The Natural Resources Conservation Service, or NRCS, announced it is investing $330 million in 85 locally driven, public-private partnerships to address climate change, improve the nation’s water quality, combat drought, enhance soil health, support wildlife habitat and protect agricultural viability, including 4 projects in California.
NORTH COAST, Calif. – Cal Fire’s Mendocino Unit will be conducting basic helicopter operations and safety and air rescue training in the areas of Lake Mendocino and Ridgewood Ranch.
For the first time ever, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife will raffle off two “Golden Opportunity” fundraising deer tags to the general hunting public.
LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – Citizens Caring For Clearlake, or CC4C, is offering a Zoom meeting for community members interested in learning more about the organization and what it does.
A map of where repairs are slated to take place on the Bartlett Springs Road bridge near Lucerne, California. Map courtesy of the Mendocino National Forest. LUCERNE, Calif. – The Bartlett Springs Road bridge over Cache Creek near Lucerne is undergoing repairs beginning Monday, April 26.