- Mendocino National Forest
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Decision signed on Plaskett-Keller August Complex Project
Forest land managers can now begin removing fire-killed and fire-injured trees near roads and campgrounds on just over 1,500 acres located on the Covelo and Grindstone Ranger Districts.
The project area is near Plaskett Meadows Campground, which experienced high levels of tree mortality during the 2020 August Complex and has not reopened due to the safety hazards.
“This decision strikes a responsible balance between the need for post-fire management activities in the aftermath of the August Complex and the public’s concerns of adverse effects for wildlife habitat,” said Sexton. “Focusing on roadside and campground hazard trees addresses the highest priority actions and the critical need to mitigate risk to human health and safety.”
Forest environmental planners initiated the analysis for the project in February 2021. Over the course of 12 months, the interdisciplinary team consulted with tribes and other state and federal agencies.
The team also incorporated feedback from the public, which was collected during comment periods, at virtual public meetings and during a field trip to the project area.
The final decision letter and the environmental analysis can be found online on the project website at https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=59444.