Friday, 28 March 2025


KELSEYVILLE – The farmers markets in Kelseyville are continuing through the end of this month.

Through Halloween, the Saturday morning market at Steele Wines, from 8:30 a.m. to noon, and the Tuesday market from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. will be open.

Get your supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, local goat cheese, olive oil and honey, in addition to jams, soaps, bread, handmade crafts and yummy snacks while enjoying music performed by local musicians.

SACRAMENTO – Secretary for Natural Resources Mike Chrisman has announced that applications are currently being accepted for the Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program (EEMP) 2009-10 grant cycle.

The program offers grants to local, state, and federal governmental agencies and nonprofit organizations for projects to mitigate environmental impacts caused by new or modified state transportation facilities.

Grants, which generally will be limited to $350,000 per project, will be given in three categories:

• Highway landscape and urban forestry: Projects designed to offset vehicular emissions of carbon dioxide through the planting of trees and other suitable plants.

• Resource lands: Projects for the acquisition, restoration, or enhancement of watersheds, wildlife habitat, wetlands, forests, or other significant natural areas within or near the right of way for transportation improvements.

• Roadside recreation: Projects for the acquisition and/or development of roadside recreational opportunities.

Applications for the 2009-10 grant cycle must be received by the Natural Resources Agency no later than 4 p.m. Monday, Nov. 16.

The Natural Resources Agency will submit recommended projects to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) for funding consideration in early 2010. It is anticipated that the CTC will give preliminary approval to projects to be funded in late spring 2010.

Two technical assistance workshops will be held to help applicants in preparing grant applications. The Northern California meeting will take place from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 5, in Sacramento at the Veteran's Building, 1227 O St., fifth floor, room 518.

Please RSVP to reserve your space by e-mailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

To access the EEMP Guidelines and Application and learn more about evaluation criteria and requirements, visit .

For more information about EEMP project administration, visit the Caltrans Web site at .

Hardcopies of the application are also available from the Natural Resources Agency, 1416 Ninth St., Suite 1311, Sacramento, CA 95814, or by contacting the EEMP Coordinator at (916) 651-7593 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

CLEARLAKE – Lake County Community Co-op (LCCC) members and the general public are invited to learn some canning tips from local food professional and co-op volunteer, Carli Tippett.

The free event will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Oct. 10, at the Clearlake City Hall main council room, 14050 Olympic Drive.

Tippett will share her many years of knowledge and also demonstrate the basics of canning tomatoes and making jam.

She has been in the food business for many years, and initially became interested in canning when she saw apples in a nearby orchard going to waste. So she picked up a well-known book, “The Joy of Cooking,” and taught herself how to can.

Fast forward to the present, Tippett is selling her canned goods to five boutiques in Lake County. She is a self-taught chef as well, owning two cafes in the past and is currently the chef at the Corkman’s Clipper Irish Pub in Clearlake.

Join Tippett and the co-op this Saturday and be inspired to can all those fruits and vegetables in your garden, so they, too, won’t go to waste.

For more information, contact Lori Patotzka at 707-994-1618.

Celebrating over one and one half years in existence, the Lake County Community Co-op envisions cultivating an evolving community by nurturing values of social, economic and environmental responsibility. The Co-op wishes to support our local farmers and producers and provide a forum for community activities. For more information or to become a member of the LCCC, follow the links at or call 707-993-4270.

From left, Ukiah Garden Club President Cheryl Gordon, Willits Garden Club President Willma Schaffer, North Shore Garden Club President Henry Bethel, Mendo-Lake District Director GinaBelle Smith and Clear Lake Trowel and Trellis Garden Club Past President Claire Grieve with the Mendo-Lake District sign. Photo by Linda Pyers.

LAKE COUNTY – Have you ever wanted to talk with another gardener, get some ideas, share your plants, learn new things?

Did you know there are several garden clubs in our area? There are six garden clubs, all within the Mendo-Lake District ( ).

All the districts in California are under the California Garden Club Inc. ( ), then within the Pacific Region ( ), and then the National Garden Clubs, Inc. ( ). These Web sites contain a wealth of information – check them out.

The garden clubs in the Mendo-Lake District are:

– Clear Lake Trowel & Trellis Garden Club, established 1955, meets at the Scotts Valley Women's Clubhouse in Lakeport ( ).

– Fort Bragg Garden Club, established 1955, meets at the Botanical Garden.

– North Lake Garden Club, established 2005, meets at the Lucerne Community Church.

– Potter Valley Garden Club, established 1954, meets in various locations.

– Ukiah Garden Club, established 1949, meets on W. Clay Street in Ukiah ( ).

– Willits Garden Club, established 1951, meets at the Golden Rule Clubhouse in Willits.

GinaBelle Smith is the Mendo-Lake District director. For further information check out any of the above Web sites or call 707-964-3798. All are welcome to visit the garden clubs.

The district meets quarterly and the public is invited to attend any of the meetings. Watch for future announcements of meetings and activities.


LAKE COUNTY – Does Lake County have talent? Yes, yes and yes.

The “Lake County Has Talent” contest is for all residents of Lake County, and students of all ages are especially encouraged to apply.

The application deadline is Friday, Oct. 16, and the nonrefundable application fee is $10.

An applicant may ask a sponsor for a $25, $50 or $100 sponsorship in lieu of the $10 application fee.

Lower Lake High School Auditorium is hosting the event at 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 31.

Prizes are: Grand prize, $150; first runner up, $100; second runner up, $75.

Admission costs $20 for a family, $10 per adults and $5 per student. Admission to the Halloween carnival is free although there are ticket fees for individual carnival events.

Applications for the talent show/contest may be picked up at Lower Lake High School Attendance Office from Peggy or Clearlake City Hall front desk from Julie.

Proceeds go for the Lower Lake High School Music Program and TV PEG Channel 8.

Contact Barbara Christwitz at 707-995-0940 and/or for more information as well as an on-line application blank.

LAKE COUNTY – The Clear Lake Road Riders is planning meet the first Wednesday of each month at Kelseyville Pizza on State Street in Kelseyville.

The group hosts the Bob Reese Memorial Ride in May (a fundraiser for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation) and the Lake County Toy Run in December each year.

Prior to the December toy run Taylor's Tavern in Redwood Valley hosts a chicken barbecue in support of the Lake County Toy Run.

This year Taylor's is hosting the event on Oct. 10 with live music by Lake County Diamonds, 50-50 raffle and door prizes. There is an open invitation to all who are 21 years old and up. Funding from this event helps make the holidays a little nicer for approximately 900 Lake County children.

The group also volunteers for the adopt-a-highway program. Their area is between Park Way and the Nice-Lucerne Cutoff on Highway 29. The club's most recent collection included 13 bags of trash and $15 in recyclables (funds go to the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation).

They will use any excuse for a ride – milkshakes at St. Helena; Eureka for lunch or to the coast to cool off; whitewater rafting in Oregon and the American River in California. Larry and Suzanne Schneider rode the USA-Four Corners Tour in 16 days.

For information about Clear Lake Road Riders or any of our events please contact president Lynn Hollenback (707-263-7101 or 707-245-4270) or call Hillside Honda (707-263-9000).


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