Thursday, 13 March 2025


NICE – The newly chartered Northshore Lions Club is looking for new members.

Please come to find out more about their exciting new club on Thursday, May 20.

Meetings take place on the third Thursdays of the month, with a social hour beginning at 6:30 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. at the program at 7:30 p.m.

The group meets at the Marina Grill in Nice.

For more information call 707-274-9952.

The lucky winner of the Konocti Lioness Club's Mother's Day gift basket drawing on Saturday, May 8, 2010, was Val Nixon of Clearlake Riviera in Kelseyville, Calif. Courtesy photo.

LAKE COUNTY – The Konocti Lioness Club would like to thank all who purchased raffle tickets for the Mother's Day Gift basket raffle.

The group's “Camperships for Kids” fund was increased by $525, enabling the club to sponsor additional Lake County youngsters with special needs to special summer camp.

This fundraiser could not have been successful without the support of community members.

The winning ticket was drawn on Saturday, May 8.


Val Nixon of Clear Lake Riviera was the lucky winner.

HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE – Hidden Valley Pet Palace will hold its first class for canine cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Monday, May 24.

The class will be held from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Learn how to save your dog's life before an emergency happens.

The cost is $25 per person in advance.

Please call or come in the store to reserve your spot. Space is limited so call early.

Hidden Valley Pet Palace is located at 18983C Hartmann Road, Hidden Valley Lake, telephone 707-987-1981.

LAKEPORT – The Lakeport Main Street Association is excited to bring Outdoor Movie and Dinner Night to Library Park on Sunday, May 30.

This event is a fundraiser for the 2010 Lakeport Fireworks show and artwork in Lakeport and this exciting evening is the association's way of assisting a win-win for the community.

Imagine being in your favorite spot at Library Park enjoying that great old movie “ET the Extra-Terrestrial” on a larger-than-life movie screen while you and your family lounge on your favorite blankets. We encourage you to bring your own lawn chairs for a more comfortable viewing.

Dinner will consist of a baked pasta provided by Park Place Restaurant, salad provided by Molly Brennan’s Pub, Garlic French Bread provided by Main Street Pizza and dessert will provided by Angelina’s Bakery. We also will have coffee by Kelsey Creek Coffee Co.

There will be a beer and wine reception at 6 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. and the move will start at dusk, approximately 8:15 p.m.

The cost for this wonderful evening is $20 per person for adults, $10 each for children under 12.

The sponsors for this event are The Lakeport Main Street Association, Lake Event Designs, Park Place Restaurant, Molly Brennan’s Pub, Main Street Pizza, Angelina’s Bakery, Kelsey Creek Coffee Company, The Kitchen Gallery, Shari’s Secret Garden, Watershed Books, De Leon Engineering, Lakeport Tire and Auto, Savings Bank of Mendocino County, AGM Properties, Margaret Silveira, The Travel Center, Pieces Boutique, Strong Financial Network, Hillside Honda, and Peggy Campbell.

Marketing sponsors include the Lake County Record-Bee, Lake County News, BiCoastal Media and the Lake County Regional Chamber of Commerce.

We would like to thank each and every one of these businesses for all of their community support. We could not have events without the continued assistance from our local business community.

The community has always been very supportive of the fireworks in Lakeport and although everyone is facing challenges in the current economy, there seems to be a widespread desire to carry on this great American tradition.

Tickets may be purchased in advance from The Kitchen Gallery at 301 N. Main St. in Lakeport, Hillside Honda at 460 S. Main St. in Lakeport, the Lake County Regional Chamber of Commerce at Vista Point and Shari’s Secret Garden at 240 N. Main St, Lakeport.

For more information please call 707-263-8843.

UKIAH – Caltrans announced today that motorists northbound on Route 101 through Ukiah will see three new signs beginning Wednesday, May 19.

Two of the signs will say, “THRU TRAFFIC USE LEFT LANE.”

They are intended to help the flow of traffic by reducing conflicts with traffic exiting and entering the highway.

The first sign will be placed about a quarter mile south of the Route 101/222 interchange, and the second about a quarter mile south of the Route 101/North State Street interchange.

The third sign says, “MERGING TRAFFIC AHEAD.” It will be placed just before the North State Street on-ramp to warn motorists of traffic entering the highway from North State Street.

MIDDLETOWN – Middletown High School Sober Grad will hold a rummage sale on Saturday, May 29.

The annual rummage sale will be held in the high school parking lot on Big Canyon Road from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Event organizers report that the sale will be gigantic, with their warehouse storage unit of goods bursting at the seams.

For more information contact Melinda Clouse of Middletown High Sober Grad at 707-928-4088.


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