Wednesday, 19 March 2025


SACRAMENTO – Immediately after meeting on March 16 with President Obama’s Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis in Sacramento to discuss federal economic stimulus funding and job creation, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger launched the California Green Corps.

Building up communities and the state’s green workforce, the California Green Corps will place at-risk young adults aged 16-24 into jobs in California’s emerging green economy.

“President Obama and I share similar priorities right now when it comes to helping the economy rebound and creating a greener California and America,” said Schwarzenegger. “In California we will utilize federal economic stimulus funds and public-private partnerships to help stimulate our economy while initiating actions to improve our environment. Green jobs are exactly what our economy and environment need right now – and the California Green Corps targets that need while helping at-risk young adults realize a brighter future.”

Investing at least $10 million in federal economic stimulus funding from the U.S. Department of Labor and an additional $10 million from public-private partnerships, the initial phase of the California Green Corps will consist of a 20-month pilot program reaching at least 1,000 of California’s at-risk young adults.

The program will consist of a minimum of 10 regional Green Corps throughout the state – with at least one regional Green Corps located in each of California’s nine economic regions. All programs will be public-private partnerships that include green job training, a stipend, an educational requirement and community service.

To help ensure the success of the Green Corps, it will be housed under California Volunteers – an agency in a unique position to leverage federal economic stimulus funding and to work with public-private partnerships and across state agencies.

This program furthers the goals of California’s Green Collar Jobs Council which was created when the Governor signed Assembly Bill 3018 in September 2008. The Council is charged with developing a comprehensive approach to address the workforce needs associated with California’s emerging green economy.

For additional information about the California Green Corps please visit


Approximately 82 club members and guests attended the annual Daffodil Tea on Tuesday, March 17, 2009, in Upper Lake.

UPPER LAKE – Eighty-two members and invited guests of the Clear Lake Trowel and Trellis Garden Club celebrated the coming of spring and friendship with their annual "Daffodil Tea" which was held on Tuesday, March 17, at the Bachelor Valley Grange in Upper Lake.

Mistress of Ceremonies Helen Turley welcomed members and their guests who enjoyed a wonderful luncheon of tea sandwiches and desserts served by 15 hostess volunteers from the club.

Each hostess provided a beautiful china tea service at her table along with a floral arrangement consisting of daffodils and colorful spring flowers.

Club member Shirley Estrem was recognized for her outstanding, 5-foot-tall basket arrangements of daffodils and various spring greens. In addition, The Ka-Ba-Tin Redbud Arrangers provided more beauty with a large display of their floral arrangement talents.

Chairperson for the event, Linda Waterstraat, wishes to thank all of the table hostesses and many club members who helped in so many ways to once again make this event a memorable occasion.




Shirley Estrem received special recognition for her arrangements at the Daffodil Tea, held on Tuesday, March 17, 2009, in Upper Lake.



Sheriff Rod Mitchell and Republican Women's Federated President Penny Lunt at the February meeting. Photo by Janeane Bogner.



HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE – The Republican Women's Federated will hold its next meeting on Saturday, March 21.

The group will meet at the Greenview Restaurant, 19210 Hartmann Road, Hidden Valley Lake. The business meeting will take place at 11 a.m. with lunch at noon.

Dean Gotham, president of the Lake County Vietnam Veterans of America chapter, will speak at 12:30 p.m. about the moving Vietnam memorial that will visit the county this summer.

The public is welcome to attend.

The group's February meeting hosted Sheriff Rod Mitchell, who was well-received at the Valentine luncheon. No pink shorts or green bologna for Lake County inmates, said Mitchell – it's California law.

Call Janeane Bogner for reservations, 998-3280. To join the club call President Penny Lunt at 998-1386 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


CLEARLAKE – The Lake County Democratic Central Committee will hold its next meeting on Thursday, April 2.

The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the Redbud Library Community Room, 14785 Burns Valley Road, Clearlake.


Guest speakers will be:

  • Lake County Superintendent of Schools Dave Geck who will discuss the impacts of the new state budget on our local schools;

  • George Young, California Teachers Association regional staff for Lake and Mendocino counties, who will address the May 19 ballot propositions affecting education funding.


Meetings are open to the public and committee membership is open to all registered Democrats.

Contact the Democratic Party of Lake County at 707-277-0713 or by email

at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Committee's Web site is


LAKEPORT – The Lakeport Planning Commission will hold its next meeting this coming Wednesday, March 25.

The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. in the council chamber at Lakeport City Hall, 225 Park St.

Agenda items include a public hearing on a Lake County Tribal Health project.

The commission will hold a public hearing and consider an application for an architectural and design review and environmental review to allow the construction of a 19,680-square-foot, two-story addition to an existing outpatient medical clinic and interior renovations to the existing 11,700-square-foot clinic. Deviation of off-street parking and a use permit for building height are also requested.


KELSEYVILLE – The next meeting of the Lake County Flying Saucer Club will be held on Saturday, March 28.

The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. at the Taylor Observatory, 5725 Oak Hills Lane, Kelseyville (

Meetings are always on the last Saturday of the month and will continue to be at the Taylor Observatory until further notice.

Vic Stryker will offer a planetarium show.

Come share your UFO experiences. Coffee and cookies will be available.

For more information visit, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Chip at 263-3391.



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