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Funding available for diesel engine retrofit, replacement
The Carl Moyer Program is administered by the California Air Resources Board in cooperation with local air districts.
The program creates financial incentives in the form of grants for public agencies, agricultural engine electric conversions and private companies that operate heavy-duty diesel engines to replace them with cleaner systems.
The grants cover a portion of the cost of either purchasing new, replacing existing, or retrofitting existing diesel engines with cleaner on-road, off-road, marine engines or electric line power.
Diesel engines contribute about 40 percent of all oxides of nitrogen emissions (NOX) from mobile sources and a significant portion of the particulate. NOX is one of the main contributors to ground-level ozone. A secondary focus of the program is reducing the PM-10 and toxic compounds also contained in diesel exhaust.
The Lake County Air Quality Management District has $180,000 of funding available. Projects will be evaluated on the basis of cost effectiveness with a portion of match funding required.
Heavily used, older engines usually score highest for cost effectiveness. The actual applicant cost varies with the specific application.
Types of projects that may qualify include:
Repower Projects: Replace older engines with newer lower emission engines or electric line power.
Retrofit Projects: Install advanced emissions control devices on existing diesel engines.
New Purchases: Purchasing new alternative fueled equipment to replace an existing diesel engine or purchasing an ultra clean diesel engine for new equipment, when available, with a 30-percent better emissions reduction than required.
Applications are available from the district, 885 Lakeport Blvd., Lakeport, CA 95453 or by calling Cheri or Doug at 263-7000, or e-mail cherik@lcaqmd.net or dougg@lcaqmd.net.
Program information is available online at www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/moyer/moyer.htm.