Friday, 14 March 2025


COBB – A small but growing number of local homeowners concerned with rising longterm unemployment, the economy and its effect on foreclosures will begin meeting mid-week, mid-day at Mountain High Coffee & Books in Cobb starting this Wednesday, May 5.

The intention is to draw people out of their homes and help shed light on a situation in which many may believe or feel they are alone.

All are invited and welcome to attend whether a previous or current homeowner with questions or perhaps some helpful insight. Those in banking, Realtors, local official and concerned citizens all are welcome as it's sure to be a lively debate in an open forum.

For more details contact Robert Somerton at 707-245-7541.

KELSEYVILLE – Kelseyville Education Foundation (KEF) is dedicated to improving and enhancing the educational experience provided by the Kelseyville Unified School District to the children of Kelseyville Schools.

The foundation has recently been reorganized due to the financial crisis in the county and especially our state. This dire financial crisis has caused a catastrophic financial situation in our school district.

The reestablishment was done to help alleviate some of the financial burden from the district as well as offer monetary assistance for those activities no longer provided by the district. They hope the town of Kelseyville will support the schools and place children as a priority in the community.

KEF is preparing a taste-tempting cookbook featuring favorite recipes from members of our community. The cookbook will be beautifully illustrated, hardbound and is sure to be treasured for years.

They would like the public, especially those tied to Kelseyville in some way and businesses in Kelseyville to submit a favorite recipe so it be featured in the memorable collection. Recipes submission cards can be picked up at the Wildhurst tasting room or at Studebaker's.

You can also send your recipe electronically to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. All recipes must be submitted by May 5, 2010 to be included in the recipe book.

Your name will be printed with each of your recipes. If you are an alumni of the district or you have children currently enrolled in the district they would also like to print this with your recipe, for example – parent of fifth grader at Kelseyville Elementary, or KHS alumni, class of 1989. Any other information regarding the history of the recipe (grandma's favorite or a recipe that has been in your family for generations) should also be noted.

Each cookbook will contain helpful cooking hints, recipe category dividers, a table of contents, an index and special pages of interest to the community. The cookbook will be typeset in an easy-to-read format and professionally printed and bound.

Proceeds from the cookbook sales will help fund future projects for the Kelseyville Unified School District. Your help in contributing recipes will ensure that the cookbook will be a success.

They anticipate a great demand for our cookbooks, with first sales being held the weekend of the Pear Festival.

CLEARLAKE – The Lake County Democratic Central Committee will meet Thursday, May 6.

The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the Redbud Library Community Room,14785 Burns Valley Road, Clearlake.

Meetings are open to the public and committee membership is open to all registered Democrats.

For more information contact the Democratic Party of Lake County at 707-277-0713 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

LUCERNE – The Lake County Democratic Club meets Saturday, May 8, at noon at the Lucerne Alpine Senior Center in Lucerne.

The Senior Center is located at 3985 Country Club Drive – corner of 10th and Country Club – in Lucerne.

The senior center serves breakfast from 9 a.m. until noon.

The public is invited. Membership in the Lake County Democratic Club is open to registered members of the Democratic Party.

For more information contact the club at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone or 707-277-0713.

CLEARLAKE – The biannual rummage sale for the Clearlake Church of the Nazarene will take place on Saturday, May 8.

The sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 15917 Olympic Drive, Clearlake.

Proceeds help support the church's children's ministries.

SACRAMENTO – Four bills by Assemblymember Wesley Chesbro (D-North Coast) are moving forward to a vote by the full Assembly after winning approval this week from the Assembly Appropriations Committee.

The bills are as follows.

AB 2134, a bill supported by owners of small microbreweries, would make it legal for beer manufacturers and importers to conduct and advertise to their customers “beer maker dinners,” featuring craft beers paired with food at local restaurants. The bill would grant the beer industry the same status as the wine industry, which has had good success marketing new products at winemaker dinners. AB 2134 is sponsored by the California Small Brewers Association.

AB 2615, the “Ocean Fisheries Improvement Act,” would advise the Ocean Protection Council of the Legislature’s intent regarding funding priorities that focus on sustainable fishing practices. AB 2615 is sponsored by the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations

AB 2675 would provide for additional training for those who care for people with disabilities. It would provide those who operate Immediate Care Facilities for the Developmentally Disabled (ICFs/DD) with eight additional hours of training on the business side of running a facility. Currently, IFCs/DD licensees are required to complete eight hours of training on California’s developmental disabilities system and program and regulatory requirements. Feedback from new operators and oversight agencies finds that new licensees often struggle to manage the financial aspects of their businesses. Adding a business orientation program would double the required training to 16 hours for licensees. AB 2675 is sponsored by the California Association of Health Facilities.

AB 2351 would help California’s State forests by allowing Cal Fire to establish recreational user fees for overnight campgrounds, including the Jackson State Forest in Mendocino County. Fees collected by Cal Fire would benefit California’s State forests. AB 2351 is sponsored by Cal Fire and supported by the Sierra Club of California, the California Licensed Foresters Association and the California Native Plant Society.

Visit Chesbro's Web site at


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