Monday, 17 March 2025


LAKEPORT, Calif. — The Lakeport Public Works Department provided an update regarding the ongoing construction projects affecting the lakefront public parking lots, the Fifth Street boat ramp and portions of North Main Street and other nearby streets.

The work schedule follows.

• Sunday, Sept. 26: Beginning at 8 p.m. to Monday, Sept. 27, at 6:00 p.m., North Main Street between First Street and Fifth Street will be closed with a detour provided. Fourth Street and Fifth Street will be closed from North Main Street to the parking areas near the lake. The Fifth Street boat ramp and all lakefront parking lots will also be closed while new paving work is underway.

• Tuesday, Sept. 28 (daytime hours): All lakefront parking lots and the Fifth Street boat ramp will be closed for paving. The ramp and nearby areas are expected to be closed from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

• Wednesday, Sept. 29, and Thursday, Sept. 30 (daytime hours): Street paving on North Main Street between Fifth Street and Clear Lake Avenue. Expect delays and consider using alternate routes such as North Forbes Street.

• Thursday, Sept. 30 (daytime hours): The Fifth Street boat ramp will be open, but the nearby lakefront parking areas will be closed for parking lot striping work. Vehicles and trailers will need to park elsewhere, including at the site of the new Lakefront Park (former Natural High area).

• Friday, Oct. 1: The Fifth Street boat ramp and nearby lakefront parking areas will be closed while the parking lot work is progressing.

• Monday, Oct. 4 through Friday, Oct. 8: The Fifth Street boat ramp will be open but access will be delayed at times. The nearby lakefront parking areas will be closed due to asphalt striping and stamping and project wrap-up tasks. Vehicle and trailer parking will be available at the new Lakefront Park.

Please be mindful of road signs and drive with caution in construction zones for the safety of workers.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. — The Lake County Registrar of Voters Office is asking voters who received signature verification and unsigned ballot envelope statements for this month’s gubernatorial recall election to get them returned quickly.

The elections office intends to certify the election results by Oct. 14.

As such, vote-by-mail voters who received a “signature verification statement” or an “unsigned ballot envelope statement” are reminded that the deadline for the Lake County Registrar of Voters office to receive the completed forms either by mail service, fax, email or in person is Tuesday, Oct. 12, by noon.

The Lake County Registrar of Voters cannot count a voter’s vote-by-mail ballot if the completed and signed statement is not returned by the Oct. 12 deadline.

For more information call the elections office at 707-263-2372 or toll-free at 888-235-6730.

The Bureau of Land Management Central California Resource Advisory Council will meet virtually on Wednesday, Sept. 22, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. via Zoom, due to COVID-19 precautions.

The meeting is open to the public.

To participate in the meeting, please register in advance here.

After registering, participants will receive a confirmation email with information, including a link and phone numbers.

The Resource Advisory Council, or RAC, meeting will include presentations on the BLM Trails and Travel Management Plan for the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument and a discussion to determine how the RAC will participate in the process.

The RAC will also be briefed on wildland fire impacts to BLM-managed public lands in central California, receive reports from the district and field offices and schedule meeting dates for 2022.

The public will be given an opportunity to address the RAC at noon during the meeting. Time for individual public comments may be limited due to the number of persons wishing to speak.

Written statements to address the council may also be sent prior to the meeting to the BLM Central California District Office, Attention: RAC meeting comments, 5152 Hillsdale Circle, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762.

The council advises the Secretary of the Interior, through the BLM, on a variety of planning and management issues associated with BLM public lands in central California.

The BLM maintains 28 chartered advisory committees throughout the West. Each citizen-based council consists of members from diverse interests in local communities, who assist in the development of committee recommendations by sharing their unique perspectives.

To learn more about the Central California RAC, visit

Please contact the BLM for reasonable accommodations to participate. For specific questions, please contact BLM Central California District Public Affairs Officer Serena Baker at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 916-941-3146.

