Monday, 31 March 2025


UPPER LAKE – The Northshore Dive Team will hold its monthly training this coming weekend.

The team will meet at 10 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 25, at Library Park in Lakeport.

Everyone is welcome to attend – both divers and non-divers. If you like the water you are invited to join the team.

For more information, call team leader Capt. John Rodriguez at 275-2446.

The team is headquartered at the Northshore Fire Protection District's Upper Lake Fire Station, 9420 Main St.


CLEARLAKE – The phone number for the Redbud Library in Clearlake was inadvertently left out of the latest AT&T phone book.

The library’s phone number is 994-5115.

Redbud Library is located at 14785 Burns Valley Road, Clearlake, and is open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Wednesday, noon to 8 p.m.

If patrons have any trouble calling Redbud Library, they can also call any other library branch for assistance.

Lakeport Library’s phone number is 263-8817, Middletown Library’s phone number is 987-3674 and

Upper Lake Library’s phone number is 275-2049.

The Lake County Library Web site is


NORTH COAST – Caltrans reports that the following road projects will be taking place around Lake County during the coming week.

Included are Mendocino County projects that may impact Lake County commuters.


Highway 20

– A roadway realignment project from 1.4 miles east of the North Fork Cache Creek Bridge to 1.6 miles west of Walker Ridge Road will continue. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays. Contractor – Argonaut Constructors of Santa Rosa.

Highway 29

– A slide repair project from the Lupiyoma Creek Bridge to Bar X Ranch will continue through Friday, Jan. 16. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays. A shoulder closure will be in effect with intermittent one-way traffic control. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays. Contractor – Argonaut Constructors of Santa Rosa.

Highway 281

– Caltrans will continue routine maintenance from 0.9 miles west of Tenino Way to the junction of Route 29/281. Work hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.


Highway 1

– AT&T of Sacramento has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work from Lake Street to 0.2 miles south of Stonebord Road beginning Tuesday, Jan. 20. Work hours are 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

Highway 101

– A pavement repair project from 0.1 miles north to 1.5 miles north of Comminsky Station Road will continue. Northbound traffic will be restricted to one lane 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Motorists may experience minor traffic slowdowns.

– Roadway repair due to pavement deterioration from 3.6 miles south of Ridgewood Ranch Road to 1.9 miles south of Ridgewood Ranch Road will continue. Traffic will be restricted to one lane in each direction of travel 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Motorists may experience minor traffic slowdowns.

– PG&E of Ukiah has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work at Oak Creek Avenue on Friday, January 16 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Traffic will be restricted to one way each direction of travel. Motorists should anticipate minor traffic slowdowns.

Highway 128

– AT&T of Walnut Creek has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work from 1.5 to 2.5 miles east of Dry Creek Bridge. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

Highway 162

– A bridge widening project at Outlet Creek Bridge will continue. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays. Contractor – Viking Construction Co. Inc. of Rancho Cordova.

Highway 253

– A bridge widening project at Soda Creek Bridge will continue. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays. Contractor – Viking Construction Co. Inc. of Rancho Cordova.

For information pertaining to emergency roadwork or for updates to scheduled roadwork, please contact the California Highway Information Network (CHIN) at 1-800-GAS-ROAD (1-800-427-7623).


LAKEPORT – Are you a senior 55+ with a lifetime of experience to share? Would you like to give back to other seniors and learn how to age gracefully yourself?

The Senior Peer Counseling program of Konocti Senior Services Inc. is accepting applications for the Winter Volunteer Training for this enriching opportunity to help seniors talk through a discouraging time, access services, cope with losses and adapt to the challenges of older age.


Volunteers will share their experiences with other inspirational volunteers, engage in lively discussions, and receive weekly training in the gifts and challenges of aging. They will learn skills such as compassionate listening, strategic coping, and clear communicating.

You will learn the secrets of increasing peace of mind, reducing stress, recovering from a loss, building healthy relationships and exploring the spiritual advantages of later life.


As a volunteer, you will spend a total of about four hours a week with clients and attending a group supervision session in Lakeport or Clearlake.

The program is now accepting a limited number of applications for volunteers throughout Lake County for this free training facilitated by licensed psychotherapist Kim Baughan Young MFT, clinical consultant.

The training includes experiential practice, movie clips, lively group discussion and even free lunches. Sessions will be held on three successive Mondays beginning Feb. 16 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Konocti Senior Support’s Senior Peer Counseling program has helped hundreds of Lake County seniors and is rapidly expanding, so please call Kim Baughan Young MFT at Konocti Senior Services Inc. now for your application at 995-1417.


LAKE COUNTY – This Saturday KPFZ 88.1 FM radio host Herb Gura will discuss the proposed Provinsalia housing development off of Dam Road in Clearlake.

The show begins at 5 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 17.

Guests on Gura's radio show, “I'm Not a Lawyer But I Play One on the Radio,” will include Sierra Club Lake Group Chair Victoria Brandon and others who will talk about the upcoming Clearlake City Council meeting, at which the council will decide whether or not to certify the Environmental Impact Report for the proposed Provinsalia project.

Certification was recommended by the Clearlake Planning Commission on Dec. 16.

The show will welcome calls at 263-3435.


LAKE COUNTY – The Lake County Department of Public Works has announced a road closure due to an impassable bridge.

Effective immediately, Holdenried Road at Hill Creek is closed to all traffic due to bridge failure, the department reported Wednesday.

Signs are in place to alert the traveling public of the need to use alternative routes.

For more information, call the Department of Public Works at 263-2341.



Responsible local journalism on the shores of Clear Lake.

