Friday, 14 March 2025


LAKE COUNTY – Over Labor Day weekend, Girl Scouts of Northern California will be running a fun program for girls in grades six through 12.

This exciting and challenging event is called the “Amazing Race.” If you're familiar with the TV show, it's a challenge race, but instead of traveling around the world and winning a million dollar prize, this race will have 13 teams of four travel to many Northern California Counties participating in fun challenges. One leg of the race is being held right here in Lake County.
The Girl Scout version of the Amazing Race has been run for several years now, but mostly in Sonoma County.

This year, the program team from Girl Scouts of Northern California is trying to highlight other areas, especially Lake County. Girls and adults from the Bay Area and other areas of Northern California will come to Lake County and experience this wonderful area.

One day during the three-day weekend, teams will participate in challenges at the fairgrounds, Yoxagoi Orchard, Clear Lake State Park and Darling's Vitamin Connection.
If you're out and about this weekend, look for the Girl Scouts competing in challenges and wish them good luck!

LUCERNE – Northshore school board candidates will address the Lake County Democratic Club on Saturday, Sept. 12, at noon at the Lucerne Alpine Senior Center in Lucerne.

The senior center serves breakfast from 9 a.m. until noon.

Valerie Duncan, an incumbent, and Claudine Pedroncelli, candidates for the Upper Lake High School Board, and Matt Barnes, candidate for Upper Lake Elementary School, will talk about their campaigns.

There are three seats to be elected on both the high school board and the elementary school board. The election is Tuesday, Nov. 4.

The public is invited. Membership in the Lake County Democratic Club is open to registered members of the Democratic Party.

The senior center is located at 3985 Country Club Drive (corner of 10th and Country Club) in Lucerne.

For more information contact the Lake County Democratic Club at 707-277-0713 or via e-mail at .

LAKE COUNTY – The PEG Channel, TV Channel 8, has released its schedule for the coming week.

The following schedule is for Tuesday, Sept. 1, through Saturday, Sept. 5.

Tuesday, Sept. 1

Start Time Title

1:39:53 AM Rise of the 4th. Reich

3:21:10 AM JFK II

4:56:36 AM Skull & Bones-part 2

5:46:03 AM Masters of the Universe

6:34:28 AM White Haze and Jet Trails

7:00:00 AM Jazzercise

7:33:30 AM Hinthel Gaahnula

8:52:22 AM What The Heck-07

9:00:00 AM Board of Supervisors

6:00:00 PM Clearlake Planning Com.