NORTH‌‌ ‌‌COAST, ‌‌ ‌‌Calif.‌‌ ‌‌ — ‌ ‌Caltrans‌‌ ‌‌reports‌‌ ‌‌that‌‌ ‌‌the‌‌ ‌‌following‌‌ ‌‌road‌‌ ‌‌projects‌‌ ‌‌will‌‌ ‌‌be‌‌ ‌‌taking‌‌ ‌‌place‌‌ ‌‌‌around‌‌ ‌‌the‌‌ ‌‌North‌‌ ‌‌Coast‌‌ ‌‌during‌‌ ‌‌the‌‌ ‌‌coming‌‌ ‌‌week. ‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌
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Included‌‌ ‌‌are‌‌ ‌‌Mendocino‌‌ ‌‌County‌‌ ‌‌projects‌‌ ‌‌that‌‌ ‌‌may‌‌ ‌‌impact‌‌ ‌‌Lake‌‌ ‌‌County‌‌ ‌‌commuters, as well as work in Del Norte and Humboldt counties.
‌‌‌ ‌
Caltrans‌‌ ‌‌advises‌‌ ‌‌motorists‌‌ ‌‌to‌‌ ‌‌drive‌‌ ‌‌with‌‌ ‌‌caution‌‌ ‌‌when‌‌ ‌‌approaching‌‌ ‌‌work‌‌ ‌‌areas‌‌ ‌‌and‌‌ ‌‌to‌‌ ‌‌be‌‌ ‌‌‌prepared‌‌ ‌‌to‌‌ ‌‌stop‌‌ ‌‌at‌‌ ‌‌traffic‌‌ ‌‌control‌‌ ‌‌stations. ‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌
‌‌‌ ‌
The‌‌ ‌‌Caltrans‌‌ ‌‌Traffic‌‌ ‌‌Operations‌‌ ‌‌Office‌‌ ‌‌has‌‌ ‌‌reviewed‌‌ ‌‌each‌‌ ‌‌project‌‌ ‌‌and‌‌ ‌‌determined‌‌ ‌‌that‌‌ ‌‌individual‌‌ ‌‌‌project‌‌ ‌‌delays‌‌ ‌‌are‌‌ ‌‌expected‌‌ ‌‌to‌‌ ‌‌be‌‌ ‌‌less‌‌ ‌‌than‌‌ ‌‌the‌‌ ‌‌statewide‌‌ ‌‌policy‌‌ ‌‌maximum‌‌ ‌‌of‌‌ ‌‌30‌‌ ‌‌minutes‌‌ ‌‌unless‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌
noted‌‌ ‌‌otherwise. ‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌
‌‌‌ ‌
For‌‌ ‌‌updates‌‌ ‌‌to‌‌ ‌‌this‌‌ ‌‌list‌‌ ‌‌check‌‌ ‌‌QuickMap‌‌ ‌‌at‌‌ ‌‌‌‌‌‌ or‌‌ ‌‌1-800-GAS-ROAD‌‌ ‌‌‌(1-800-427-7623). ‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌

LAKE‌‌ ‌‌COUNTY‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌
‌‌‌ ‌
Highway‌‌ ‌‌20

— Pavement work from Road 305D to Route 29 South will continue. Moving traffic controls will be in effect overnight from 8 p.m. to 11 a.m. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

— Highway construction near Saratoga Springs Road will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

— Pavement work from Bachelor Valley to Route 29 South will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect overnight from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

— Highway construction from Red Hill Lane to Foothill Drive will begin Monday, Sept. 27. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

— PG&E has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work at Country Club Drive beginning Friday, Sept. 24. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

— Striping operation from North Fork Cache Creek to Walker Ridge Road will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect weekdays from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Motorists should anticipate 20-minute delays.

— Highway construction and striping operation from North Fork Cache Creek to Colusa County Line will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Motorists should anticipate 10- to 20-minute delays.

Highway 29

— Construction from Route 281 to Private Road will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 15-minute delays.

— Bridge work at the Hill Road East Overcrossing will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Motorists should anticipate minimal delays.

Highway 175

— PG&E has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work at Forestry Station Access Road on Monday, Sept. 27. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.


Highway 20

— PG&E has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for landscape work from Noyo Acres Drive to Fort Bragg/Main Street/Redwood 101 Undercrossing on Friday, Sept. 24. Moving traffic controls will be in effect from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Motorists should anticipate minor delays.

