Wednesday, 12 March 2025


LAKEPORT – The Lakeport Planning Commission will hold a regular meeting beginning at 6 p.m. Wednesday.

The meeting will take place at the council chambers at Lakeport City Hall, 225 Park St.

At Wednesday's meeting, the commission will hold a public hearing and consideration of applications for architectural and design review for an addition and an exterior remodel of the Safeway store, modification of the parking area, and environmental review of the project in a C-2 Major Retail Zoning District. The subject property is located at 1071 11th St.

Also on the agenda is a public hearing and consideration of an application for a use permit to allow the operation of a bed and breakfast Inn in an R-1 Low Density Residential Zoning District. The subject property is located at 2 16th St. The applicant is Gregory Gill.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Lakeport will make available to members of the public any reasonable assistance necessary to participate in this meeting. Contact the Community Development Department at (707) 263-5613 to make such a request.


Richard Thomas of the Lake County Coast Guard Auxiliary (left) and Admiral Thad Allen, Commandant of the United States Coast Guard. Courtesy photo.



HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE Hidden Valley resident and member of the Lake County Coast Guard Auxiliary, Richard Thomas, had the honor of meeting Admiral Thad Allen, Commandant of the United States Coast Guard, at the annual Coast Guard Auxiliary National Training in St. Louis, Missouri.

The annual training lasted a week and included National Auxiliary business meetings and workshops in personnel services, public affairs, vessel examinations, marine safety and marine inspections.

The district which includes Lake County flotilla 88 consists of Northern California, Nevada, and Utah.

Thomas is the district staff officer for personnel services. Auxiliary members are authorized by Congress to participate in every facet of the Coast Guard except law enforcement and acts of war.

With a focus on boating safety, in 2007, the Lake County flotilla completed 1,134 hours on marine patrols, 72 courtesy vessel inspections, taught five boating safety classes, volunteered 706 hours of direct service to the Coast Guard station on Coast Guard Island in Alameda, California and Coast Guard Station, Humboldt Bay in Eureka. The Lake County flotilla donated over 8,400 hours of service in 2007.

The Coast Guard Auxiliary, third component of Team Coast Guard, is made up of more than 30,000 volunteers nationwide and acts as a force multiplier.

The flotilla is always looking for volunteers. The primary requirements to join are that a person must be at least 17 years old, a U.S. citizen and has not been convicted of a felony.

If you are interested in action volunteering, contact Richard Thomas at 707-489-0466.

If you are interested in a boating safety class in 2008, check the Coast Guard Auxiliary Web site for a calendar of classes or contact Betty Strach at 707-928-9811.


MIDDLETOWN – The Middletown Area Town Hall (MATH) will hold its next regular monthly meeting on Thursday, March 13.

The public meeting will take place from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Middletown Multi-use Room on Wardlaw Street.

Agenda items include a discussion of the appointment of a parliamentarian and the MATH meeting day and place change under old business.

Under new business, MATH will meet the candidates for District 1 Supervisor.

MATH is a municipal advisory council serving the residents of Anderson Springs, Cobb, Coyote Valley (including Hidden Valley Lake), Long Valley and Middletown. It was established Dec. 12, 2006, by a resolution adopted by the Lake County Board of Supervisors.

The MATH Board of Directors include Chairman Fletcher Thornton, Vice Chairman Joe Sullivan, Secretary Mike Tabacchi, Jon Meyer, Martha Webster, Bill Wright and Scott Fergusson.

Disability-related accommodations may be made by contacting the MATH Chairman at 987-8285 at least 72 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting time.


LAKE COUNTY – The residents of Lake County have placed nominations for 94 people, organizations and businesses for recognition at the 11th Annual Stars of Lake County Community Awards program, hosted by Konocti Harbor Resort & Spa.

More than two dozen businesses make the program possible through their support, according to the Lakeport Chamber of Commerce.

“While there are a few seats left, we anticipate a sold-out room again this year,” said Chamber president Kenny Parlet.

The nomination process for Stars is not as simple as some might think. When the nominations are received, many times the chamber is given several categories by the person writing the nomination.

The chamber production committee must then contact the nominator and request that they zero in on one category only. When a nomination is received with little or no details on the subject being nominated, it is the production committee which must do research to assure that as much detail as possible is provided to the selection committee for their determination process.

The Stars Selection Committee will meet on March 13th for their discussion on all 94 nominees from about 9:30 a.m. to approximately 2 p.m.

They will place secret ballots for each category and the recipients will remain secret until they are revealed at the awards dinner on March 30.

This year the Selection Committee members are: Dr. Louise Nan, Lower Lake; Judy Thein, Clearlake; Gloria Flaherty, Lakeport; Dana Kearney, Kelseyville; Madelene Lyon, Kelseyville; Jeff Smith, Clearlake; Theresa Harborth, Lower Lake; John Tomkins, Lucerne; Sandy Tucker and Rick Hamilton, Middletown; and Barbara Flynn, Cobb.

At the awards dinner, Sutter Lakeside Hospital will provide a new program which lists all nominees and a short summary of their nomination.

Anyone wishing to purchase tickets should call the chamber as soon as possible, 263-5092.


A new EPA Web site features dozens of projects that local communities can do to help make the air cleaner and healthier to breathe.

The "Improving Air Quality in Your Community" Web site features activities for reducing both indoor and outdoor pollution, including diesel engine retrofit programs, improving air quality in local schools, and pollution prevention options for small businesses.

These projects have a successful track record: they were previously put into action by state and local governments across the country.

This site includes information about the costs to establish and maintain each project, and how local communities can apply for EPA grants to kick-start their activities.

For more information visit


Two dump truck loads of trash was removed from Highway 29 south of Kelseyville. Photo courtesy of Caltrans.

LAKE COUNTY – As part of its partnership with Keep California Beautiful, Caltrans cleaned up a portion of Highway 29 on March 4.

Caltrans officials reported that two dump truck loads of trash was removed from Highway 29 south of Kelseyville.

Among the larger items picked up were tire casings, Caltrans reported.



This pile of tire casings were among the larger items Caltrans removed. Photo courtesy of Caltrans




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