Sunday, 16 March 2025


LAKEPORT – The Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild invites all Lake and Mendocino County quilters to enter quilts in its eighth annual Falling Leaves Quilt Show.

Donna James, chairman of the show committee, reminds quilters, “Remember, the item does not have to be finished already, just entered!”

The guild is inviting entries now to give quilters time to prepare for the show.

The deadline to submit entry forms is Saturday, Aug. 8, and quilts must be ready for display Oct. 1.

Entry forms and details are available from the quilt guild’s Web site , or contact Donna at 707-263-1201. Mail completed entry forms to LLQG, P O Box 875, Kelseyville, CA, 95451.

Quilters may choose to have their quilts judged for a small fee, or to enter quilts for free without judging.

Many quilters find it beneficial to have their quilts judged, learning much from an impartial evaluation. The judge will award ribbons in several areas

Show organizers expect to display more than 200 quilts in this show, which will be held at the Lake County Fairgrounds Saturday, Oct. 3, and Sunday, Oct. 4.

Among the other attractions will be the works of featured quilter Patricia Knoechel, vendors, prize drawings, a silent auction and the Country Store boutique. Watch for more publicity as the time grows near.

LLQG welcomes all quilters, prospective quilters and quilt lovers to its meetings and events.

For more information about the quilt guild, contact Dottie at 707-462-7036, or visit the Ladies of the Lake Quilt Guild Web site at .

LAKEPORT – Lake County sponsored the first of three workshops on June 18 to gather ideas that will help shape a future Konocti Regional Trails Plan.

This effort is supported by Alta Planning + Design, a national consulting firm specializing in trails, with assistance provided by the National Park Service, Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program.

A group of more than 30 individuals with varied recreational interests attended.

An interactive, fun workshop was held that provided an opportunity for everyone present to reflect on, discuss and list their ideas for the development of the county’s Regional Trails Plan.

Representatives from the Lake County Sierra Club, Redbud Audubon, the Elem Tribe, Supervisor Rushing, key county staff and the general public were in attendance.

When complete, the Regional Trails Plan will guide the county in establishing needed bike lanes, sidewalks and walking paths in the unincorporated areas of the county, as well as hiking, biking and equestrian trails throughout the county.

The trails plan will incorporate existing routes on Bureau of Land Management land, in the National Forest and state parks, as well as help the county to plan for future trails and pathways to special vistas, safe routes between neighborhoods and schools, water trails on Clearlake and other trails of interest to the public.

The public is strongly encouraged to attend future workshops to help the planning team gain an understanding of all communities in Lake County and their specific needs.

Additional workshops will be held this fall and next spring.

For more information and to get on the notification list for future workshops contact the Public Services Department at 707-262-1618 or visit .

Rebecca Dierssen is an analyst with the Lake County Department of Public Services.

LAKEPORT – All equestrians are invited to participate in the 80th Annual Lake County Rodeo All Horse Memorial Parade on Saturday, July 11.

The parade lineup is at the Fairgrounds in Lakeport off Martin Street.

This is a sanctioned CSHA parade with Kim Cipro judging.

There is no entry fee and all riders will be given a free entry into Saturday's rodeo, which includes admission to the dance following the rodeo.

Lou Derr & Bootleg are playing for the Rodeo Dance beginning at 9 p.m. Dance-only tickets go on sale at 8:45 p.m. at $6 per person.


“There are 25 classes in which to enter, something for everyone,” said Lonne Sloan, chair of the parade.

Prizes and awards will be made immediately following the parade, at the fairgrounds.

Thanks to Lonne Sloan, Kirsten Spratkes and Theresa Harborth, this parade has been resurrected in memory of Sandy and Russ Kennerley, longtime rodeo supporters.

Parade applications are available at the Lakeport Regional Chamber, 875 Lakeport Blvd., at Vista Point in Lakeport, as well as at CK Supply and Rainbow Ag in Lakeport, Marie's Lakeshore Feed in Clearlake, CJS Ranch Supply in Middletown and Dave's Hay Barn in Upper Lake.

For questions please contact Lonne Sloan at 707-995-2515.

LAKE COUNTY – Public Services Director Kim K. Clymire hosted the fourth of a series six meetings last Wednesday, June 24, to continue receiving feedback on the development of the Mt. Konocti Master

Management Plan.