— AT&T has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work at Private Road on Wednesday, Sept. 29. Moving traffic controls will be in effect from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

— Slide removal two miles west of Three Chop Road will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

— Highway construction east of Three Chop Road will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Motorists should anticipate 15-minute delays.

— Electrical work at Blosser Road will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Motorists should anticipate 5-minute delays.

— PG&E has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work at Willits Railroad Crossing beginning Tuesday, Sept. 28. Lane closures will be in effect from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Motorists can expect minimal delays.

Highway 101

— Slide removal from Comminsky Station Road to Pieta Creek Bridge will continue. Northbound Lane closures will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

— Bridge work from the Presswood Overhead Bridge to the Hensley Creek Undercrossing will continue. Northbound and Southbound lane closures will be in effect overnight from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Motorists should anticipate minimal delays.

— Emergency bridge repairs at the North State Undercrossing Bridge will continue. There will be a full closure of the Northbound onramp overnight from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Motorists are advised to take alternative routes.

— Work south of Ridgewood Ranch Road will continue. Lane closures will be in effect in both directions. Motorists should anticipate minor traffic slowdowns.

— AT&T has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for utility work from the North Willits Railroad Crossing to the Georgia Pacific Entrance on Wednesday, Sept. 29. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

— Moss Cove Safety Rest Area will be closed through fall 2021.

— Emergency bridge repairs at the Irvine Lodge Rest Area Northbound will continue. One-way traffic will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate minimal delays.

— Bridge work at the Long Valley Creek Bridge will continue. Lane closures will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate minimal delays.

— Paving work from Spyrock Road to the Empire Camp Rest Area. One-way traffic controls will be in effect from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

— Empire Camp Safety Rest Area will be closed through fall 2021.

Highway 162

— PG&E has been granted a Caltrans Encroachment Permit for tree work at the Corral Creek Bridge/Road 8152 on Wednesday, Sept. 29. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

— Core drilling will occur from the Bloody Run Creek Bridge to the South Eel River Bridge beginning Friday, Sept. 24. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Motorists should anticipate 15-minute delays.

Highway 271

— Bridge work at Scandia will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect overnight from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Motorists can expect minor delays.


Highway 101

— Bridge work near Old Hunter Creek Road will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

— Emergency work at Last Chance Grade will continue. Motorists should anticipate 30-minute delays at all hours.

— Shoulder improvements in Crescent City from Front Street to 9th Street will continue. Lane restrictions will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate minor traffic slowdowns.

— Bridge and pavement work from the Smith River area to the Oregon state line will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 6 p.m. to 10 a.m. weeknights. Motorists should anticipate 20-minute delays.

Highway 199

— Work at the Hiouchi Bridge will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays weekdays.

— Work at the Mary Adam Peacock Bridge near Gasquet will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays weekdays.

— Work at Middle Fork Smith River Bridge 1 16 east of Idlewild will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays weekdays.


Highway 36

— Work at Van Duzen River Bridge 4 284 near Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

— Work at Van Duzen River Bridge 4 293 in Bridgeville will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

— Wall work near the McClellan Mountain Summit will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

Highway 96

— Pavement work in the Weitchpec area will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. weekdays. Motorists should anticipate 10-minute delays.

— Bridge work east of Orleans will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

Highway 101

— Bridge work south of Phillipsville will continue. Lane closures will be in effect weekdays. Motorists should anticipate minor traffic slowdowns. A northbound onramp closure will also be in effect. Motorists should use an alternate route.

— Construction from the Hookton Road Overcrossing to 14th Street in Eureka will continue. Lane and ramp closures will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate minor traffic slowdowns and use alternate ramps when necessary.

— Pavement and utility work from Myrtle Avenue to Cole and Jacobs Avenue in Eureka will continue. A southbound lane restriction will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate minor traffic slowdowns.

— Work near the Indianola Cutoff will begin. Lane closures will be in effect in both directions from 7:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. nightly. Motorists should anticipate minor traffic slowdowns.

