Tuesday, 28 January 2025


CLEARLAKE, Calif. — The Lake County Democratic Party will host its annual barbecue on Saturday, Oct. 22.

It will take place from 3 to 6 p.m. at the Clearlake Senior Center, 3245 Bowers Ave.

This year’s theme is “Strength in Diversity,” celebrating the national motto, “E Pluribus unum” — “Out of many, one.”

Join elected representatives at federal, state and county level, including local candidates who won their June primary (Susan Krones, Patrick Sullivan and Charise Reynolds) and meet other local candidates who will be on your ballot in November.

Enjoy a southwestern barbecue meal and come ready to support the local party by participating in the fabulous dessert auction, with State Senator Mike McGuire again serving as auctioneer.

Tickets can be purchased here.

Brown pelicans at the Mendocino, California, coast. Photo by Tim Bray.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. — The Redbud Audubon Society is pleased to host Tim Bray on Thursday, Oct. 20, for its monthly Zoom presentation, starting at 7 p.m.

Bray is president of the Mendocino Coast Audubon Society and a retired hydrogeologist with extensive knowledge of his topic.

This presentation begins with a review of the mechanics and biology of the nearshore and offshore ecosystems, before looking at some of the birds that rely on different parts of the marine food webs and the remarkable adaptations they display.

Bray co-hosts a monthly radio program, “The Ecology Hour,” on Mendocino County’s KZYX public radio station with Dr. Robert Spies, a marine biologist.

A black-footed albatross feeding on squid on the Mendocino, California, coast. Courtesy photo.

Bray, an avid birder, goes to sea as often as possible and organizes occasional pelagic field trips.

The Redbud program begins at 7 p.m. To register click on the link either in your emailed newsletter or on the home page of Audubon’s website: www.redbudaudubon.org.

The Zoom link will be sent to you the day of the program.

Please register as early as possible and if you have any problems registering, email Redbud Audubon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Tim Bray birding at the Mendocino, California, coast. Courtesy photo.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. — The Redbud Audubon Society will host a field trip to the Lake County Land Trust’s Wright Wetland Preserve on Saturday, Oct. 22, starting at 9 a.m.

The Wright Wetland Preserve, on the shoreline of Clear Lake near Lakeport, was purchased by the Lake County Land Trust in 2020 as part of its strategic plan to acquire priority wetlands areas critical to preserving important wildlife and bird habitats in the county.

The group will be led by experienced birders and members of both Redbud Audubon and the Land Trust.

Be prepared to see migrating songbirds, raptors, woodpeckers and more.

The Wright Wetland Preserve is located at 446 Soda Bay Road. Coming from Lakeport, heading east on Soda Bay Road, the preserve is the third driveway on the left after going over the Manning Creek Bridge. It is just a short distance past the large recycling/transfer station.

If you have any questions please call Redbud Audubon at 707-805-9410 and leave a message or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The field trip starts at 9 a.m. and be sure to be on time as someone will be waiting at the entrance to guide participants into the property.

LAKEPORT, Calif. — The Lakeport Public Works Department announced the successful integration of an asset management system into its daily operations.

This project has been led by city Utilities Superintendent Paul Harris and his team in the Utilities Division.

The new Cartegraph asset management system allows the city to electronically track service orders, usage of equipment and supplies, task duration, project costs, and other helpful information that enhances efficiency and record keeping.

Public Works and Utilities staff can easily add data on an electronic tablet while in the field completing tasks as data is automatically uploaded to the new system.

The asset management software is also integrated into Lakeport’s geographic information system, or GIS, which was established more than 20 years ago and continues to be an important part of the city’s operations.

Many of the recent upgrades to the asset management and GIS programs were completed by Connie Warthen, a 2020 UCLA graduate (BA, geography; GIS minor) who joined Lakeport Public Works in 2021 after a successful year-long participation in the CivicSpark Fellowship program.

The Lakeport Public Works Department is excited about this new project and looks forward to using new technologies to reach the goal of providing superior service to city of Lakeport customers and community stakeholders.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. — The Lake County Registrar of Voters Office reported that it will conduct testing of voting computers and software this week.

Pursuant to regulations of the California State Commission on Voting Machines and Vote Tabulating Devices, a logic and accuracy test will be conducted for the ballot tabulation computer and software to be used for the Nov. 8 General Election.

This test will run on Thursday, Oct. 20, at 11 a.m. in the Registrar of Voters Office, 325 N. Forbes St., Lakeport.

All interested persons are invited to observe this test.

For more information, call 707-263-2372 or toll-free at 888-235-6730.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. — The Lake County Genealogical Society will present a tour of the historic section of the Middletown Cemetery on Saturday, Oct. 29.

The tour begins at 10 a.m. at the cemetery located at 16357 Butts Canyon Road.

Starting off the tour will be a grave dowsing demonstration and instruction. This activity is used to locate bodies in unmarked graves.

Older cemeteries often contain headstones which identify parent's names, but not their children. Identifying the number of children buried in a grave site helps a genealogist determine the number of family members to research.

Local genealogist Judy Kauffman and others will conduct the tour with life histories of some buried therein, including Civil War veterans, pioneers and others as the tour progresses.

The 45-year-old nonprofit Lake County Genealogical Society maintains a research library of local families, along with other historic documents and is seeking a permanent home in Lakeport so the public can access the collection.

Until such time, research inquiries can be made to Anita Crabtree via phone at 707-275-2144 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Responsible local journalism on the shores of Clear Lake.

