Wednesday, 12 March 2025


LUCERNE – The Manufactured Housing Citizens Group will present “How to Buy a New Manufactured Home” on Friday, March 28, from 10 a.m. until noon at the Lucerne Senior Center.

Featured topics will include “site preparation and foundations” by soils engineer Keith Gregory, RGH Consultants; plus financing, contracts and suggested upgrades.

The requested donation is $10 per person or $15 per couple.

Registration is required. For more information or to register, phone 707-274-1486.

Counselors also will be available after the seminar for former buyers who need help enforcing repairs.

Lunch is served at the center for $5 ($3 for seniors).

The Lucerne Senior Center is located at 3985 Country Club Drive (at 10th Avenue) in Lucerne.




UKIAH – On March 19 several Lake County residents trekked to Ukiah to take part in a vigil commemorating the fifth year anniversary of the “shock and awe” bombardment in Iraq.

Rhyschenda Owens captured these pictures of the event in downtown Ukiah.

For more pictures see









CLEARLAKE – The Clearlake Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Committee will hold two public hearings and elect officers at its meeting on Tuesday, March 18.

The meeting begins at 6 p.m. at Clearlake City Hall, 14050 Olympic Drive.

Under public hearings, the commission will consider adopting a mitigated negative declaration for a use permit and approval of a permit proposing the construction of the 47-unit family apartment community called Edgewater Village, which will consist of three three-story buildings on a 1.86-acre parcel.

The meeting's second public hearing will consider the adoption of a tree ordinance, continued from the Feb. 19 meeting.

Under Planning Commission matters, members will give reports and updates, and the community development director will offer the monthly community development and engineering report.

The commission also will hold an election of officers.

Under Parks and Recreation Committee business, Lee Lambert will give a report on the South Shore Little League Redbud Park remodel, and committee members and the director also will offer updates.


CLEARLAKE – The fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was marked Wednesday night by a vigil in front of Wal-Mart in Clearlake.

Approximately 50 people, including members of Lake County Peace Action and other community members, gathered with signs, candles, and American flags to commemorate the losses the war has caused, and to express hope for peace in the foreseeable future.

A few in attendance remembered standing in the same location in March 2003, when only three or four would stand in what was at the time lonely opposition to the war. They recalled hearing a lot of discouraging and hostile comments in those days, in contrast to the largely supportive responses from passersby now.

But they also expressed sadness that after such a long time the war continues to drag on. “Faith and hope” are the keys, said one woman holding a sign that read “Health Care, not Warfare.”


LUCERNE – Join Lucerne Friends of Locally Owned Water (FLOW) while they celebrate World Water Day!

Visit their bake sale on Good Friday, March 21 (in front of Lakeview Market, Lucerne), from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and on Saturday, World Water Day, March 22 (in front of Sentry Market, Nice), from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Stop by their table at the locations above to pick out some homemade goodies and learn about Lucerne FLOW.

For more information call 275-9608.


LAKEPORT – The newly formed Lake County Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Steering Committee will hold its next meeting this week.

The group will meet at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, March 20, in the Community Room of the Mendo-Lake Credit Union, located at 963 11th St., Lakeport. The public is invited.

The CASA program is meant to provide stability and hope to abused and neglected children in the court system by providing them with a volunteer who will advocate for them.

The committee has appointed Susan Thompson as interim director.

Thompson's first official duties have included recruitment for a Board of Directors and the completion of a grant application for a new program funding from the National CASA organization

Thompson, who is currently the Community Development Manager for Lake Family Resource Center (LFRC) in Lake County, brings impressive credentials in nonprofit management, program development, and fundraising to this position.

She has served as chair of the Board of Directors for the Women’s Crisis Center in Tillamook, Ore.; executive director for the Women’s Violence Intervention Program in Lincoln County, Ore.; and director of Gaia House, a recovery-based group home for juvenile delinquent girls through Oregon Youth Authority.

In addition, she has served as a member of the Commission on Children and Families in both Tillamook and Lincoln counties in Oregon, on several boards including the Lincoln County United Way and the Children’s Advocacy Center, and the CPS Domestic Violence Advisory Committee at the state level in Oregon.

In California, she was the Prevention Coordinator for the DELTA (Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancement and Leadership Through Alliances) programs at the state level through the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence.

For more information about Lake County CASA call 263-4599.



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