Thursday, 13 March 2025


CLEARLAKE – The Lake County Community Co-op's second annual Gratitude Gathering will take place at the community hall of the Clearlake United Methodist Church on Saturday, Dec. 12, from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Live music, door prizes, a potluck and a presentation by consultants from the California Center for Cooperative Development (CCCD) on the progress of a storefront feasibility study for the organization will be featured at this year's annual event.

"All of that surrounded by our conscious intention to reflect upon this past year's events and happenings in our community," noted Member Relations Committee Coordinator Janine Smith-Citron.

The members and general public are highly encouraged to attend. "Please bring a dish that you're inspired to share," she added.

The co-op has continued for a second year with all of their projects in community, which include the Friday Night Farmers' Market, the “Lake County Community Co-op Presents...” educational series, the weekly CSA vegetable boxes and monthly bulk goods ordering, and the community garden at the Highlands Senior Service Center.

"We have much to be thankful for," added board member and Community Garden Coordinator, David Goolsbee, "and much to look forward to as we continue to take steps towards a storefront."

Co-op specialists, Luis Sierra of the California Center for Cooperative Development and consulting specialist, Andrew McLeod, will attend this year's gathering giving the membership an update on the progress of the storefront feasibility study as well as how Co-op members can actively help in this vital step of the Co-op's development.

"I'm so excited to be part of this phase in our development," remarked Co-op Chair, JoAnn Saccato, "and encourage the whole community, membership and beyond, to participate in the process."

For more information about the co-op and this event go to , contact Janine Smith-Citron at 707-277-8208, or the co-op at 707-993-4270.

CLEARLAKE OAKS – The inaugural Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in The Plaza in Clearlake Oaks will be held at 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 6.

The community will string lights on a 20-foot tree for the event.

There will be carol singing and a candy cane for each child with hot cocoa available after the tree is shining brightly.


Come join in as they start a new tradition in the beautiful new Plaza.


Lake County's chapter of the California Women for Agriculture include, from left to right, Bonnie Sears, Sausha Racine, Toni Scull, and Paula Bryant. Courtesy photo.



LAKE COUNTY – Members of the Lake County Chapter of California Women for Agriculture recently elected and installed new officers of the all-volunteer, agricultural support organization.

Leading the group in 2010 will be Toni Scully, president; Sausha Racine, vice president; and Bonnie Sears, secretary, all of Lakeport; and Paula Bryant, Hidden Valley Lake, treasurer.

Marilyn Holdenried, Kelseyville, chapter founder and first president, conducted the installation at a recent luncheon meeting.

Also serving on the board of directors as area representatives will be Linda Juntunen, Lakeport; Matilda Robinson and Rachel Quist, Upper Lake; Sue Steiner and Sally Beckner, South County; and Nellie Dorn, Kelseyville.

Past president Margaret Eutenier will continue to edit and produce the chapter’s newsletter.

Members attending the recent gathering included the new officers, Juntunen, Holdenried, Eutenier, and past presidents Carolyn Henderson Rohner, Laura Hodgkinson and Wilda Shock. Also present were active members Colleen Rentsch, Janice Stokes, Diane Henderson and Sara Dorn.

CWA members are advocates for agriculture. Initially, when formed in 1976, members were directly involved in farming; now the statewide membership includes professionals working in banking, law, business, regulatory agencies, sales, politics, communication, and education.

Many members, including those in the Lake County Chapter, are also community leaders, volunteers, and consumers interested in and concerned about agriculture in California.

The new officers are professionally allied with agricultural interests in Lake County.

Scully’s family owns and manages Scully Packing Co., growers and shippers of Lake County pears, and is based in Finley. Racine is the assistant manager of Scully Packing. Sears is the administrative manager of Snows Lake Vineyard, Lower Lake. Bryant is vice president/relationship manager for Umpqua Bank, Lakeport.

“I’m honored to become president of the Lake County Chapter of CWA,” said Scully. “Some of our members have been farming pears, grapes, walnut, or cattle here for generations. Other members come from various walks of life and recognize what a contribution these family farms and farmers make to our local quality of life. We are dedicated to helping this important segment of our economy survive and prosper.”