A small group with varied recreational interests attended and an interactive discussion was held that allowed everyone present to discuss and list their ideas for the development of the mountain’s master management plan.

Representatives from the Boy Scouts of America as well as Supervisor Comstock and the general public were in attendance.

When complete, which will probably take one to two years, the plan will govern the park’s use, conservation and preservation.

Types of use, policies and procedures, resource and fire management plans and more were discussed, as well as, restrictions that come with the sale of the property, including day use only, except by special arrangements, no motorized vehicles, except by authorized use, and preservation and conservation of the mountain.

County staff anticipates having the basics of the master management plan decided on prior to opening the trails to the public late this year or early next year.

The final two meetings will take place Wednesday, Aug. 12, and Wednesday, Aug. 26, in Lakeport from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors Chambers at the Lake County Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport.

For more information contact the Public Services Department at 707-262-1618 or visit .

Rebecca Dierssen is an analyst with the Lake County Public Services Department

NEWPORT BEACH – Share the excitement and spirit of National Women's Political Caucus at its 19th biennial national convention, “WOMEN – We Deliver.”

Early bird registration of $200 by July 1 and $250 by Aug. 1 includes three breakfasts, keynote luncheon, diversity reception, Saturday breakout sessions and Saturday gala. Register at .

Prominent lawyer and active feminist Gloria Allred ( of Allred, Maroko & Goldberg in Los Angeles is the special guest speaker at the NWPC-CA fundraising luncheon Friday, Aug. 7.

A practicing attorney for over 32 years, Allred is the winner of countless honors for pioneering legal work on behalf of women’s rights and rights for minorities discriminated again because of gender, race, age, sexual orientation or physical condition. She founded and currently serves as president of the Women’s Equal Rights Legal Defense and Education Fund.

Tickets are $40 for NWPC members, $60 for non-members and $20 for students. Sign up at .

NWPC Women of Courage awards are presented at the Diversity Reception, Friday, Aug. 7, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

This award honors women of diverse backgrounds who typify women’s leadership and who’ve demonstrated courage by taking stands on unpopular or controversial issues to further civil rights and equality. The cost is covered with convention registration and is free to all NWPC members.

Saturday, August 8, breakout sessions include health care reform, reproductive health, accessibility and affordability, paycheck equality, money management for women, filling the pipeline and small group conversations with women leaders.

Make hotel reservations directly with the Radisson Newport Beach Resort, using NWPC code, at 949-833-0570 or . Room rates, up to five nights before and after the convention, are $109 for single, double or triple. Don't delay. The room rate cutoff date is July 7.

Workshops on Friday, Aug. 7, are getting to 50+1, fundraising, online technology and social media, and train the trainer. An all-day pass is $40 including breakfast and diversity reception, but does not include lunch.

For more information, see or .

Clear Lake Trowel and Trellis Garden Club installed its 2009-10 officers at its annual picnic on Tuesday, June 16, 2009. From left, Jo Jameson, president; Heide Thomason, treasurer; Marva Brandt, secretary; and Jo Douville, vice president. Courtesy photo.



KELSEYVILLE – Clear Lake Trowel and Trellis Garden Club (CLTTGC) installed their new officers at their annual picnic on June 16 at the Riviera Heights Club House overlooking beautiful Clear Lake.

Past President Claire Grieve used an herb garden theme. Each 2009-10 officer received a special herb depicting her duties for the club.

The new officers are Jo Jameson, president; Jo Douville, vice president; Heide Thomason, treasurer; and Marva Brandt, secretary.

Gina Belle-Smith, district director of Mendo-Lake Garden Club Inc. presented Nancy Bailey and Jane Graham with a certificate for successfully completing the Landscape Design Study Program sponsored by the National Garden Clubs Inc. and coordinated by the California Garden Clubs Inc. (CGCI).

CLTTGC recently awarded cash donations to several local projects, including the Lake County Public Services Department's Mt Konocti acquisition, $300; Clear Lake State Park Pavilion project, $200; CGCI National Forest Restoration project, $100; Habitat for Humanity landscaping, $100; and the Kelseyville Kids Gardens, $100.

The club has several civic beautification projects around the county. A few in Lakeport are the Blue Star Memorial Plaque garden by the Veterans’ Building, a native plant path garden on Fourth Street and a memorial garden at Hartley Cemetery.

For further information about the garden club visit the group's Web site, .


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