Tuesday, 18 March 2025


MIDDLETOWN – The Middletown Area Town Hall (MATH) will hold its next meeting on Thursday, Feb. 12.

The group will meet at 7 p.m. at Loconoma High School on Washington Street.

Agenda items include and amendment to the MATH Bylaws that will provide for two at-large alternate board members; discussion and consideration of a MATH mission statement; election of chairman, vice chairman and secretary; discussion and consideration of MATH's 2009 goals and conducting a MATH meeting at Hidden Valley and Cobb.

MATH is a municipal advisory council serving the residents of Anderson Springs, Cobb, Coyote Valley (including Hidden Valley Lake), Long Valley and Middletown. The public is invited to attend.

The Lake County Board of Supervisors established MATH by resolution on Dec. 12, 2006.

MATH's Board of Directors includes Fletcher Thornton, Middletown District; Joe Sullivan, chairman,

Southern District; Karl Reichman, Cobb District; Martha Webster, Middletown District; Mike Tabacchi, secretary, Middletown District; Bill Wright, Eastern District; Scott Fergusson, Coyote Valley.

MATH meetings are subject to videotaping. Meeting proceedings may be available for viewing on public access television and/or the Internet.


MIDDLETOWN – The Middletown Luncheon Club will hold its next meeting beginning at noon on Feb. 18.

The program will include speaker Linda Gibson, senior vice president of operations for St. Helena Hospital, Clearlake, who will give updates on projects and services and the St. Helena Partnership.

The Middletown Luncheon Club hosts a monthly program the third Wednesday of the month. All programs are open to the public and do not require reservations. Just show up.

The South Lake County Fire Sirens will serve lunch, which costs $5.

The club meets at the Middletown Community Methodist Church Social Hall on Armstrong Street.

For more information call Helen Whitney, 928-9812.


NORTH COAST – Caltrans reports that the following road projects will be taking place around Lake County during the coming week.

Included are Mendocino County projects that may impact Lake County commuters.


Highway 20

– Caltrans will perform routine maintenance from Pingree Road to Oakgrove Avenue beginning Monday, Feb. 9. Work hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

Highway 29

– AT&T of Clearlake been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work at Bell Park Avenue through Friday, Feb. 6. Work hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

– Caltrans will continue to perform routine maintenance from Cole Creek Bridge to Hill Creek Bridge. Work hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

– AT&T of Clearlake been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work from Robinson Creek Bridge to 0.8 miles south of Tule Lake Road through Friday, Feb. 6. Work hours are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.


Highway 1

– PG&E of Eureka has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work near Little River Airport Road beginning Monday, Feb. 9. Work hours are 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

– A drainage repair project near Seaview Drive will continue. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays. Contractor – Robert Frank Construction of Redding.

Highway 101

– Roadway repair due to pavement deterioration from 3.6 miles south of Ridgewood Ranch Road to 1.9 miles south of Ridgewood Ranch Road will continue. Traffic will be restricted to one lane in each direction of travel 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Motorists may experience minor traffic slowdowns.

– Brian Shuster of Willits has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work from California Street to West Valley Street through Friday, Feb. 6. Work hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays. Turns onto California Street will be restricted. Traffic will be restricted to one lane in each direction of travel. Motorists may experience minor traffic slowdowns.

For information pertaining to emergency roadwork or for updates to scheduled roadwork, please contact the California Highway Information Network (CHIN) at 1-800-GAS-ROAD (1-800-427-7623).


LAKE COUNTY – The 12th annual Stars of Lake County community recognition program will take place on Sunday, March 22, at Konocti Harbor Resort & Spa in Kelseyville.

The Stars Committee is actively seeking nominations from throughout Lake County, in 21 categories for these prestigious awards.

The program is co-sponsored Konocti Harbor Resort & Spa and more than 30 Lake County businesses. It provides recognition for the hardworking volunteers, businesses and organizations that do so much for Lake County.


It is the only recognition program of its kind in the county, states Jan Parkinson, Lakeport Regional Chamber of Commerce president. Parkinson notes that without those sponsorships the program could not take place.


