Friday, 14 March 2025


LAKEPORT – Chef Sue Amberson and Chef Christina Basor will present a Latin American fiesta raw food class on Sunday, March 28.

The class will take place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Big Valley Grange, 1510 Big Valley Road, Lakeport.

The fun new class will teach participants how to make easy recipes that are fast, festive and delicious.

Featured recipes will include hot red pepper chips, pineapple avocado salsa, spicy taco filling, Mexican seasoned cabbage and mango crème parfait.

The cost is $40 per person for adults or $15 per child.

Please RSVP by calling Basor at 707-489-3600 or Amberson at 707-262-1177.

MIDDLETOWN – The South Lake County Fire Sirens will hold their next general meeting on Monday, April 5.

The group will gather in the conference room at the Middletown Fire Station on Highway 175.

They will meet for coffee at 9:30 a.m., with the speaker and the business meeting to follow at 10 a.m.

The April speaker will be Georgina Lehne, recently named the “Star of Lake County” for her outstanding service to the people of Lake County.

The Fire Sirens is a local volunteer service organization. They support the File of Life Program and also work in conjunction with the Blood Bank of the Redwoods supporting the Middletown Community Blood Drives.

They next blood drive is Saturday, April 10, at the Middletown Fire Station from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Future blood drives are June 5th, July 31, Oct. 2 and Dec. 4. Mark your calendars.

The Fire Sirens also have tables and chairs to rent for your special events. If interested, please contact Betty at 707-987-0407.

SACRAMENTO – April 8 through 11 marks the debut of the statewide-focused flower and garden show at Cal Expo in Sacramento.

The all new California State Flower & Garden Show, produced by Cal State Shows, is designed to capture the diversity of California's horticultural and gardening community, showcasing plants, techniques and products representative of the state's numerous micro-climates.

More than 600 vendors, seminars, workshops, plant bazaar, floral photography contest, farmers market and more will all be featured at this spectacular show for gardeners.

Cal State Shows is committed to making this the most comprehensive show of its kind.

Monrovia and Pacific Horticulture Foundation are sponsors of two seminar stages and are providing well-know horticulture speakers including Dan Bifano, master rosarian, judge and professional garden designer for A-list clients who include Barbra Streisand, Oprah Winfrey, and Michael and Jane Eisner; Amy Stewart, well-known author of the popular book “Wicked Plants”; Gary Gragg, nurseryman, creator and host of HGTV's popular “Superscapes”; Rene Van Rems, internationally recognized master floral designer, author and speaker.

Topics include organic gardening, growing wine and table grapes, herb gardening, old roses, native landscapes and winter gardens to name a few.

The California Garden Clubs Inc. (CGCI), the statewide federation of California garden clubs and plant societies representing more than 22,000 California gardeners are presenting “A Walk Through California” a Standard Flower Show competition.

Entries are open to the public and there will also be a category for youth. Accredited flower show judges will judge the show entries. Advanced registration is required for all entries, and the deadline for entries is March 30.

Visit to download an entry form and competition rules. General admission to the competition is included with a purchased ticket to the California State Flower & Garden Show.

CGCI is also offering the Fiftieth CGCI Judges Symposium April 7 through 9 at the Sacramento Double Tree Hotel. Interested gardeners are welcome to attend the Symposium and membership in CGCI is not required.

The show is also offering a variety of activities that will attract kids into the garden.

The California Garden Clubs Inc. will feature their "Kids Growing Strong" exhibit which offers multistation hands-on activities geared for kids from 3 to 10. The activities include making a pot from newspaper; learning how to plant a salad in a take-out tray; making a grass-head from nylons, grass seeds and potting soil; and for the younger student there will be butterfly masks, painting a ladybug rock and much more.

The show will be located in the Pavilion Building directly through the East Gate entry at Cal Expo located at 1600 Exposition Blvd. in Sacramento. The show opens everyday at 10 a.m.

Admission for adults is $15; ages 13-17 $5; children 12 and under are free.

For more information visit or call 877-696-6668 ext. 4.

For information on exhibiting please contact Cal State Shows at 877-696-6668.

MIDDLETOWN – Superintendent of schools, district attorney and sheriff candidates’ forums are being sponsored by the Middletown Luncheon Club in March, April and May.

Programs start at noon the third Wednesday of the month in the social hall of the Middletown Methodist Church, 15833 Armstrong at Washington, Middletown.

Lunch is only $5 per person with proceeds going to the serving group.

On Wednesday, March 17, it’s the two Lake County superintendent of schools candidates, Wally Holbrook and Judy Luchsinger.

On April 21, it’s the three candidates for district attorney, incumbent Jon Hopkins, Don Anderson and Doug Rhoades.

Sheriffs candidates are on Wednesday, May 19: Incumbent Rod Mitchell, Francisco Rivero and Jack Baxter.

The general public is always welcome to attend any Middletown Luncheon Club program. Because of the popularity of these forums, RSVPs would be appreciated, especially if you are coming with a group or don’t usually attend. Contact Helen Whitney, 707-928-9812 and leave a message.

MLC meets every third Wednesday of the month from January through November. A nonprofit organization is selected to provide lunch, and there is a different program each month to keep things lively and informative. Lunches are $5 per person.

For more info on the MLC, contact Helen Whitney, 707-928-9812.

BLUE LAKES – The Northshore Dive Team will hold a dive training this Sunday, March 21.

The training will begin at 9 a.m. at the wall at Blue Lakes.

Everyone is welcome to attend, from divers to non-divers. If you like the water, come and join the team.

For more information call Capt. John Rodriguez, the team leader, at the Upper Lake station, 275-2446, or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The latest info and updates can be found at team's new page on Facebook. Sign up to become a fan at .

LAKE COUNTY – In the midst of this recession, Lake County employers and employees alike have to get creative and find new, innovative ways to keep businesses running and paychecks in their pockets.

Lake One-Stop Inc. recently hosted two workshops. The first was designed specifically for employers and was Thursday, Feb. 25. Job seekers attended their version on Wednesday, March 3.

Lake County Department of Social Services and Arbor Education presented their various programs along with the Business and Workforce Center within Lake One-Stop Inc.

Nine interested employers attended the employer workshop, which was hosted at the Lake One-Stop office on 55 First St. in Lakeport. They learned many important facts such as how subsidized employment programs work and what benefits they offer.

For example, employers learned that these subsidized employment programs are funded using federal stimulus monies, such as money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

As a result of the workshop, several employers are corresponding with Lake One-Stop Inc. representatives and are considering utilizing their services.

The workshop only lasted about an hour, but that one hour may have broadened the horizons for several local businesses.

Employers are welcome to call or visit the Lake One-Stop Inc. Business and Workforce Center for more information. The main office is the Lakeport location and their phone number is 707-263-0630.

The Clearlake office address is 4477 Moss Ave. and the phone number is 707-994-0633, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Job seekers also are encouraged to call or visit either office and enroll in our services. The job seeker workshop was a big success, attracting 22 audience members. There was a mixture of nonenrolled and currently enrolled clients.

Job seekers also spent about one hour learning about the various different programs and services that Lake One-Stop and other agencies have to offer.

For example, The Business and Workforce Center runs weekly workshops for basic computer skills, resume tips, software tutorials and GED preparation.

If anyone is interested in these no cost services, call or visit the office nearest you to enroll. Visit the One-Stop Web site, , for more general information.


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