Wednesday, 12 March 2025


MIDDLETOWN – Are you a a bride-to-be? If so, an upcoming event has you inmind.

At 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 21, Middletown Florist will host a free bridal event.

The first 20 brides to sign up will receive a free report entitled, “The 4 Secrets to Having the Wedding of Your Dreams.” Enjoy local wines, strawberries and Middletown Florist's Lake County-exclusive Mendocino Chocolate.

Space is limited, so please RSVP at or call 987-9500.


NORTH COAST – Caltrans reports that the following road projects will be taking place around Lake County during the coming week.

Included are Mendocino County projects that may impact Lake County commuters.


Highway 29

– Caltrans will continue routine maintenance from Wardlaw Street to Hofacker Lane. Work hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

– AT&T of Clearlake been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work at Bell Park Avenue beginning Friday, Jan. 30. Work hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

– Caltrans will perform routine maintenance from Cole Creek Bridge to Hill Creek Bridge beginning Monday, Feb. 2. Work hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

– AT&T of Clearlake been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work from Robinson Creek Bridge to .8 miles south of Tule Lake Road beginning Friday, Jan. 30. Work hours are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.


Highway 1

– Baxman Gravel Co. of Fort Bragg has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit to construct a road approach 0.1 miles north of Happy Lane through Friday, Jan. 30. Work hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

– A drainage repair project near Seaview Drive will begin Thursday, Feb. 5. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays. Contractor – Robert Frank Construction of Redding.

Highway 101

– Roadway repair due to pavement deterioration from 3.6 miles south of Ridgewood Ranch Road to 1.9 miles south of Ridgewood Ranch Road will continue. Traffic will be restricted to one lane in each direction of travel 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Motorists may experience minor traffic slowdowns.

– Brian Shuster of Willits has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work from California Street to West Valley Street beginning Tuesday, Feb. 3. Work hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., weekdays. Turns onto California Street will be restricted. Traffic will be restricted to one lane in each direction of travel. Motorists may experience minor traffic slowdowns.

Highway 128

– AT&T of Walnut Creek has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work from 1.4 to 2.5 miles east of Dry Creek Bridge through Friday, Jan. 30. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

Highway 162

– A bridge widening project at Outlet Creek Bridge will continue. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays. Contractor – Viking Construction Co. Inc. of Rancho Cordova.

Highway 253

– A bridge widening project at Soda Creek Bridge will continue. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., weekdays. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays. Contractor – Viking Construction Co. Inc. of Rancho Cordova.

For information pertaining to emergency roadwork or for updates to scheduled roadwork, please contact the California Highway Information Network (CHIN) at 1-800-GAS-ROAD (1-800-427-7623).


COBB – The public is invited to attend a hands-on workshop on pruning fruit trees and grapevines, put on by Master Gardener Jim Harrell of the U.C. Master Gardener Program of Lake County.

The workshop is scheduled for 10 a.m., Saturday, Jan. 31, and will take place at 17040 Alpine Meadow Circle, Cobb.

Attendees should bring their own gloves and pruning shears as none will be available on site. Handouts will be available and a $5 fee for cost recovery is requested. No pre-registration is required.


Please contact U.C. Cooperative Extension at 263-6838 for questions or additional information.

A map to the site is available by calling the UCCE office or visiting its Web site at


LAKEPORT – The first meeting of the newly formed Flying Saucer Club will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 31.

The group will meet at Cafe Victoria, 301 Main St., Lakeport.

The purpose of the club is provide a friendly forum to discuss UFO and extraterrestrial encounters, walkins, time travel and similar topics.

If you have a UFO-related experience to share or want to hear about other people's experiences you are welcome at the meeting. Membership is free to the first 1,000 members.

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 263-3391 for more information.


LUCERNE – The Lucerne Booster Club and the Northshore Business Association are looking for local artists to showcase their art and handmade crafts for a one-day event on May 2 at Lucerne Harbor Park.

The goal is to bring the community together, promote local artists, support the school and nonprofit organizations, and Northshore businesses.

Organizers hope that local businesses can promote themselves and provide a creative art project for children to do at a low cost to the child at their booth. They want to do away with the old traditional game booths and replace them with creative art booths, in conjunction with fine arts and handmade craft booths.

They also are inviting nonprofit and school organizations to join the event. Local food vendors are welcomed. All booths will cost a low fee of $25.

For more information or an application for a booth please contact Lani Urquiza at 349-5457 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Sue Stout is joining the Mendocino College Foundation as its new public relations/media coordinator. Courtesy photo.



UKIAH – Susan Stout of Lakeport is bringing her journalism background to a new position as the public relations/media coordinator for the Mendocino College Foundation.

Stout was recently hired by the foundation to implement specific projects identified by the group’s marketing committee.

She succeeds Susan Mesick, who recently assisted the foundation with newsletters, news releases and development of a branding identification.

Stout will work on public relations materials for the foundation in addition to helping the 25-year-old organization revamp its Web site.

As a 26-year resident of Lake County, Stout has spent seven years working as a reporter and editor for local newspapers and nearly 12 years as an employee of the county of Lake’s Marketing Program, where she applied her writing and editing skills to the creation of brochures, news releases and magazines promoting the attractions of Lake County. Her resume notes that she most recently worked for the county’s Health Services divisions.

“Having spent the last four years writing contracts and working on compliance issues for the Lake County Mental Health Department, I welcome the opportunity to focus on more creative types of writing and projects for the Mendocino College Foundation,” said Stout. “Since completing some basic news releases for the foundation, I am enjoying the return to journalistic work, and I look forward to additional challenges.”

The former Lake County Record-Bee assistant editor is researching Web sites of similar organizations and helping the foundation’s marketing committee identify elements for revising the existing Web site, according to Wilda Shock, of Lakeport, marketing committee chair and past foundation president.

Foundation Board President Tom Herman noted that Stout will produce newsletters and news releases about the foundation’s annual events, scholarship awards, and other programs that will be distributed to local and regional media, and will appear on the Web site.

Stout also will assist the committee to develop promotional materials and displays to represent the foundation at various community events and Mendocino College functions.

Additional members of the Foundation’s Marketing Committee are Harry Bistrin of Ukiah, Tom Herman of Willits, Tod Kong of Hopland, John Bogner of Ukiah, Peggy Campbell-DeBolt of Lakeport and Christy Scollins of Redwood Valley.

The Mendocino College Foundation provides student scholarships, funds improvements to educational programs and staff development at the college district’s campuses in Mendocino and Lake counties, and works to cultivate support for the college.

For additional information about the Mendocino College Foundation, contact the foundation office at 467-1018, or Mark DeMeulenaere, director of development for the foundation, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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