Friday, 14 March 2025


NORTH COAST – Caltrans reports that the following road projects will be taking place around Lake County during the coming week.

Included are Mendocino County projects that may impact Lake County commuters.


Highway 20

– A highway widening project from Government Street to Rancheria Road will continue. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate

15-minute delays. Contractor – Argonaut Constructors of Santa Rosa.

– PG&E of Eureka has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for tree trimming from 0.2 mile west of Bartlett Springs Road to 0.4 mile east of the junction of Route 20/53 beginning Friday, June 19. Work hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays. Intermittent one-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

– Caltrans will continue routine maintenance from Ogden Road to Island Drive. Work hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate

10-minute delays.

– AT&T of Ukiah has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility repairs 0.5 mile west of Gladys Street through Friday, June 19. Work hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 5-minute delays.

– PG&E of Eureka has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for tree trimming from Long Valley Road to the North Fork Cache Creek Bridge beginning Friday, June 19. Work hours are 9 a.m. to

3 p.m., weekdays. Intermittent one-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

– A roadway realignment project from 1.4 miles east of the North Fork Cache Creek Bridge to 1.6 miles west of Walker Ridge Road will continue. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays. Contractor – Argonaut Constructors of Santa Rosa.

Highway 29

– Middletown Central Park Association has been issued a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for the Middletown Days Parade between Central Park Road and Wardlaw Street on Saturday, June 20. A road closure will be in effect from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Motorists are advised to use an alternate


– Bridge deck repairs at Kelseyville Creek Bridge will continue. Work hours are 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., Sunday evening through Tuesday morning. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should

anticipate 15-minute delays. Contractor – DeBruin Construction Inc. of Stockton.

Highway 175

– Caltrans will continue routine maintenance from the junction of Route 29/175 near Kelseyville to Salmina resort through Friday, June 19. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

– Mendocino Vipassana Foundation of Cobb has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for paving a driveway at Sunrise Vista Resort beginning Friday, June 19. Work hours are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

– Middletown Central Park Association has been issued a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for the Middletown Days Parade at Santa Clara Street on Saturday, June 20. A road closure will be in effect from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Motorists are advised to use an alternate route. LC#P175CA


Highway 1

– Malan and Karen Sjolund of Manchester have been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit to install a road approach near Creamery Lane. Work hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

– Construction of a retaining wall about three miles north of Elk will continue. One-way traffic control with a temporary signal will be in effect 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Motorists should

anticipate 10-minute delays. Contractor – Granite Construction of Ukiah.

– Helen O’Neal of Fort Bragg has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit to install a driveway near Simpson Lane. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., weekdays. A shoulder closure will be in effect. Motorists are advised to drive with caution through the area and may experience minor traffic slowdowns.

– The City of Fort Bragg has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for sidewalk and sewer upgrades from Walnut Street to Pine Avenue. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays. Southbound traffic will be restricted to one lane. Motorists may experience minor traffic slowdowns.

– Replacement of Ten Mile River Bridge will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect 24 hours per day, from 5 a.m. Monday to 3 p.m. Friday. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays. Contractor – Golden State Bridge of Martinez.

– Storm damage repair about nine miles north of Hardy Creek Bridge will continue. One-way traffic control with a temporary signal will be in effect 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Motorists

should anticipate five-minute delays. Contractor – Maggiora and Ghilotti Inc. of San Rafael.

Highway 20

– A highway widening project from Trailer Cove Road to Gravel Pitt Road will continue. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate

10-minute delays. Contractor – Argonaut Constructors of Santa Rosa.

Highway 101

– Storm damage repair from 0.6 mile to 0.8 mile north of Comminsky Station Road will continue. Northbound traffic will be restricted to one lane 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Motorists may

experience minor traffic slowdowns. Contractor – Mendocino Construction Services of Willits.

– Bridge deck repairs at the Hopland Overhead Bridge will continue. Work hours are 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 15-minute delays.

Contractor – DeBruin Construction, Inc. of Stockton.