10:05:00 PM Bulletin Board

10:40:00 PM Omissions & Distortions

11:36:29 PM Peace Works

Wednesday, Sept. 2

Start Time Title

12:10:01 AM End Game

2:34:21 AM Innocents Betrayed

3:33:39 AM JFK II

5:07:05 AM What The Heck-News Brief 04

5:15:34 AM Bulletin Board

5:55:34 AM Fiat Empire

7:00:00 AM Jazzercise

7:30:30 AM Join In-JoAnn Saccato

8:00:00 AM Yuba College

8:06:54 PM Cub Scouts-Pack 144

8:17:16 PM 911 Mysteries

9:52:19 PM The Obama Deception

11:48:35 PM Fabled Enemies

Thursday, Sept. 3

Start Time Title

1:34:54 AM Lake Co. Sheriff K-9

2:00:00 AM Connecting-New Beginning-pt 2

2:43:43 AM Boat Safe on Clearlake

2:58:08 AM What The Heck-News Brief 09

3:11:05 AM 911 Revisited

4:39:19 AM Terrorstorm II

7:00:00 AM Jazzercise

7:32:30 AM Energy Non-Crisis

9:00:00 AM Yuba College

4:42:58 PM Cafe Victoria Open Mic 03-09

5:40:05 PM Bulletin Board

6:00:00 PM Clearlake City Council

10:05:00 PM Zeitgeist

Friday, Sept. 4

Start Time Title

12:10:03 AM 911 In Plane Site

1:27:43 AM Zeitgeist Addendum

3:37:44 AM Aaron Russo by Alex Jones

4:50:04 AM Money as Debt

5:40:01 AM Loose Change

6:44:52 AM Boat Safe on Clearlake

7:00:00 AM Jazzercise

7:32:30 AM Aids Walk 2009

8:00:00 AM Yuba College

5:05:40 PM Bulletin Board

5:33:40 PM Friday Night Farmers Market

5:52:40 PM Busted

6:43:35 PM Lake Co. Sheriff K-9

7:10:14 PM Aerosol Crimes

8:56:45 PM Masters of the Universe

9:45:15 PM SUNS of GOD

11:12:46 PM Emperor of Hemp

Saturday, Sept. 5

Start Time Title

12:15:55 AM Skull & Bones-part 2

1:05:42 AM Bush Family Fortunes

2:10:42 AM Open Lines-TV8

4:15:42 AM Omissions & Distortions

5:12:10 AM Economic Hitman-John Perkins

6:26:00 AM Eating

8:05:50 AM The World According to Monsanto

10:00:00 AM LCCCP Finley Farmers Market

11:06:20 AM Boat Safe on Clearlake

11:22:13 AM Cub Scouts-Pack 144

11:32:35 AM Town Hall Meeting 1

12:39:43 PM Town Hall Meeting 2

2:00:00 PM Open Lines-Live!!!

4:05:00 PM Bulletin Board

5:00:00 PM MATH 08-13-09

6:20:27 PM Rise of the 4th. Reich

8:00:00 PM Cafe Victoria Open Mic 03-09

9:02:07 PM Skull & Bones-part 2

9:51:54 PM Missing Links

LAKE COUNTY – TV8 is the public access cable channel for all cable wired Lake County. It is available for all public and noncommercial private uses. TV8 is also the only local TV station of any kind located in Lake County.

TV8 could become critical in managing an emergency. Not only is visual media more effective for conveying certain types of information but some disasters that might affect our local radio broadcasters on the west shore of Clear Lake may not disable a cable operation on the south end of the lake. It's good to have options.

As many of you know, TV8 is located in a secure and convenient location inside the Clearlake City Hall building which also houses the police department. People would be shocked if this valuable public resource were not fully utilized in a life threatening emergency.

There are several ways agencies responding to an emergency can use TV8. The county has their connecting equipment in the Board of Supervisors chamber (They have the ability to override our signal remotely with just a phone call and begin broadcasting live). But their normal operator lives in Ukiah and others who can operate the equipment are not in emergency services.

The easiest way to go live directly is to relay as much information as possible to the Clearlake Police Department and let them be the on camera spokesperson. At this time, no one has been designated from Clearlake to receive the brief instructions necessary to go live unassisted.

In all parts of the county, emergency managers can use TV8's Web Nexus interface to broadcast their emergency messages via the Internet on TV8. They would need to contact TV8's volunteer station manager, Allen Markowski, to get a user name, password, and again, some brief instructions. This is not to be confused with our old standby of sending submissions to the scrolling bulletin board through TV8's Web site.

Although authorities may feel more comfortable using other notification procedures, they may not be operational when they are needed most or they might not reach all residents who need and expect timely warnings and instructions.

A group photo taken at the dedication of Kim Egger's new home. Courtesy photo.





CLEARLAKE – On a warm Saturday in August 2009, with smiles and tears of joy, Habitat for Humanity, Lake County celebrated the completion of the organization’s 13th new home.

The new homeowner, Kim Eggers and her two sons, along with family, many volunteers and others from the community, joined together to bless the new home.

For Eggers, the journey of completing the application process, helping others build their homes and then putting her own labor into building her home (sweat equity), all culminated with the completion of her home.

The theme of the dedication was the concept of “pass it on”, whereby a receiver of a good deed will pass on a good deed to others who are in need.