— Pavement and barrier work from the Arcata Overhead Bridge to the 200 junction south of McKinleyville will continue. Lane and ramp closures will be in effect in both directions from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. weeknights. Motorists should anticipate minor traffic slowdowns.

— Barrier work near Clam Beach will occur on Friday, Sept. 24. A southbound lane closure will be in effect from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Motorists should anticipate minor traffic slowdowns.

Highway 211

— Work at the Salt River Bridge between Fernbridge and Ferndale will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

Highway 255

— Utility work north of Samoa will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays. Motorists should anticipate five-minute delays.

Highway 299

— Bridge work at the 200 or North Bank Road junction will continue. Lane closures will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate minor traffic slowdowns.

— Work in the Willow Creek area will continue. One-way traffic control will be in effect. Motorists should anticipate 20-minute delays.

MIDDLETOWN, Calif. — The Rotary Club of Middletown announces its 2021-2022 president, Dennis Skinner, and new meeting time and location.

Meetings will be held on Thursday mornings at Twin Pine Casino in the private dining room from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. Pre-COVID, the club met at the Greenview Restaurant in Hidden Valley Lake.

“The new time and location has been working well for the membership,” said President Dennis Skinner. “We have enjoyed years of great service at the Greenview and are very appreciative of the hospitality offered by Chef Metcalf and his staff. We look forward to growing new relationships at the new location.”

Skinner joined the Rotary Club of Middletown in 2013. He is a resident of Hidden Valley Lake and has been an active and engaged member of the community and the club. Skinner served as the club’s president in 2020-2021, holding successful Zoom meetings during the onset of the COVID crisis.

He has been dedicated to keeping the club members engaged until in-person meetings were able to safely resume.

“It was important to keep the club meeting on a regular schedule and to maintain the community projects the Middletown Club has committed to,” said Skinner. “As we all know, life and life’s activities became more and more complicated as COVID challenged the way we all interact to accomplish our objectives.”

Some of the past projects performed by the Rotary Club of Middletown include dictionaries for elementary schools, “drive careful” signs posted by our schools, tree planting at the Trailside Park and assisting with rebuilding after the devastating Valley Fire of 2015.

Working in partnership with the South Lake County Fire Department, the club also provided fire safety kits to seniors, including fire extinguishers, flashlights and smoke detectors.

Under Skinner’s leadership during his first term as president, internet hot spots were provided to students so they could continue at home education during the COVID crisis.

During his second term as president, Skinner will oversee the distribution of $4,800 worth of books to public schools’ libraries.

Middletown Rotarians annually provide college scholarship opportunities to the youth of our community and support the Middletown Senior Center with ongoing monetary donations.

On an international level, Middletown Rotary played a huge role in raising funds and awareness for the Rotary “End Polio” campaign.

The club also participates in refurbishing schools, providing safe learning environments and sports equipment for youth in Santa Rosalia, BCS and Guatemala.

Rotary is a worldwide organization that connects people from all cultures and occupations who wish to empower youth, improve health, promote peace and advance communities. The organization's theme is “Service above self.”

For more information about how you can become a member of the Rotary Club of Middletown, call Dennis Skinner at 707-494-8892 or join them at one of the Thursday morning meetings at 7:30 a.m. at Twin Pine Casino.

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. — The First 5 Lake County Commission will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 22.

The meeting will begin at 2 p.m. on Zoom. The meeting ID is 993 6064 3741, pass code is 229186. Participants also can join the meeting by phone at 669-900-6833.

Meeting documents can be found here.

Agenda items include approval of the Aug. 25 regular meeting minutes, the August 2021 financial statements, an update and discussion on the family ownership wraparound, and the ad hoc committee update on the executive director recruitment and recommendation.

In other business, the commission will consider approval of an $800 funding request from the Lake County Heroes of Health Safety Fair Planning Committee from Sutter Lakeside Hospital, approval of the 2021-2022 Title IV-E grant contract with Chabot-Las Positas Community College District for up to $100,000 and a presentation on Head Start enrollment.

There also will be executive director and commissioner reports, public comment and announcements.

The commission will meet next month on Oct. 27.


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