Wednesday, 19 March 2025


LOWER LAKE – “Revocable Trusts, Wills, Durable Powers of Attorney, Advance Health Care Directives: What you need to Know” will be the focus of a Saturday, July 18 seminar.

The workshop will begin at 10 a.m. at Deeper Life Christian Fellowship, 9980 Mill St., at the corner of Main Street and Morgan Valley Road across from the Lower Lake Schoolhouse Museum in Lower Lake.

In a PowerPoint presentation, attorney Dennis A. Fordham will explain the benefits of a trust versus a simple will. A 20-minute discussion will follow. Refreshments will be provided.

RSVP by calling Fordham's office, 707-263-3235.

BROOKS – Summertime brings to mind pristine sandy beaches, vacation, and plenty of fun in the sun. Hawaiian Tropic, a name synonymous with fun in the sun, is bringing the beach to Brooks on Aug. 15 where a group of beautiful contestants will compete for a shot at the title of Miss Hawaiian Tropic at Cache Creek Casino Resort’s Club 88.

This event – one of approximately 300 preliminary model searches nationwide – is a chance for women in this region to qualify for the U.S. Finals.

The Miss Hawaiian Tropic Endless Summer Invitational Model Search will culminate with regional and state finals across the country with the winners going directly to the United States Finals.

In that event, over 100 young ladies from across the country will compete for the title of Miss Hawaiian Tropic U.S. That winner will then represent the United States in the Miss Hawaiian Tropic International Pageant next spring.

Who knows? One of the contestants at Cache Creek could advance to the U.S. Finals or even become the winner of the title Miss Hawaiian Tropic U.S.

In addition to the show on Aug. 15, guests who want to meet the girls in person and get an autographed calendar are invited to come to Cache Creek’s Club 88 on Friday, Aug. 14, at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.

Tickets are available now for $49, $35, and $25 through on the Web, , by phone at 800-225-2277 or at and Cache Creek Casino Resort guest services.

MIDDLETOWN – The Lake County programs of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa will hold a fundraiser this month to support the Lake County Rural Food Project.

The event will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 18, at Middletown's St. Joseph Catholic Church, located behind Tri-Counties Bank at the corner of Bush and Young streets.

The cost is $25 per person. Lunch will be served at noon.

Reservations are required. Don't miss out – seating is limited.

In addition to the luncheon, the fundraiser will include a chance to buy gently used jewelry, hats, scarves and gloves, as well as gorgeous necklaces, earrings, pins, bracelets and watches at fabulous prices.

All proceeds provide food boxes to the hungry in Lake County.

For more information call Hedy Montoya at 707-987-8139 or Joann Williams, 707-928-5143.

Lake County Land Trust board members Tom Smythe, left, and Jon Ambrose installed new curb stops around the parking lot at Boggs Lake Preserve. Photo by Susanne La Faver.



COBB – Nature lovers and admirers of Boggs Lake Preserve will appreciate the new cedar fence, pier planks, sign post and cleared trails completed recently by Lake County Land Trust ( board members and volunteers.

Boggs Lake Preserve, a 117-acre northern volcanic vernal pool located on Harrington Flat Road off Bottle Rock Road, is owned by The Nature Conservancy (TNC).

TNC, Lake County Land Trust, and Boggs Lake’s neighbors continue protection and maintenance of the Preserve, and together coordinated the recent work party.

Participants included Land Trust board members Jon Ambrose, Susanne La Faver, and Tom Smythe. Volunteers were Andrew Belschner, Susan and Jim Herrmann and Lyle La Faver.

Boggs Lake is one of the finest remaining examples of the vernal pool plant community. The lake bed was created by coalescing lava flows from Mt. Hannah one million years ago.

In addition to its unique size and location, the lake is home to one rare natural community, two rare aquatic invertebrates and five rare plant species.

Ringed by grassland and Ponderosa pine forest and bordering a wet meadow on one side, the lake also provides habitat to over 155 species of birds, including osprey, peregrine falcon, bald eagles, and golden eagles.

Amphibians and reptiles are also well represented, and mammals both large and small use the lake year-round. The preserve’s wetlands constitute a unique assemblage not duplicated elsewhere in California.

In fact, the preserve is an important Western Pond Turtle habitat, making it a research site for Sonoma State University biologists. The Western Pond Turtle is considered a species of special concern (see accompanying photos).

The Lake County Land Trust is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the county’s important land resources. Its stewardship includes Rodman Slough Preserve on Clear Lake and Rabbit Hill in Middletown.

The land trust spearheaded the preservation of Black Forest on Mt. Konocti and participated in the acquisition of Mt. Konocti by Lake County.

For membership in Lake County Land Trust, or to volunteer at a future work party, please see or call 707-994-2024.



Planks were replaced on this pier jutting out into Boggs Lake. Photo by Susanne La Faver.




Sonoma State University research biologists study Western Pond Turtles at Boggs Lake Preserve. For more information on the species, see Photo by Susanne La Faver.




A tracking devise is attached to the Western Pond Turtle


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