Tuesday, 18 March 2025


LAKEPORT – The City of Lakeport City Council will discuss and take action on the proposed Lakeport General Plan and environmental impact report (EIR) at their regular meeting on April 21.

The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. in the council chambers at Lakeport City Hall, 225 Park St.

The Lakeport City Council conducted a public hearing on the these matters on March 24 and voted to continue the discussion to the meeting of April 21.

Pursuant to the open meeting law, comments from the public will be accepted.

For more information regarding these matters, please contact Andrew Britton, Planning Services manager, at 707-263-5613, Extension 28, or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For agendas and meeting minutes visit the city's Web site, www.cityoflakeport.com.

LAKEPORT – During the California Teachers Association (CTA) State Council Meeting on March 22, hundreds of members donated money to help a fellow member in need.

A Lakeport Unified Classified Employees Association (LUCEA) member’s husband passed away on March 19 due to complications of pneumonia.

This member, a cafeteria cook, was not prepared for this unexpected death and had no life insurance.

Her union brothers and sisters opened their wallets and donated more than $3,000 to help her and her family through this difficult time.

LUCEA President Doreen McGuire-Grigg contacted CTA Board of Director Larry Allen for help during this crisis.

Allen was granted permission from CTA President David A. Sanchez and the state council members to “pass the hat” during their session on Sunday afternoon.

These teachers and education support professional (ESP) members, who are struggling with lay-offs and difficult economic times, have proven that when hard times hit, they step up to make the difference. They work hard. They give of themselves to children and their communities, all in the midst of budget reductions, losses of jobs and losses of homes. Many of these members work two jobs to make ends meet.

Lakeport CTA ESP leadership delivered the donation to the member who was overwhelmed that CTA members who did not know the family were so generous.

The Lakeport Unified Classified Employees Association is an affiliate of CTA, which is affiliated with the 2.7 million-member National Education Association.

LAKEPORT – The Lakeport Parks and Recreation Commission will hold its next regular meeting on Thursday, April 9.

The meeting will begin at 4:15 p.m. in the city council chambers at Lakeport City Hall, 225 Park St., Lakeport.

Under old business, the commission will discuss the Forbes Creek trail, Library Park, Westside Park, Westshore Pool, Milberry Park and Proposition 84 funding.

In new business, the commission will discuss a possible new park at 1411 Alden Ave.

The group's next regular meeting will take place on May 14.

Judy Mullens and Vivian McFarling, models at the 2008 fashion show and luncheon. Courtesy photo.

LOWER LAKE – The Lower Lake Historic School Preservation Committee will present its 16th annual Fashion Festival on Saturday, April 18.

The event will begin at noon in the Weaver Auditorium of the Lower Lake Historic Schoolhouse Museum, 16435 Main St.

"Decades – The Time of Your Life" is this year's theme, and attendees are encouraged to dress in the decade of their birth, or the decade of their choice, and as always, decorative hats are appreciated.

Those attending will enjoy a delicious luncheon, entertainment, the fashion show, a raffle of great prizes and the parade of costumes.

Prizes will be awarded for the most beautiful and most original outfit.

Fashions will be provided by Lisa's Sizes 3-60 of Clearlake and Sylvie's of Middletown.

Tickets are $25 and groups may reserve a table for 10.

Reservations are required and can be made by calling the museum at 707-995-3565.

UPPER LAKE – The Upper Lake Community Council will hold a free Easter egg hunt on Sunday, April 12.

The fun will begin at 1 p.m. on Main Street in the historic downtown.

Find a special egg and receive a prize.

Everyone is invited to come and join in the fun.

The event sponsor this year is C&G Enterprises.

Penny Lunt, President of the Republican Women's Club, showing Bill Brunetti of Lakeport and the handmade quilt he won with $500 of it going to Iraq Star, www.iraqstar.org, which provides reconstructive surgery to wounded American soldiers returning from Iraq. Courtesy photo.


CLEARLAKE – The Republican Women's Club luncheon will take place Wednesday, April 8, in Clearlake.

The group will meet at 11 a.m. for an early business meeting and lunch, immediately followed by Dr. Michael Shepherd of Clearlake, who will speak on universal health care.

The luncheon will be held at Howard's Grotto, 14732 Lakeshore Dr., Clearlake.

For reservations, call Janeane Bogner, 998-3280 (call if you're coming or not so she won't have to call you). All Republican men and women are welcome.

To join e-mail Penny Lunt, the club's president, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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