- Elizabeth Larson
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Sierra Club hosts CLERC co-founder at Nov. 19 meeting

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The Sierra Club Lake Group will host Clear Lake Environmental Research Center co-founder and Executive Director Will Evans at its next community meeting on Thursday, Nov. 19, at 6 p.m.
The presentation and discussion will be held via Zoom video conference and live-streamed on Facebook.
The meeting is free and open to the public. Pre-registration is required to attend via Zoom.
Founded in 2014, the Clear Lake Environmental Research Center, or CLERC, coordinates projects and programs that focus on solutions to environmental and economic problems both locally and worldwide.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 has been an incredibly productive year for CLERC and its partners.
In March, CLERC was awarded a $3 million Fire Prevention Grant from Cal Fire for fuel reduction, workforce development and planning future projects.
In July, CLERC opened what is currently the only accredited environmental laboratory in Lake County and began providing analysis services to local water agencies.
Evans will update attendees on these projects plus additional plans CLERC has in store for 2021.
Prior to becoming CLERC’s executive director in 2019, Evans spent nearly a decade employed in various resource management positions with the county of Lake, including deputy director of Water Resources, associate resource planner in the Community Development Department and compliance coordinator for Special Districts. Evans co-founded CLERC as a way to improve the economy and environment in Lake County.
To register for the event, visit the online calendar on Lake Group’s website, www.sierraclub.org/redwood/lake.
Registrants will receive access information via email a few days prior to the event. Zoom space is limited, so the forum will also be live-streamed via the Lake Group's Facebook page at www.facebook.com/sierraclublake.
"We hope to have a Facebook moderator who can help with the flow of questions," noted Sierra Club Lake Group Conservation Chair Victoria Brandon, "but it's really best if you can join in via Zoom."
The Sierra Club Lake Group represents more than 400 Sierra Club members living in Lake County and is part of the Redwood Chapter of the Sierra Club that represents the northwest region of California.
For more information about the Sierra Club Lake Group, visit www.sierraclub.org/redwood/lake or call 707-994-1931.