Friday, 14 March 2025


NORTH COAST – The Redwood Empire Quilter’s Guild announces that applications for Spring 2008 grants/fellowships are now available from the Humboldt Area Foundation.

Textile artists from Sonoma County to southwestern Oregon are invited to apply. Grants will be awarded in the range of $100 to $1,000.

The Quilter’s Guild created this fund to provide grants and fellowships to encourage interest, education and activities in the broad field of textile arts.

Examples of textile arts include wearable art, sewing, quilting, knitting, weaving, embroidery, fabric manipulation and dyeing.

Grant applications and information are available at the Humboldt Area Foundation or on their Web site at

Deadline for submission of grant applications is April 10, 2008. For more information, contact the Humboldt Area Foundation at (707) 442-2993.


HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE – The "Grantseeking Basics" presentation by The Foundation Center's Scott Ullman Monday night at the Greenview Restaurant was packed.

People from all over Lake County came to learn how to become better at acquiring grants for nonprofit organizations.

In fact, more people RSVP'ed to the event than the Greenview Restaurant's dining room could actually hold.

Fortunately, not everyone who RSVP'ed actually showed up. Amazingly, the dining room ended up providing the exact number of chairs needed.

A special "thank you" must go to Mike Zuech, manager of the Greenview Restaurant, for providing a place for The Foundation Center to make this presentation. Zuech was not even able to attend the presentation as it was scheduled during his vacation to Mexico.

However, Zeuch is likely to hear a lot about it after he returns from vacation on March 8.

"Grantseeking Basics" was in part a slide show presentation. However, if you happened to be present that night I think you would agree the slide show really was not necessary. Scott Ullman was "the show." This man is a walking encyclopedia of information when it comes to grant funding. It is not likely that Lake County will see him again in person for a year or more.

Ullman actually is assigned to cover the western United States for The Foundation Center doing presentations to groups. He spends a great deal of time on-the-road. Lake County just got lucky this year and was able to entice him to stop off in Hidden Valley Lake on his way to Ukiah.

Even though face-to-face encounters with Ullman may be few and far between, he did say he was open to participating in online webinars or interactive podcasts. In fact, The Foundation Center itself is getting more and more involved in online traing with regard to grant funding. Even so, there is a possibility the Lake County online talk show, Power Networking, will get Ullman as a special guest at some future date. If so, that date will be announced in this publication at least a week prior to the event.

One thing that should interest a lot of grant writers here in Lake County is the possibility there may be a satellite resource center for The Foundation Center set up here in the not-too-distant future. There have been some rumblings that the Clearlake Public Library may be interested.

At the meeting Monday night, someone suggested the Calpine Visitor Center would be a great location for the grant research material to reside. With two conference rooms and an upstairs reading area, there certainly is room. Plus, the fact the Calpine Visitor Center has high speed Internet access is a real plus.

According to Ullman, the only thing the Calpine Visitor Center lacks to qualify as a Foundation Center sattellite location is its hours of operation. The Foundation Center requires that every one of its satellite locations be available to the public for more hours than the Calpine Visitor Center is currently open.

But, now that Calpine has had its restructuring plan approved by the Southern District of New York Bankruptcy Court, perhaps a lengthening of its visitor center's hours of operation is in order?

What would really be nice is for the Calpine Visitor Center to become a wifi hot spot. Then, Calpine could actually generate some revenue for itself through its own visitor center while it was open to the public. Grant writers could come and bring their online mobile devices and actually do philanthropic research within the premises. They could even make free VOIP calls to The Foundation Center in San Francisco via Skype while doing research online. This would no doubt be a refreshing change of pace from the empty parking lot that has become an all-too-familiar site at the Calpine Visitor Center these days.

For more information about The Foundation Center, visit If you want to connect with Scott Ullman, be sure to click over to the San Francisco location.


SACRAMENTO The California Assisted Living Association gave Assemblywoman Patty Berg an award for her work on behalf of seniors residing in assisted living facilities, particularly those receiving hospice care.

“I am honored to receive this award,” said Berg, D-Eureka. “I've worked for decades to ensure that seniors can remain healthy and independent, and for many Californians, assisted living services make that possible.”

Berg has been Chair of the Aging and Long-Term Care Committee for six years. She released the nation’s first policy agenda to help California prepare for the dramatic changes that will come as the Baby Boom generation moves into old age. Her legislation has focused on aging issues, protecting seniors against fraud, and advocating for more community-based programs to help seniors stay in their homes.

The California Assisted Living Association represents more than 450 assisted living providers throughout the state. Their members range from small, independently-operated communities, to those that specialize in caring for residents with dementia, to large campuses with multiple levels of care.


Ann Blue, Clear Lake Trowel and Trellis Garden Club, is the Penny Pines chairman. Photo courtesy of Thelma Dangel.


LAKE COUNTY – Ann Blue, Clear Lake Trowel and Trellis Garden Club, Penny Pines chairman, presented an expanded Reforestation and Restoration Program that is statewide. This program is a statewide program sponsored by California Garden Club Inc. to which the club belongs.

California Garden Club Inc. has established a restricted fund to be used for California US Department of Agriculture's Forest Service in the $5,000 to $20,000 range.



Each month members donate extra funds in the range of extra pennies as they bring a cut of flowers or other plants to show. The funds grow to an amount of $100 when that amount is reached.

Trowel and Trellis members voted to participate in the program and made the first $100 donation which is donated each time. The club has supported the Penny Pines Program since 1990.

Every $68 donation will plant approximately 350 seedlings on one acre of burned area in the Mendocino Forest.

For more information on these programs, you may contact Ann Blue at 263-5854.

Come visit the group at Scotts Valley Women's Club House, 2298 Hendricks Road, Lakeport on the third Tuesday of the month at l2:30 p.m., or check out the group's Web at

Other associates are Mendo-Lake District; California Garden Club Inc.; Pacific Region and National Garden Clubs Inc.


LAKE COUNTY – The Lake County Air Quality Management District is seeking applicants to fill alternate positions for the public and medical profession member position on the district’s hearing board.

Persons with an interest in public service and air quality are encouraged to apply. The medical professional is not required to be a medical doctor but such qualification is desirable.

The public member should be able to represent the community at large and has no specific requirements.

The hearing board consists of two public members and one each of legal, science/engineering and medical profession members.

The hearing board meets several times a year to consider variances, abatement orders, and permit appeals of Air Pollution Control Officer’s decisions. Hearings are formal and judicial in nature.

Resume submittals are encouraged from interested applicants. Submittals received by March 21, will be considered.

Interested persons may contact the Lake County Air Quality Management District Hearing Board Clerk at 885 Lakeport Blvd., Lakeport, CA 95453 or 263-7000 for more information or an application.


The history of the Kelsey Creek Watershed will be a topic of the Tuesday meeting. Photo by Greg Dills.


KELSEYVILLE – Historical conditions in the Kelsey Creek watershed will be the topic of a special Big Valley Watershed Council meeting.

The meeting will be on Tuesday evening, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., March 4, at the Kelseyville American Legion Hall, corner of Gaddy Lane and Second Street.

Longtime and multi-generation residents of the watershed will share their memories and experiences of past watershed conditions and changes.

The evening will include refreshments and panel discussion by these longtime residents. The event is free of charge and watershed residents (those living in the vicinity of Kelsey Creek from Forest Lake on Cobb Mountain to Clear Lake itself) are especially encouraged to attend.



Responsible local journalism on the shores of Clear Lake.

