HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE – Scott Ullman, regional training coordinator for The Foundation Center will present "Grantseeking Basics," Monday, March 3, at 7 p.m. in the dining room of the Greenview Restaurant, 19210 Hartmann Road.
What exactly does The Foundation Center do? It collects, organizes and communicates information on U.S. philanthropy. This includes conducting and facilitating research on trends in the field of philanthropy.
This foundation ensures public access to information and services through various vehicles. The Foundation Center also provides education and training in the grantseeking process.
During a slide show presentation you will learn what it takes to build a credible nonprofit organization, who supports nonprofits, how you find funding partners and valuable grantseeking resources.
All grant-writers and economic development administrators in Lake County are encouraged to attend this very special presentation. Although The Foundation Center has been around for 52 years, this is their first presentation to Lake County.
Representatives of Lake County nonprofit organizations are not only asked to attend, but bring brochures of their specific nonprofit organization to display. A table will be set up for that purpose.
Why bring the brochures? Because this event is designed to be "win/win." It is just as important for The Foundation Center to learn what Lake County has to offer as it is for the local folks to learn about The Foundation Center. No doubt, members of the audience The Foundation Center attracts would like a brochure as well.
While the Greenview Restaurant will not be open for business, the dining room will be set up exclusively for The Foundation Center's 90-minute presentation. Mulligan's Lounge, which is adjacent to the restaurant, will be open before, during and after The Foundation Center presentation.
Scott Ullman has been the regional training coordinator for The Foundation Center since January of 2001. Previously, Ullman had been involved in the nonprofit sector since 1974 as a fundraiser, technical assistance provider, nonprofit executive and foundation director. Shifting careers in 1990, Ullman received his master's degree in library science and worked as a public reference librarian in the San Francisco Bay Area.
The Foundation Center trainer's position offers a unique blending of Ullman's work as an information specialist and trainer. Ullman is currently on the Board of Directors of the Agape Foundation.
If you are interested in attending this free educational event, please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and request an Evite invitation.
When you receive the Evite invitation, be sure to register your intention to attend the presentation and check out the online card. You just might see someone else you know who also plans to attend.
If you have any questions, please call 707-709-8605.