Monday, 17 March 2025


COBB – A local nonprofit that assists the elderly and disabled with pet care costs is planning its annual fundraiser.

The Acme Foundation’s annual fundraiser this year will be a champagne brunch at Rob Roy Golf Club on Sunday, Sept. 20, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Admission is $30 per person and will include a brunch consisting of scrambled eggs, bacon, ham, sausage, home fried potatoes, biscuits and gravy, chili rellenos, fresh fruit, assorted chilled juices, coffee, tea and a glass of champagne.

Music will be provided by John Zimmerman and the event will have Lake County’s own Eric Patrick, as M.C.

A silent auction and raffle will be held to help raise funds to provide grants to low income seniors and disabled persons for the veterinary treatment of their seriously ill cats and dogs.

A sample of some of the donations in the auction and raffle include wines from Lake County, art work from nationally known artists, unique pet items, Disney tickets, Shakespeare Festival tickets, designer home decorator items, gift certificates and much more.

The foundation originally started in the Bay Area in 1998 by Pat and Jon Meyer and continues to give 100 percent of its net proceeds to qualifying grant recipients.

As of August 2009, Acme has given out over $86,000 in grants.

Due to limited seating, to attend the upcoming fundraiser prepaid reservations by Sept. 15 are required.

Checks should be made payable to “Acme Foundation” and mailed to Pat Meyer, Attn: Acme 2009, POB 308, Cobb, CA 95426.

For more information about the Acme Foundation visit or call 707-928-5200.

SACRAMENTO – To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the 2009 California State Fair will present an exhibit examining the organization’s rich history in California and nationwide entitled “Reflections of Freedom, Liberty & Justice for All.”

This commemorative exhibit will be located in the heart of the California Building. It will run for the duration of the fair, which began Friday and will last through Monday, Sept. 7.

Under the guidance of, and with contributions from the California NAACP, this exhibit will highlight 12 civil rights pioneers that have been immortalized by the U.S. Postal Service through a special series of postage stamps commemorating their courage, commitment and achievements.

These stamps will be presented as enlargements with an accompanying text. The history of the NAACP will be told through a timeline detailing historic and significant events from the last 100 years. Within the exhibit, Fairgoers will be able to see inspirational quotes, resolutions, a compelling DVD and more.

Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest, largest and most widely recognized grassroots-based civil rights organization. With more than a half-million members and supporters throughout the United States and the world, the NAACP is the premier advocate for civil rights. Celebrations highlighting the significant role that the organization has played in leading social change over the past 100 years have been occurring all across America , and will continue until 2010.

For more info rmation about the NAACP anniversary exhibit, please contact Greg Kinder at 916-263-3033 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

LAKEPORT – Local estate planning attorney Mary Heare Amodio will present a short, no-cost, seminar about “Life Planning” on Wednesday, Aug. 26, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Mendo-Lake Credit Union’s community room.

“Life Planning” looks at potential “life-events” that may affect an individual’s health and welfare that can only be address by advanced planning.

Such “life events” include sudden or prolonged illness, incapacity (whether short- or long-term), guardianship for minor children and a conservatorship of the individual. Life planning is an integral part of every estate plan.

In addition, the regional financial advisor of a major national financial institution will join Ms. Amodio to discuss the current “State of the Market and Economic Outlook.”

A period for questions and answers will be provided.

Contact Ms. Amodio at 707-263-5759 for additional information or to reserve a spot at the seminar.   Light refreshments will be served.

LAKE COUNTY – Lake County is developing a Konocti Regional Trails plan, which will guide the county in creating a network of trails and community pathways on and around Clear Lake, with the goal of making connections to local communities.

The plan will incorporate:

• Future hiking, biking and equestrian trails;

• Safe routes between neighborhoods, work and schools utilizing bike lanes, sidewalks and walking paths;

• Water paddling trails on Clear Lake;

• Existing trails and trailheads on public lands and in our State, county and city parks.

To assist us with the planning process, we would like your input. Please take a few minutes to answer the following survey: .

The survey can also be accessed from the Web site at .

Please note – the trails system will utilize public lands, or private lands by willing property owners – there will not be any eminent domain.

For more information, contact Rebecca Dierssen, public services analyst, Public Services Department

county of Lake, 707-262-4293.

LAKE COUNTY – Don your sombrero and head down Mexico way for authentic Mexican cuisine as part of the Passion Play fundraiser.

The event will take place from 4 p.m. to dusk on Saturday, Sept. 12, at the "old" Thompson House, 3315 Lakeshore Blvd., Lakeport.

Sip margaritas at the no host bar, enjoy music, lots of great items at a live and silent auction, a raffle and all on outdoor seating under shade trees on beautiful lawns.

The cost is $25 per person or reserve a table of 10 and receive one meal free.

Please make reservations by Tuesday, Sept.8, by calling Father Ryan at 707-279-0349 or Jeanette Kemp, 707-263-6390.

Pongase su sombrero y vaya a baje Mexico camino! para de cuise mexicano autentico. Habra ninguna barra de anfitrion con Margaritas, meistras usted disfruta musica, un Vivo y una Subasta Silenciosa, y una Rifa. Asientos al aire libre bajo los arboles de sombra en el cesped hermosa en "la vieja" Casa Thompson, 3315 Lakeshore Blvd., Lakeport. El sabado, 12 de Septiembre 4:00 de la tarde asta el anochecer. 25 dolares por persona o reserva una mesa para 10 y reciben una (1)comida gratis. Haga reservaciones hacia del martes 8 de Septiembre por favor por telefono Fr. Ryan 707-279-0349 o Jeanette Kemp, 707-263-6390.


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