Wednesday, 12 March 2025


LAKE COUNTY – The Make A Difference Day Project this year is once again set up to be a canned food drive.

This Saturday, Oct. 24, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. volunteers will be collecting donations to give to the Lake County Community Action Agency, Catholic Charities and Lake County Senior Centers.

Over the past nine events they have donated more than 25,000 pounds of food.

Please donate at one of the following stores: Hardester’s Markets in Middletown, Cobb and Hidden Valley Lake; Riviera Market, Clearlake Riviera; Safeway, Clearlake; Ray's Food Place, Clearlake; Red & White Market, Clearlake Oaks; Sentry Market, Nice; Bruno’s Shop Smart, Lakeport; Grocery Outlet, Lakeport; Safeway, Lakeport.

If you are interested in volunteering for this or one of the many other opportunities available please register at

If you have any problems or no Internet access, please call Debbie at 707-995-8010 or Tammy at 707-263-6291.

CLEARLAKE – Orchard Park Assisted Living and Memory Care Community will host an Oktoberfest celebration this week.

The event will take place from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 22.

There will be beer, brats and fun.


Orchard Park Assisted Living and Memory Care Community is located at 14789 Burns Valley Road, Clearlake.

To RSVP call 707-995-1900.

CLEARLAKE – The city of Clearlake's many volunteers will be recognized this Thursday, Oct. 22, during the Clearlake City Council meeting.

The meeting begins at 6 p.m. at Clearlake City Hall, 14050 Olympic Drive.

A memorandum prepared for the meeting notes, “"The City Council would like to recognize the TV8 volunteers for their efforts in keeping the citizens of Clearlake informed.”

The city will honor the Planning Commission, RDA Advisory Committee, VIPs, Clean Up Clearlake Day volunteers, TV8 and many, many more.

A list of TV8 volunteers provided by Station Manager Allen Markowski includes Barbara Christwitz, Barbarajo Bloomquist, Carle High School students and Principal Ed Zander, Chris Kirkwood, Dante DeAmicis, Dan Towers, David Ramerez, DC Wiseman, Ed Robey, Frank Gillespie, Gabby Fellows, Hiram Dukes, Judy Johnson, Maliki Tara, Melinda Young, Michael Schenck, Phil Mathewson, Toni Morales, Vincent Squatch and Vito Santana.

LAKE COUNTY – To encourage participation by the public, local merchants and vendors in the Dickens' Christmas Market theme, the Lake County Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a costume workshop.

The workshop, “Dickens On A Dime,” will be held at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 23, at the Soper-Reese Community Theatre, 275 S. Main St., Lakeport.

Lyle Colburn and David Green of C&G Enterprises, along with Bert Hutt, artistic director for the Soper-Reese, will present ideas on how you can dress in a Dickens costume by using clothing already in your closet to create your own costume.

You are encouraged to bring articles from your closet that you think may work and the presenters will advise on how to proceed.

You also can find “treasures” at such shops as People Services Thrift Store at 395 N. Main in Lakeport or Hospice of Lake County Thrift Stores, 1701 S. Main, Lakeport, or 14290 Lakeshore Drive in Clearlake.



A costume contest is being held during the Dickens Christmas Market with $100 prize for best costume by an individual, couple and vendor/merchant.

CLEARLAKE – Recently Catholic Charities of Lake County, as the lead agency along with Lake County Community Action Agency, Lake Family Resource Center and Community Care, was allocated $1.195 million dollars to assist the almost-homeless and homeless in Lake County.

So as to understand the parameters of this Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-housing “HPRP” grant and what it can and cannot provide, please join us for a general information session with the public at large, other nonprofit agencies that assist the homeless, Healthy Start, Lake County Office of Education, hospital staff, police, fire, city and county officials and more.

It will be held at City Hall in Clearlake from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 23, in the conference room.

As a preliminary to this session, please consider visiting as it outlines the steps of the program in Sonoma County and will be very similar to the work the group will accomplish in Lake County.

Brian O’Callaghan  and Linda Pomeroy of Catholic Charities Santa Rosa will facilitate the presentation and answer questions.

Please RSVP to Hedy Montoya at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 707-987-8139.

MIDDLETOWN – Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts are part of a venerable tradition still very much active in the Middletown area, and an update on their activity will be offered at the next Middletown Luncheon Club program on Wednesday, Oct. 21.

Speakers are Michelle Meese, community development director for Lake County Girl Scouts, and William McVay, Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 315.

Middletown Luncheon Club programs start at noon in the social hall of the Middletown Methodist Church, 15833 Armstrong at Washington, Middletown.

Lunch is only $5 per person with proceeds going to the serving group. All programs are open to the general public. This month’s serving group is the Stonehouse Historical Society.

If you don’t know about the Middletown Luncheon Club (MLC), here is the perfect opportunity to tap into the 108 year continuum of community. MLC meets every third Wednesday of the month from January through November.

A nonprofit organization is selected to provide lunch, and there is a different program each month to keep things lively and informative.

For more info on the MLC, contact Helen Whitney at 707-928-9812.


Responsible local journalism on the shores of Clear Lake.

