Friday, 14 March 2025


MIDDLETOWN – Wiloth Equine Therapy and Riding Center will host a holistic horse care clinic on Friday, Nov. 20, through Sunday, Nov. 22.

The clinic will focus on nutrition and bodywork.

The cost is $450, which includes the stable for the horse.

Pre-registration is required. Space is limited to 10 horses.

Please contact Ghania Joia at 707-280-3855 for clinic information and Susie Wiloth at 707-355-1280 for stable information.

Wiloth Equine Therapy and Riding Center is located at 20740 Butts Canyon Road in Middletown.

CLEARLAKE – Engage your senses at the Lake County Community Co-op Open House Thursday, Nov. 19.

The open house will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at 14773 Lakeshore Drive, Clearlake.

You are invited to engage all of your senses at the Lake County Community Co-op Open House. Come see all of the fresh, local produce and taste wonderful and nutritious snacks lovingly created with ingredients from recent CSA produce boxes. A variety of breads from Kelseyville Bakery will be available to delight your sense of smell and taste.

Feel and hear the excitement created as actual produce boxes are distributed. But the experience will not stop there… Have you ever seen an article about LCCC or heard a buzz about our Co-op at Clearlake’s Friday Night Farmers’ Market?  Have you ever watched “Lake County Community Co-op Presents…” on TV8 and wondered how you could attend the demonstrations? Well, Thursday’s open house will be an excellent opportunity to satisfy your sense of curiosity and find out what the buzz is all about.

Committee members will be available to answer questions about purchasing our modified CSA produce boxes, volunteering with the Community Gardens project, shopping through our Buying Club, or participating in upcoming educational opportunities.

And, perhaps the most important sense of all is the sense of community that LCCC is creating in Clearlake and throughout Lake County. Come feel the warmth and prosperity that the Co-op has been nurturing.

Current members who bring a non-member friend receive a free gift. Members of the Co-op receive the opportunity to buy bulk dry goods through the buying club and the weekly CSA produce boxes, which help contribute to supporting local and regional organic growers and lessens the environmental footprint from agriculture.

To learn more about LCCC, including the structure, the goals and the guiding principles, please go to .

For more information about the open house, contact Janine Smith-Citron at 707-277-8208 or the Lake County Community Co-op at 707-993-4270.

LUCERNE – The next hazmobile event will be held on Friday, Nov. 20, and Saturday, Nov. 21, at Lucerne Harbor Park, 6225 E. Highway 20 in Lucerne.

Hours will be from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Events may be canceled due to rain.

Households can bring up to 15 gallons of toxic items free of charge.

A charge will be made for amounts above 15 gallons. Items that are accepted include paint, solvents, fuels, five-gallon propane tanks, pool chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, dry cell batteries, fluorescent light tubes (up to 60 feet for free) and other toxins that cannot be put in the trash.

Excluded items that cannot be accepted are televisions, computer monitors, ammunition, explosives, radioactive materials or infectious wastes. Used oil can be recycled year round at a number of sites in the county.

To learn how and where to properly dispose these items, please contact the Public Services office at 707-263-1980.

This is a residential service. Charges apply to businesses; phone 707-468-9786 for more information and business appointments.

The hazmobile program is subsidized by the Lake County Public Services Department Solid Waste Division.

If you have any questions regarding this or any of Lake County’s Solid Waste programs, please call 707-262-1760 or the Hot Line number at 707-263-1980.

LAKEPORT – The Lake County Respect For All Task Force will meet from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 16, at the Lake County Office of Education at 1152 S. Main St. in Lakeport.

The group of local individuals is striving to increase awareness about safe and inclusive learning environments. Working with a special organization based in San Francisco to identify possible actions to help the Lake County community, the task force will discuss updates to its action plans and possible next steps.

The Respect For All Project, a program of GroundSpark ( ), in cooperation with Lake County Healthy Start and Lake County Family Resource Center, is collaborating with local educators, high school students, community leaders, and representatives from a variety of organizations.

The task force has been meeting for approximately one year. Respect For All Project coordinators Cristy Chung and Barry Chersky have traveled from the Bay Area on several occasions to facilitate meetings of the group.

Monday’s meeting of the group will include a special screening of GroundSpark’s newest film, “Straightlaced: How Gender’s Got Us All Tied Up,” according to Chung. Individuals planning to attend the meeting should notify Chung by Friday, Nov. 13, by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling 415-641-4616 ext. 307.

A proposal for the Lake County project explains that GroundSpark, The Respect for All Project (RFAP) “is a non-profit organization that seeks to create safe, hate-free schools and communities by providing youth and the adults who guide their development the tools they need to talk openly about diversity in all of its forms.”

As part of its work toward safe and inclusive learning environments, the task force used GroundSpark’s Community Readiness Assessment tool to interview community members. GroundSpark compiled the results of the assessment, and a draft report was distributed to the task force members. Using the report, the group is focusing now on strategies for its next steps.

Individuals interested in helping the task force in its efforts to assist youth and their families in assuring safe and inclusive learning environments are invited to attend the meetings. More information about the Respect For All Task Force is available on the GroundSpark website, .

LAKEPORT – Lakeport's 24th annual Christmas Festival of Music will be held Friday, Dec. 4.

The holiday celebration will begin at 7 p.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at 600 16th St. in Lakeport.

Each year choirs, instrumentalists and vocalists from the local community present a free evening of holiday music to get the season started off right.

In addition to the featured performers, the audience will be invited to sing Christmas carols.

Admission is free and refreshments will be served.

LAKE COUNTY – Some Lake County library patrons have learned that the Sonoma County Library will be closed Dec. 24 through Jan. 4 as a cost-cutting measure and that some online services will be affected.

Because Lake County Library shares in Sonoma County’s catalog and circulation system, patrons are contacting us to find out how this closure will affect service for library patrons in Lake County.

Sonoma County staff has assured Lake County Library staff that they will only turn off the Sonoma County portion of the system and that Lake County patrons should see little impact. Hold notifications and overdue notices will be sent as usual, but the pre-overdue emails will not be sent.

Patrons will still be able to search the catalog, place requests, and renew books, but books from Sonoma County will not be shipped during the furlough.

To access the catalog, go to the Lake County Library Web site and click on “Library Catalog.” The Overdrive downloadable audiobook service will be turned off during the furlough.

Patrons who live in Lake County but use Sonoma County library cards will not be able to access Sonoma County’s online databases during the furlough.

If you have any questions about the furlough or any questions about library services, contact your local branch for assistance.

All Lake County Library branches will be open on the usual schedule.

Lakeport Library, located at 1425 N. High St., is open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Wednesday, noon to 8 p.m., telephone 707-263-8817.

Redbud Library, 14785 Burns Valley Road, Clearlake, is open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Wednesday noon to 8 p.m. The phone number is 707-994-5115.

Middletown Library, 21267 Calistoga Road, is open Tuesday through Friday, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., telephone 707-987-3674.

Upper Lake Library, 310 Second St., is open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 1p.m. to 6 p.m., and Wednesday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., telephone 707-275-2049.


Responsible local journalism on the shores of Clear Lake.