– A pavement repair project from the West Road Overcrossing to Moore Avenue will continue. Southbound traffic will be restricted to one lane 24 hours per day, from midnight Sunday to 3 p.m. Friday. Motorists may experience minor traffic slowdowns. Contractor – Professional Concrete Services of Pleasant Hill.

– Roadway repair due to pavement deterioration and a slipout from 1.1 miles north of Reeves Canyon Road to 0.5 mile south of Ridgewood Ranch Road will continue. Traffic will be restricted to one lane

in each direction of travel 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Motorists may experience minor traffic slowdowns. Contractor – North Bay Construction of Petaluma.

– A pavement repair project from Big Trails Drive to the Long Valley Creek Bridge will continue. Work hours are 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., weekdays. Traffic will be restricted to one lane in each direction of

travel. Motorists may experience minor traffic slowdowns. Contractor – Windsor Fuel Co. of Pittsburg.

Highway 128

– Sierra Nevada World Music Festival of Ryde has been issued a Caltrans Encroachment permit to hold a festival from the Caltrans Maintenance Station to Hutsell Road. A shoulder closure will be in effect

from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Motorists are advised to drive with caution through the area and may experience minor traffic slowdowns.

– AT&T of Walnut Creek has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work from the Dry Creek Bridge to 1.6 miles east of Dry Creek Bridge. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

Highway 162

– PG&E of Eureka has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for tree trimming from Sand Bank Creek to Short Creek Road. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

For information pertaining to emergency roadwork or for updates to scheduled roadwork, please contact the California Highway Information Network (CHIN) at 1-800-GAS-ROAD (1-800-427-7623).

KELSEYVILLE – The Republican Party of Lake County Central Committee will hold its next meeting on Monday, June 22.

The group will meet at Riviera Hills Restaurant at 6 p.m.

Please come and become involved in the important issues facing the county today.

Riviera Hills Restaurant is located at 10200 Fairway Dr., Kelseyville.

LAKEPORT – The Lake County Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission invite the public to attend a commission meeting on June 18.

The public forum will be held at a regularly scheduled commission meeting beginning at 12:15 p.m. in the third floor conference room C in the Lake County Courthouse, 255 N. Forbes St., Lakeport.

The Lake County Juvenile Justice Commission was established through the provisions of section No. 225 of the California State Welfare and Institutions Code.

The Lake County Board of Supervisors adopted County Ordinance 1103 in September of 1979, designating the Commission for the County of Lake.

Details of the commission's bylaws describe one of the commission’s roles as to “inquire into the administration of the juvenile court law in Lake County” and to coordinate the work of the community agencies engaged in delinquency prevention programs and to initiate such programs to fill any unmet needs.

Additionally the commission may inspect all publicly administered juvenile facilities, including the juvenile hall as well as any county jail that has been reported to have held a minor for more than 24 hours in the previous year.

The commission is also directed to inspect at their discretion, group homes and other related juvenile facilities.

There are currently six vacancies on the 15-person board that the commission would like to fill.

Youths between the ages of 14 and 21 are encouraged to attend and inquire as to a commission position. The commission is also looking to fill four vacant adult seats.

FORTUNA – The third annual California Northern Region Training Conference will be held in Fortuna June 25 through 26 at the River Lodge Conference Center.

Presented by the California Northern Region Land Trusts (CNRLT) Steering Committee, this conference will provide land trust professionals, board members and all other interested persons with training opportunities relevant to land trusts and land conservation in today’s economy.

The 2009 conference topics address basic land trust training, climate change, sustainable forest management, conservation finance and development issues.

Conference registration is currently open to all interested persons.

Registration materials, pricing and the conference schedule are available at .

Contact Jenny Hall at the Mendocino Land Trust at 707-962-0470 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information or to register.

LAKEPORT – The Lake County chapter of the National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC) will hold its quarterly meeting this Saturday, June 20.

The meeting will take place at 10 a.m. at the Mendo-Lake Credit Union, located at 963 11th St., Lakeport.

NWPC is the only national grassroots organization dedicated to increasing the number of women officials at all levels of government.

