Friday, 28 March 2025


HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE – The Hidden Valley Lake Craft Club and local crafters are sponsoring their annual Christmas Boutique on Sunday, Dec. 6, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Greenview Room on Hartmann Road.

This fun-filled event is open to the public and everyone is welcome.

Handcrafted items available for sale include jewelry, hand painted items, paper crafts, totes and purses, table runners and pillows, clever gourds, Christmas ornaments and candy, origami art, children’s items, knitted scarves and throws, bookmarks and other wearable art.

All the crafters have worked very hard and are anxious for you to see their holiday wares.

The Greenview Café and Mulligan’s Bar will be open to satisfy your dining and refreshment needs.

Proceeds from booth fees and general cash donations will help support the Hidden Valley Lake Fireworks Show.

Come enjoy the start of the season, get into the holiday spirit and do some holiday shopping. See you all on Dec. 6.

Pat Hallman and Joan Worster are co-Chairs of the HVL Christmas Craft Boutique. For more information call 707-987-3991.

LAKE COUNTY – Seniors, if you haven’t received H.E.A.P. energy assistance in 2009, now is the time to apply.

Call North Coast Energy Services at 1-800-233-4480 to have an application mailed to you right away.

You may qualify for H.E.A.P. if your monthly gross income is less than $2,431.04 for single persons, $3,179.06 for two, $3,927.07 for three, etc., and your energy costs are at least 5 percent of that monthly gross income. H.E.A.P credit can be applied to your PGE, propane, kerosene, or oil account.

This alert is provided by Community Care’s Senior Information & Assistance Program, responding to the questions and needs of Lake and Mendocino county seniors.

Call Kathy Johnson or Fawnell Hill in Ukiah at 468-5132, or toll-free 1-800-510-2020, for questions about this or other community resources to meet your needs.

LAKEPORT – The Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club will host a general meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 17.

The meeting will take place at the Scotts Valley Women's Club House, 2298 Hendricks Road, Lakeport.

Social time starts at noon, with flower roll cal at 12:30 p.m. to be followed by the meeting and program at 1 p.m.

Members, guests and all interested individuals are most welcome.

Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club is a member of Mendo-Lake District, Calif. Garden Club, Inc., Pacific Region and National Garden Clubs Inc.

The club meets at noon on the third Tuesday of each month.

President Jo Jameson invites interested gardeners to join the group; she can be reached at 707-263-4039.

For more information visit the group's Web site at .

LAKEPORT – The Lake County Registrar of Voters Office will conduct a public manual tally of a portion of votes case in the recent election beginning at 9 a.m. Thursday, Nov 12.

The tally will consider a minimum 1 percent of randomly selected precincts or 10 percent of randomly selected precincts if the votes cast in a contest or contests with a margin of victory is less than one half of one percent (0.5%) tabulated by the county’s optical scan voting system for the Nov. 3 Consolidated General District Election.

The selection of the precinct(s) to be included in the manual tally, and any additional random selection of precincts which may become necessary to comply with the escalation requirements of the 10 percent manual tally, will be randomly chosen on the same date prior to the manual tally.

Observers are invited to view the manual tally of the ballots, but shall not interfere with the election process.

The Registrar of Voters Office is located on the second floor, Room 209, of the Lake County Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport, telephone 707-263-2372.

KELSEYVILLE – All seniors (age 55 and older) are invited to join other seniors at the Kelseyville Seniors monthly potluck luncheon.

The lunch will take place starting at noon on Tuesday, Nov. 17.

Turkey and stuffing will be served; please bring a complement side dish or desert.

The monthly guest speaker will explain a newer program in the county benefiting seniors – You Are Not Alone (YANA).

All seniors are graciously invited to attend and enjoy a few hours of good food and company.

The Kelseyville Senior Center is located at 5345 Third St.


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