More than 220 Star Awards have been given in the past 11 years of this program. It is only through the residents of Lake County that the Chamber learns of nominees. Look around at the people, businesses and organizations you deal with daily, for potential nominees. Who will your nominee be?

Please remember that Stars is not a popularity contest, it is not the number of times an entity is nominated, but rather the details for which they are nominated. When the Selection Committee, comprised of people from all around Lake County, receive the book of nominations, they need all the reasons you feel the nominee deserves to be selected as a Star of Lake County.

Please state which category you want the nominee to be placed in as you know them best. The nomination form for Stars of Lake County 2009 is online at www.lakeportchamber.com. The deadline for nominations is Friday, Feb. 27, at 5 p.m. at the chamber office on Lakeport Boulevard or postmarked by that date. Online nominations must also have the same date to be considered for the 2009 Awards Program.

Once again, Sutter Lakeside Hospital is sponsoring a limited number of dinner tickets for our nominees. Nominees only may purchase tickets through March 3. This year, the dinner tickets are $50 per person, with tickets going on sale to the general public on Wednesday, March 4. These tickets sell out quickly each year, so plan to get yours as soon as they are available.

For more information, contact the chamber at 263-5092.


UKIAH – A new materials recovery facility, or MRF (pronounced “murf”) has begun operations in Ukiah. The facility sorts and bales recyclable materials for shipment to recycling markets where they are processed into recycled products, such as paper, cardboard and containers for consumer products.

In order for the MRF to operate efficiently, produce saleable products and receive landfill diversion credit as required by the State of California, recyclables received at the facility must be clean and uncontaminated with garbage.

Acceptable items include clean newspaper, office paper and non-waxed paper products, cereal boxes, milk cartons, milk and water jugs, plastic beverage containers, glass food and beverage containers, aluminum and tin cans, and plastics labeled with a one through seven on the bottom of the container.

Rigid plastics, such as plastic buckets and laundry baskets are acceptable, however they must fit loosely in the cart with the lid closed.

There should be absolutely no food waste placed in recycle carts. Food containers should be empty or rinsed of residual food waste. Recyclables should be placed loosely in the blue cart and should not be bagged. Contaminated recyclables are treated as garbage and must be sent to the landfill.

The MRF is owned and operated by Pacific Recycling Solutions (PRS), an affiliate of C and S Waste Solutions of California, based in Ukiah. The facility is used by commercial recycling haulers only and is not open to the public, however tours will be offered to school and other groups beginning in late spring.

Pacific Recycling Solutions and its affiliates, Ukiah Waste Solutions, Lake County Waste Solutions and Clearlake Waste Solutions are initiating an aggressive campaign to clean up recyclables and are asking all its customers to recycle responsibly.

The campaign will include the distribution of educational materials, presentations to school and civic groups, curbside cart audits, non-collection of contaminated carts, and ultimately additional charges to customers who continue to place contaminated materials in their recycling carts.

Information regarding what can be placed in recycling receptacles can be found at www.candswaste.com or by calling 234-6400.

To request a presentation to your classroom or organization, contact Julie Price at 234-6423.


LAKE COUNTY – At the request of the Obama administration, Clovice Lewis and Carol Cole-Lewis will host an economic recovery house meeting at their home on Saturday, Feb. 7, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. to allow Lake County friends and neighbors to talk about what the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan means for participants, the community and the country.

At this event you will have the chance to connect with your neighbors and discuss how the current economic crisis is affecting Lake County, watch a short video that will outline the basics of President Obama's economic recovery plan focusing on how it will impact working families, and commit to taking the next steps in your community to help push forward President Obama's plan to jumpstart job creation and long-term economic growth.

"All of us have been asked by our president to get involved," Carol Cole-Lewis explained. "We hope many will participate in this event, as economic recovery is vital to the heath and success of our community, our nation and the world."

To attend (and for address and directions), sign up at My Barack Obama, http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gptshh.

Call Carol at 587-4277 for more information. Space is limited.



Responsible local journalism on the shores of Clear Lake.