The group was founded in 1971 as the political arm of the women’s movements, working to recruit, and train and support women for elected and appointed office, regardless of party affiliation.

The caucus reaches across party lines to maximize women’s political energy and make the system work for women. It is committed to serving all women who support core issues of reproductive freedom, improved child care/dependent care, and the Equal Rights Amendment.

For more information please call 707-774-5161.

A group of hikers experience beauty, peace and healthy outdoor activity on a BLM trail near Cache Creek. Courtesy photo.


LAKE COUNTY – Looking for local hiking opportunities? Have some special destination spots you wish to share? Interested in some healthy outdoor activity?

The public has the unique opportunity to provide input on the future shape of a county-wide, non-motorized Konocti Regional Trail System. Alta Planning and Design, a Benicia-based trails consulting firm, in conjunction with Lake County’s Community Development Department, will be hosting an upcoming forum on June 18 to gather public input. All ideas will be evaluated for inclusion into a Trails Master Plan.

For the past year, a stakeholder’s group under the direction of Kim Clymire, Director of Lake County’s Department of Public Services, has been developing the concept of the Konocti Regional Trails system in conjunction with a technical assistance grant from the National Park Service Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance (NPS RTCA) program.

To date, a series of seven Clear Lake water trails have been developed, comprising 50 miles of paddling routes in areas such as Rodman Slough, Anderson Marsh and Cache Creek. Six of the water trails utilize existing public parks as launching spots.

The next step is to develop a Master Trails Plan which will link water and land-based trails, as well as link sections of trails to each other. To do this, the county and consulting firm is asking for public participation.

The first meeting will be held on Thursday, June 18, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Board of Supervisor’s Chambers in Lakeport.

The two-hour meeting will be an interactive session.

Alta Planning and Design will present an overview of the trails goals, objectives and planning to-date, then the public will be encouraged to discuss their needs and concerns. The results will be used to develop a Konocti Regional Trails Master Plan.

Carrie Wallace, Alta Planning and Design’s Project Coordinator, explained, “The upcoming public session – a first of three meetings – is designed to get people involved as well as provide an opportunity to link up with other local volunteers and groups to create community trail plans.”

“There are many opportunities for the public to get involved, from helping to plan community routes to actual ground-proofing. We want people to eventually don their hiking boots, get out their digital cameras and GPS, and actually walk and assess potential public trail routes for suitability. Trail routes on private property will only be considered with complete and full cooperation from the property owners. Eminent domain is not a consideration of the regional trails plan,” Wallace explained.

Feedback from the public session will help in the development of localized plans – from walkable community pathways to safe-routes-to-school – which can ultimately be linked up to other areas throughout the county in a master plan. Wherever possible, plans are to use low-impact existing trails, utility easements, fire roads or fire breaks located on public lands, or on private lands of voluntary property owners; eminent domain is not a consideration.

Kim Clymire, Lake County’s Director of Public Services, is working closely with the consultants to develop the plan in conjunction with the Community Development department, which will provide staff and mapping services. Clymire feels this is a great opportunity for both the tourist-based economic development of Lake County, and the residents.

“We are very excited to be working with Alta and the community on this project,” Clymire said. “Lake County is so rich in recreational potential – it just needs to be focused. There are so many benefits to a trails system, from eco-tourism to healthy outdoor activity.”

The county – under the direction of Clymire – has already begun a series of public meetings to develop a recreational plan for Mt. Konocti, which is expected to close escrow this fall and be open to the public in early 2010.

This regional plan will become a part of the county-wide trails master plan. There are two more scheduled meetings for public input on the Mt. Konocti Plan, which will take place at the Lower Lake Historical Schoolhouse Museum on June 10 and 24 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

For more information on both the Konocti Regional Trails Master Plan and meetings, or the Mt. Konocti Master Plan meetings, contact county project manager Rebecca Dierssen, Lake County Department of Public Services at 707-262-1618, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

More information and links to all current trails/maps in Lake County are available at and information on the Mt. Konocti acquisition is available at .


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