the crash site had been blocked off because it was a major pole that had the potential to impact other power poles and lines.
Also on Monday, in neighboring Glenn County the Chrome fire was reported along Highway 162 and Forest Highway 7, northwest of Elk Creek.
Cal Fire said the Chrome fire was 50 acres and 25-percent contained as of Monday night.
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