Friday, 14 March 2025


CLEARLAKE OAKS – The Clearlake Oaks Moose Lodge will have a benefit dinner for South Shore Little League this Saturday, Feb. 20.

The event, which begins at 5 p.m., will be held at the Moose Lodge, located on Highway 20 near the intersection with Highway 53.

The Moose Lodge will serve a full Mexican buffet with carnitas, enchiladas, chile rellenos, menudo, rice, beans and tortillas.

Tickets are available from any South Shore Little League Board Member or at the Moose Lodge.

All proceeds go to fund this years sponsor teams for all boys and girls.

CLEARLAKE – On Saturday, Feb. 27, at the Clearlake Senior Center, the Rotary Club of Clearlake will host their annual “Seafood Boil.”

The club would like to announce that all the entry tickets for the event have been sold, and thanks everyone for their tremendous support.

They also want to remind everyone that they can still help with the event by offering donations for “The Seafood Boil” or offering items for the huge auction which is a major part of the event. The event is held annually, usually in late February or early March.

The Rotary Club of Clearlake was founded in 1973 and has made significant contributions to the community over the years.

Some of the contributions include acting as the lead organization in creation of the Lower Lake High School Athletic Field, participation in the development of Austin Park, projects involving the South Shore Little League, Big Brothers & Sisters, the senior center building and Anderson Marsh.

Each year we fund scholarships for college bound seniors from the local high school and participate in a dictionary project for grade school children.

We have been involved in many international projects through Rotary International which has existed since 1905. The motto of Rotary is “Service Above Self” and we have made a difference in our community following that motto.

The goal for this year’s fundraising includes funding of college scholarships for 10 high school seniors to help them meet their college dreams and goals.

We also will again sponsor the gift of more than 250 dictionaries to third graders. Sometimes, this is the only book the child has ever owned.

In addition, there are numerous contributions made annually of both dollar contributions and contributions of time and service to projects by the Rotary membership which is comprised of local business persons.

We ask for your participation. It could be in the form of a monetary contribution or an auction item. auction items range from bottles of wine from the local wineries to services offered by local businesses, to vacations at various locations.

If you can supply an auction item, make a donation, please notify us. You can call any Rotarian, or Ginger Kite at 707-349-0122 or Nora Moore 707-994-5460. The club also may be reached by mail at PO Box 549, Clearlake, CA 954222.

Saw Shop Gallery Bistro owner Marie Beery hands a donation check to Habitat for Humanity, Lake County President Richard Birk. Courtesy photo.

KELSEYVILLE – The Saw Shop Gallery Bistro in Kelseyville and its owner, Marie Beery, once again gave their support to Habitat for Humanity, Lake County by donating a large portion of their wine corkage fees toward the building of homes for families in our community in need of a decent place to live.

Over the years the Saw Shop Gallery Bistro has helped raise funds totaling more than $65,000 for Habitat for Humanity, Lake County.

Beery and her staff have for the last eight years sponsored and produced Habitat for Humanity’s annual fundraising dinner. She is also the driving force behind the annual Wine Alliance Gala which raises funds for many local charities.

Contact the Saw Shop Gallery Bistro at 707-278-0129. Contact Habitat for Humanity at 707-994-1100.

LAKE COUNTY – “Share the road, look twice for motorcyclists,” is the message that millions of Californians awoke to on their Thursday morning commute.

In an astounding show of support, Caltrans posted the message statewide in efforts to increase awareness of motorcyclists.

Traditionally, the high visibility Amber Alert signs were used only to deliver traffic advisories on road conditions and occasionally to alert the motoring public to a case of child abduction.

Now, in addition to their primary purpose, the state’s Amber Alert signs will be employed to display a new message asking the California motorists to be more aware of motorcycles that occupy and share the road with them daily. And the bike community has John Del Santo of the American Brotherhood Aimed Towards Education (ABATE) to thank.

The response among California motorcyclists was overwhelmingly supportive, if not groundbreaking. For some it even brought an unexpected flood of emotion and pride.

Lil David Morena, California state treasurer for ABATE, announced “this morning, coming to work, something just about brought tears to my eyes” as he noticed that the Amber Alert signs on northbound 1-5 near Sacramento were displaying the message.

ABATE Executive Director Anthony Jaime views this decision by Caltrans as a perfect example of putting existing resources to work in a manner that achieves the end result of increased motorcycle safety and awareness without a large capital outlay and investment for the taxpayers.

“These are the kinds of solutions to problems and issues that state officials should try to put into practice on a more frequent basis, especially in the tough economic climate we are currently experiencing,” Jaime said. “This recent action by Caltrans highlights the impact that grassroots organizations like ABATE can have on their government when they actively become part of the process of governance rather than just sitting back and being governed.”

ABATE is a Motorcycle Rights Organization (MRO) concerned with the safety of motorcyclists. ABATE members are on the advisory board for the California Motorcyclist Safety Program, which is overseen and administered by the CHP.

As car drivers are at fault in the majority of accidents involving motorcycles it is ABATE’s philosophy that it is pertinent to increase driver awareness and encourage motorists to share the road.

ABATE is also responsible for legislation and governmental issues including declaring May as Motorcycle Awareness Month throughout California, opposing SB435 the Motorcycle Smog Check bill (motorcycles are already a green industry!) and the Annual Freedom Rally, set to educate lawmakers in Sacramento on April 12.

For more information or to get involved with the motorcycling community visit .

In Lake County, contact ABATE Local 28 at 707-245-7431.

LAKE COUNTY – This Saturday, Feb. 20, Herb Gura, host of “The Law Show” on KPFZ, will have as his guest Lake County District Attorney Jon Hopkins.

The show will take place from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on KPFZ, 88.1 FM.

In his first radio appearance since the Bismarck Dinius trial, Hopkins will answer questions about that case and others.

Hopkins is being challenged for his job by local lawyers Doug Rhoades and Don Anderson.

Rhoades has already been a guest on “The Law Show” and Anderson has agreed to be on but not yet scheduled a definite date.

To phone in call the studio phone at 707-263-3435 or 800-763-5739.


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