The United Methodist Church of Clearlake’s music ensemble lead all the attendees in an inspiring rendition of the song “Pass It On,” made popular by Willie Nelson.

Pastor Karl Parker conducted the blessing of the home and stressed the biblical importance that to have a full life it is imperative for all to give a helping hand to one another.

The ceremony ended with the surprise arrival of the Grocery Outlet’s team carrying gifts of food and households items. It was a sight to be seen.

The mission of Habitat for Humanity, Lake County is the elimination of substandard living conditions in our community.

Only through the efforts of individual volunteers, business support and donors has it been possible to provide affordable homes for low-income families from the community.

If you are interested in helping, call the Habitat office at 707-994-1100 or via email at .

SAN FRANCISCO – The combination of bad timing coupled with a soft economy is putting a major damper on Californians’ Labor Day travel plans, according to a new report from AAA Northern California.

The new AAA report predicts just over 4.7 million Californians will travel 50 miles or more over the holiday weekend. That’s a 13.1 percent decrease in overall travel from 2008.

“One of the biggest reasons for this decline appears to be poor timing,” explained AAA Northern California spokesperson Cynthia Harris. “Last year we experienced the most Labor Day travelers this decade largely because many children were not yet back in school and families took the opportunity to take a final summer vacation. This year, Labor Day week falls one week later, and schools are already back in session.”

While overall travel numbers are down significantly, the situation is not as grim as it initially appears. Last year’s high numbers make this year’s decline appear more dramatic. In fact, AAA expects this upcoming Labor Day weekend will be the third busiest of this decade.

AAA expects over 3.75 million Californians will travel by motor vehicle over the weekend, representing an 11.2 percent decrease from last year. About 270,000 Californians are predicted to travel by air, a decrease of 19.9 percent from last year. Nearly 700,000 state residents are expected to travel by other modes of transportation such as boats or trains. That number is down by 20 percent compared to last year.

Nationally, AAA expects 39.1 million people to travel 50 miles or more over the four-day weekend, a 13.3 percent decrease from last year.

“Despite the dampened enthusiasm for travel, we are seeing a resilience in the travel industry during these troubled times, due in part to lower travel prices and somewhat improved consumer confidence,” said Harris.

Airfares that are 17 percent lower on average over the Labor Day weekend are likely to entice air travelers. AAA Three Diamond and Two Diamond lodgings are expected to be 12 percent lower, with West Coast travelers spending an average of $191 per night. Car rental rates are up about 7 percent. An average West Coast family of four is projected to spend $1,126 dollars over the four-day weekend and will log an average of 648 miles roundtrip for the weekend.

As part of AAA’s ongoing commitment to provide safety and protection to motorists, AAA’s Tipsy Tow Program offers a free tow for drinking drivers in Northern California from 6:00 p.m. on Sept. 7 until 6:00 a.m. on Sept. 8 in Northern California, Nevada and Utah. Members and non-members alike can call (800) 222-4357 (AAA-HELP) for a free tow of up to five miles.

“Just tell the AAA operator, ‘I need a Tipsy Tow,’ and a truck will be on its way,” said Harris. “Service is restricted to a one-way ride for the vehicle and driver to the driver’s home.”

AAA Northern California reminds motorists that during the Labor Day weekend, the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge will be closed starting Thursday, September 3rd at 8:00 p.m. until Tuesday September 8 at 5:00 a.m. AAA encourages motorists to use public transit and/or alternative routes.

If motorists do become stranded, AAA can be reached by calling 1-800-AAA-HELP (1-800-222-4357). Apple iPhone users can request emergency road service using AAA’s new AAA Roadside app available for free from the iTunes App Store via an iPhone, or at Please visit for further details.

AAA’s projections are based on research conducted by IHS Global Insight. The Boston-based economic research and consulting firm teamed with AAA earlier this year as part of an agreement to jointly analyze travel trends during the major holidays. AAA has been reporting on holiday travel trends for more than two decades.


Responsible local journalism on the shores of Clear Lake.

