Friday, 14 March 2025


LUCERNE – The Lake County Democratic Club will meet at noon Saturday, Feb. 13, at the Lucerne Alpine Senior Center in Lucerne.

The senior center is located at 3985 Country Club Drive, corner of 10th and Country Club, in Lucerne.

The center serves breakfast from 9 a.m. until noon.

The public is invited. Membership in the Lake County Democratic Club is open to registered members of the Democratic Party.

For more information contact the club at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 707-277-0713.

WASHINGTON, DC – The IRS Free File service provides free federal income tax return preparation and electronic filing for all taxpayers. All you need is access to a computer and the Internet and you can prepare and e-file your federal tax return for free.

Free File is offered through a partnership between the IRS and the Free File Alliance, a group of private-sector tax software companies. Since Free File's debut in 2003, more than 27 million returns have been prepared and e-filed through this program.

Free File offers two options. The first is Traditional Free File, which includes approximately 20 tax preparation software products from which to choose. Taxpayers with 2009 incomes of $57,000 or less are eligible for this service.

The second option is Free File Fillable Forms, which is an electronic version of IRS paper forms. All taxpayers can use Free File Fillable Forms to prepare and file tax forms electronically.

Use the following steps to file your return through IRS Free File:

Step 1. Get Started Access and click the Free File logo or go to . You must access Free File companies through the official IRS Web site to qualify for the free service.

Step 2. Determine Your Eligibility If your 2009 income was $57,000 or less, you're eligible for Traditional Free File's easy-to-use, step-by-step software. If your income was higher, you are eligible for Free File Fillable Forms.

Step 3. Link to Free File Company Service If you opt for Traditional Free File, you can choose one of the approximate 20 offerings by reviewing which one fits your situation. You can click "I Will Choose A Free File Company" or "Help Me Find A Free File Company." To get started with Free File Fillable Forms, just click the "Choose Free File Fillable Forms" button.

Step 4. Prepare and e-file your Federal Income Tax Return Either Traditional Free File or Free File Fillable Forms will allow you to file your return electronically, for free.

Both the fillable-forms option and the "full service" Free File offerings are only available through Whether you are new to Free File or a returning taxpayer, you must access Free File through; otherwise, the provider may charge a fee.

CLEARLAKE – The Lake County First 5 Commission will hold its next regular meeting this Wednesday, Jan. 27.

The meeting will begin at 2:30 p.m. at New Beginnings, 6885 Old Highway 53, Clearlake.

Agenda items will include election of new officers, approval of grant application for Kid’s Plate Project and a video presentation on New Beginnings Parenting Group.

They also will hear the executive director’s report and commissioners' reports, which will include updates on relevant information concerning budget issues, legislation or activities relating to prenatal-to-five programs.

There also will be time for public comments and announcements.

For more information contact First 5 Lake County, telephone 707-263-6169 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

LAKE COUNTY – The Area Agency on Aging is accepting applications for candidacy in the California Senior Legislature.

Two positions are available: one as a senior Senator and one as a senior Assemblymember, representing both Lake and Mendocino counties.

The California Senior Legislature (CSL) is a nonpartisan, volunteer organization made up of 120 elected members, 60 years of age and older.

The 40 Senior Senators and 80 Senior Assembly Members are elected by their peers to represent seniors throughout the state.

The CSL gives senior citizens the opportunity to become familiar with the legislative process through actual involvement and provides them a forum to present their legislative priorities to the state Legislature.

Each October, the CSL meets in Sacramento to convene a legislative session in the chambers and hearing rooms of the State Capitol.  

Senior legislators seek state lawmakers to author the CSL proposals and then work through the year to ensure adoption of the legislative bills.

Since its inception in 1980, more than 70 percent of the CSL’s priority proposals have been enacted into law.

To be eligible for candidacy, an applicant must be a registered voter residing in Lake or Mendocino County and aged 60 or over on election day, May 13.

To receive an application packet, please contact Loretta Houck at 707-463-7775 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


LAKE COUNTY – Celeste Settrini, president of California Women for Agriculture, was the guest speaker at the year’s first meeting of the Lake County Chapter of CWA.

Gathering at Zino’s Ristorante in Soda Bay for a convivial evening that included music by David Neft were 57 members, guests, and prospective members interested in learning more about the current challenges being faced by the local farming community.

The group was welcomed by chapter president Toni Scully, Lakeport, who introduced Sausha Racine, Lakeport, vice president; Bonnie Sears, Lakeport, secretary; and Paula Bryant, Hidden Valley Lake, treasurer.

Area representatives Nellie Dorn, Kelseyville; Linda Juntunen, Lakeport; Matilda Robinson, Upper Lake; and Sue Steiner and Sally Beckner, south county, were acknowledged.

Present at the event were past president Margaret Eutenier, newsletter editor; charter president Marilyn Holdenried, sunshine chairman; Janice Stokes, historian; and past presidents Wilda Shock and Carolyn Henderson-Rohner. Also present was Diane Henderson, CWA liaison to the Lake County Farm Bureau board of directors.

Retiring co-presidents Joanne Van Eck and Stephanie Green, secretary Mireya Turner, and treasurer Carol Robertson were thanked for their volunteer service to the organization during the past two years.

Settrini, a fourth generation Monterey County and San Benito County cattle rancher and member of the Salinas Valley Chapter, has vowed to visit all 22 CWA chapters in California during her two years as state president.

Lake County was her first stop, where she expressed her appreciation for the partnership enjoyed by agricultural affiliates in this area.

She noted that 2010 provides several opportunities for involvement at the local and statewide level. CWA will have a presence at the World Ag Expo in Tulare next month, as well as during a joint meeting in March with the California Cattlewomen. Members from throughout California will gather in Sacramento on March 23 for Capital Ag Day, meeting with legislators and other elected officials.

Scully invited the Lake County members to meet the challenge of educating their neighbors about local farming practices and operations.

“They need to see our family farmers as responsible stewards of the land, toiling on farms and ranches that have proven to be sustainable over generations,” she said, adding that CWA should “enlist the help and support of all people who want to help protect our ability to farm.”

Community members interested in learning more about helping to sustain an agricultural way of life in Lake County are invited to contact Toni Scully at 707-263-7327, or write to P.O. Box 279, Finley 95435.

LAKE COUNTY – Approximately one million US Census takers nationwide will be hired this spring to complete the Census Bureau's constitutionally mandated headcount.

Data gathered during the census is essential to determining how federal monies are spent on things that matter most to you: Health care, education, jobs, home ownership, community safety, community services, aid for children and seniors and more.

Most fieldwork positions last a few weeks or more and pay $11.50 per hour. Mileage is reimbursed at government rates.

Everyone hired by the Census Bureau must take a 30-minute basic skills exam. These test sessions are being scheduled now throughout the county. To apply call 1-866-861-2010.

The U.S. Census Bureau is an equal opportunity employer. Bilingual applicants are encouraged to apply.


Responsible local journalism on the shores of Clear Lake.

