Friday, 28 March 2025


Clearlake Wal-Mart store manager presents check to Flotilla Commander Betty Strach. Pictured, from left to right, is DA Butts, Flotilla finance officer; Bill Hulse, Wal-Mart sports department manager; Jerry Collins, Flotilla project coordinator; Flotilla Commander Betty Strach; Coleen Lee, assistant store manager; Store Manager Mike Crowder; and Jack Gerhardt, assistant Flotilla project manager. Courtesy photo.


LAKE COUNTY – US Coast Guard Auxiliary Lake County Flotilla 88 has been awarded a $1,000 Community Grant from the Clearlake Wal-Mart store. The grant will be used for a “Children’s Life Jacket Giveaway Project.” This will be the fifth year that Wal-Mart has supported the life jacket project.

The grant – along with funds from the Flotilla special project fund and donors Pati and Jack Gerhardt, Richard Thomas, Disney Water Sports, Betty Strach and Verlyn Newell, Dane Hayward, DA and Leona Butts, and Jerry and Nita Collins – will be used to purchase children’s life jackets and give them out free of charge till supplies last.

On Sunday, May 18, which marks the beginning of “National Safe Boating Week,” Flotilla members will set up in the Clearlake Wal-Mart parking lot and hand out the children’s life jackets free starting at 10 a.m. and will continue until supplies run out.

Children under the age of 12 and under 90 pounds must be accompanied by a parent/guardian and will be fitted and educated in the proper use and care of the life jacket. There will be a limited supply for children under 12 and over 90 pounds.

The project coordinator is Flotilla member Jerry Collins.

“The project was created by my wife and former member and Flotilla Commander Nita Collins. She was moved to do so after the drowning of a child on Clear Lake six years ago,” he said.

Betty Strach, current Flotilla Commander said, “This is the perfect project for both Wal-Mart and the Coast Guard Auxiliary. At the national level Wal-Mart is a member of the National Recreational Boating Safety Committee and our core mission is recreational boating safety.”

This year the Flotilla will be joined by “Chipper” from the California Highway Patrol and Smokey from Cal Fire. The California Highway Patrol also will set up a courtesy children's car seat safety check booth. They will check and instruct on safe installation to ensure maximum safety for children.

“We will have a captive audience and we want to include our partner agencies that have vital public safety programs” said Collins.

Also, on hand this year will be the Coast Guard Auxiliary’s radio-controlled boat “Coastie,” programmed with boating safety messages.

“I would like to thank the staff at the Clearlake Wal-Mart, especially Assistant Manager and Community Grant Coordinator Coleen Lee and Sports Department Manager Bill Hulse for their awesome support of this worthy project,” said Collins. “Without them it would not happen.”

The US Coast Guard Auxiliary is the civilian volunteer arm of the US Coast Guard. The core mission of the Auxiliary is recreational boating safety and the motto of Team Coast Guard is “Semper Paratus” (Always Ready).

For more information on the Coast Guard Auxiliary contact Betty Strach at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 707-513-5122.


LAKE COUNTY – The 2008-09 Lake County Senior and Disabled Resource Directory has been published just in time for Older Americans Month in May.

Available at Lake County senior centers, public libraries and Department of Social Services offices in Lower Lake, the free directory provides information on local resources for seniors in our community. The directory is also available online at the newly created Web site,

Printed and distributed by the Lake County Department of Social Services, the directory was compiled by Community Care’s Senior Information and Assistance Program through funding assistance by the Area Agency on Aging of Lake and Mendocino Counties.

A Spanish-language version of the directory will also be available soon.

The Senior Information and Assistance Program, which operates out of Community Care’s central office in Ukiah, provides free information to Lake and Mendocino County seniors who have questions about area services to meet their needs.

Callers within the county are invited to call toll-free, 800-510-2020, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. From outside the county, dial 707-468-5132.


CLEARLAKE – The Lake County Stonewall Democratic Club will hold its next meeting on Monday, May 19.

The meeting will take place at the at Redbud Library, 14785 Burns Valley Road in Clearlake.

The potluck starts at 6:30 p.m. All LGBTs are welcome.

The Lake County Stonewall Democratic Club is a newly formed group made up primarily of (but not limited to) gays and lesbians.

The Lake County chapter joins the internationally acclaimed Stonewall Democratic Clubs which were named in commemoration of the Stonewall Riots which took place in New York City in 1969, beginning the gay liberation movement.

The chapter is a group of like-minded citizens who are working together as a political force focusing their attention not only on LGBT issues, but human and civil rights, equality for all and local community involvement and activism.

Meetings, which take place on the fourth Monday of each month, are open to the public, but membership is for registered Democrats only.