She added, “These Lake County farms and ranches have been sustainable over the course of many generations, and their owners and operators, along with CWA members, are committed to seeing them continue to supply fine Lake County products to domestic and international markets.”

The role of CWA is to convey the benefits of a vibrant farm economy to those in positions to impact the future of agriculture in California. The members do so by providing the information, skills and network so that volunteers can make a difference, both locally and statewide, sharing their perspectives with the media, teachers and students, elected officials, opinion makers, and community leaders.

More information about the Lake County CWA may be obtained from Toni Scully at 707-263-3710 or by writing to P.O. Box 279, Finley 95435. Annual activities include the awarding of scholarships to college students pursuing careers in agriculture or allied businesses, using proceeds from the popular sales of pear pies during the Kelseyville Pear Festival.

KELSEYVILLE – The Kelseyville Lions will be serving up breakfast to benefit Lake County Special Olympics.

The breakfast will take place on Sunday, Dec. 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Lions Club in Kelseyville, 4335 Sylar Lane.

For the low, low price of $6 you can have a full breakfast with all the fixins served by your local Special Olympics athletes.

This year's ticket price also includes an entry into a raffle for a truckload of wood delivered to your door.

For more information call 707-262-1269.

ANDERSON MARSH – The annual old-fashioned Christmas Open House at Anderson Marsh State Historic Park will be held on Saturday, Dec. 12, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The park is located on Highway 53 between Lower Lake and the city of Clearlake.

Santa Claus will be there to greet children and hand out treats. Christmas songs will be performed by local entertainers with the public invited to join in.

The Christmas tree, decorated with the help of local elementary students, will be on display in the parlor of the historical ranch house at the park. Free hot cider, coffee, and lots of cookies and other treats will be provided.

Entertainers include Dr. Harry Lyons from Yuba College, Rick McCann, Tom Nixon, Middletown’s David Neft, Bluegrass musician, Don Coffin, Anna McAtee, Gaye Henry, and Joan Moss and friends.

This is a great opportunity to visit the historical ranch house at the park. The event has been a favorite holiday tradition for many years; and is continuing this year with the help of many local volunteers. Christmas at the Ranch was started by the original members of the Anderson Marsh Interpretive Association (AMIA) and is continuing to be presented by the association. The event is designed to welcome visitors to the house to enjoy the warm and festive atmosphere.

Christmas music is enjoyed by all and Santa waits in the parlor for youngsters to tell him of their Christmas wishes. A fire burns cheerily in the dining room where cookies, hot coffee, and cider are served. The Interpretive Society’s gift store will be open where you might find just the right unique item for that hard-to-please person on your Christmas list.

The public is warmly invited to attend this traditional, relaxed, and fun holiday event. Join the volunteers of the Anderson Marsh Interpretive Association for an old-fashioned Christmas open house at the ranch.

For more information, contact Roberta Lyons at 707-994-2024.

LAKE COUNTY – The 17th annual Lake County Toy Run takes place this Sunday, Dec. 6, circling Lake County to help gather toys for children in need.

The Toy Run departs the Kmart parking lot on S. Main Street at 11 a.m. Rider will travel around the lake, with the run ending at the Kelseyville Lions Club House on Sylar Lane in Kelseyville for a great barbecue lunch. Be a part of the solution to help our less fortunate Lake County Kids enjoy the Holiday.

A very generous Santa is paying for the lunch on Sunday, Dec. 6, for everyone who participates in and donates a new toy for the event. Prior to doing this, it would have cost everyone $10 per person.

Santa, in recognition of these strained economic times, wants to be sure folks help out our Lake County kids this year by donating as many toys as possible, so he's paying for the lunch.

All toy run participants (motorcycles, cars, trucks) check in at Kmart with the Clear Lake Road Riders on Sunday, Dec. 6, in the parking lot, where registration opens at 9 a.m.

There are discount coupons for all registered participants, to buy their toys and cash donations are welcome also.


Responsible local journalism on the shores of Clear Lake.