For more information please call 987-8939.


LAKE COUNTY – The Lake County/City Area Planning Council (APC), in cooperation with Caltrans, is sponsoring two transportation workshops in Lake County.

Organizations and residents are encouraged to attend to discuss strategies to improve transportation services throughout Lake County for low-income residents, seniors and people with disabilities.

The Lake County Human Service-Public Transportation Coordination Plan community workshops will be held on Tuesday, May 20. In Lakeport, the workshop will take place from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Umpqua Bank's second floor board room, 805 11th St., Lakeport. The Lower Lake workshop will be held from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Lake Transit Lamkin-Sanchez Operations Center, 9240 Highway 53.

For information on transit service to the workshops, contact Lake Transit at (707) 994-3334

The workshops are being held to develop the Lake County Human Service-Public Transportation Coordination Plan. Sponsored by Caltrans, the plan’s goal is to improve mobility for county residents and visitors through better coordination of services among transportation providers and human service agencies in Lake County.

“Community input is very important for developing an effective plan. We want the plan to accurately reflect the needs and priorities of the community,” states Lisa Davey-Bates, executive director of the Lake County/City Area Planning Council.

The plan will identify transportation improvements to help residents travel to medical appointments, classes, day care, jobs and other destinations. The coordination plan also will identify transportation services needed to help people connect to other transportation services, like Greyhound or Amtrak.

During the workshops, which are scheduled to last approximately one and a half hours, participants will help prioritize transportation needs and strategies based on community priorities. Several exercises are planned so community members can explore different ways to improve local transportation services.

For agencies seeking federal transportation funds, information will be available on three grant programs: Job Access Reverse Commute, New Freedom, and the Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program (5310 Grant Funds).

The Human Service-Public Transportation Coordination Plan is a required document for local organizations and Lake Transit Authority to apply for certain types of federal funds. These dollars can be used to add new transit service, replace buses or purchase new equipment like bus shelters or dispatch software.

Caltrans commissioned the Human Service-Public Transportation Coordination Plan in coordination with the Lake County/City Area Planning Council to identify transportation needs and gaps, and define opportunities for better coordination and improved service. An Existing Conditions Report, prepared in March 2008, presents findings from interviews with transit customers, transportation providers, community representatives and local agencies. The report also includes an analysis of community demographics and transportation data, and a review of regional issues. The report will be available at the workshops.

For more information about the Lake County Human Service-Public Transportation Coordination Plan and the community workshops, please contact Lisa Davey-Bates with the Lake County/City Area Planning Council at 707-263-7799 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


LAKEPORT – The Lakeport Planning Commission will hold a regular meeting beginning at 6 p.m. this Wednesday, May 14.

The meeting will take place in the City Council chambers at City Hall, 225 Park St.

The commission will present an Outstanding Planning Commission Service Award to Chairman Walter Schlicher, who is retiring.

Agenda items include a public hearing and consideration of Eel River Fuels' application for a use permit to allow outdoor storage of products such as propane tanks, barbecues and wood stove pellets in a C-2 Major Retail Zoning District. The subject property is located at 2190 S. Main St.

The commission also will hold a public hearing and consider applicant Tino Gamber's request for a tentative parcel map to create one parcel and a remainder parcel from a 2.02 acre parcel of land in an R-1 Low Density Residential Zoning District and an Environmental Review of the project. The subject property is located at 1601 Mellor Drive.

Also up for discussion is amending Lakeport Municipal Code Section 17.04.050 A. to prohibit bed and breakfast inns in the R-1 Low Density Residential Zoning District, and review of the requirement for bed and breakfast inns to have a minimum 10,000 SF of land area unless a smaller parcel is approved by the Planning Commission.


CLEARLAKE – The Lake County Community Co-op holds its regular monthly meeting on Saturday, May 10, at 10 a.m.

This month, the Buyer’s Club will take their first order.

Treasurer Patrick Kenna encourages all members to join the group for this historic event. “First, we will learn the open source software and then volunteers will help members make their first order,” Kenna said.

The meeting is at the Hot Spot, the youth activity center in Clearlake, 4750 Golf Ave.

California Certified Organic Farmers Inspector Lars Crail will be the guest speaker at this month’s meeting.

Crail, raised in Lake County, is an organic pear and grape farmer and a board member of the Lake County Farm Bureau.

His talk will include helping members wend their way through the various definitions used in organic food production.

“Food safety and food security are very prominent topics, and helping our members get educated about these important issues is a top priority right now,” said Co-op Chair JoAnn Saccato.

For more information about the meeting and the co-op, the group hosts a wikispace at or you can reach JoAnn at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 350-1719.



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