Thursday, 27 March 2025


LUCERNE – Lucerne FLOW will hold a fundraising dinner and dance on Halloween, Saturday, Oct. 31.

The event will take place from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Lucerne Alpine Senior Center.

Music will be provided by Blue Moon.

The dinner will be moussaka ( with and without meat), and salad. Wine and beer will be available.

Costumes are encouraged, and there will be a prize for best costume as well as a raffle.

Tickets are $13 in advance, $15 at the door.

For ticket information call 707-739-6788 and leave a message.

CLEARLAKE – The Lake County Community Co-op (LCCC) will receive the benefit of a feasibility study and software analysis thanks to a USDA grant award to the California Center for Cooperative Development (CCCD), located in Davis.

Beginning immediately, the CCCD will begin the task of assessing Lake County’s economic market and resource information that will enable the LCCC to make an informed decision on developing a retail food co-op.

In the event that a retail storefront is not feasible at this time, the CCCD will help the Co-op strengthen its ability to provide more locally produced food items to its growing membership base.

The project, funded by the United States Department of Agriculture’s Rural Cooperative Development Grant, will incorporate the expertise of project manager Luis Sierra and CCCD consultant Andrew McLeod, and will include an inquiry into path that the Quincy Natural Food Co-op proceeded on during it’s inception.

The co-op seeks to learn from an established food co-op in another rural California county.

The co-op, started almost two years ago, offers a weekly CSA box that is focused on providing produce from local organic farms, such as Barber’s Country Farm, Bio Farm, Leonardis Organics and Full Moon Farm, as well as fresh baked organic breads from the Main Street Bakery in Kelseyville.

The group also provides bulk and natural food items online through Azure Standards, sponsors the Friday Night Farmers’ Market, the Educational series, “Lake County Community Co-op Presents …” on local TV8, and partners on community garden projects.

For more information about the co-op and the progress of the feasibility study, follow the links from or call 707-993-4270.

LAKEPORT – On Saturday, Oct. 24, the No Name Car Club of Lakeport will host a car and truck show at Bruno’s Shop Smart.

The show – which is free to both participants and spectators – will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Bruno’s parking lot, located at 355 Lakeport Blvd.

Cars and trucks of all vintage and origin are welcome to participate at no cost – simply show-up during the show.

With hundreds of dollars in raffle prizes sponsored by Bruno’s, this free public event promises to be a fun way to spend the day.

Raffle tickets will be available all day for only $1 each with prizes including three $50 gift certificates to Bruno’s, a whole New York strip steak, surf n’ turf for two and two bottles of wine. The purchaser of any raffle ticket will be entitled to free coffee at Bruno’s as well.

Automotive-themed music will be provided as well to set the tone for the event as provided by the Curbside Car Show Calendar and Web Site ( ).

All proceeds from this event will be donated to local charities so participation in the raffle isn’t just fun, it’s doing good for the community as well.

LAKE COUNTY – With the U.S. Census process beginning, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) advises people to be cooperative, but cautious, so as not to become a victim of fraud or identity theft.

The first phase of the 2010 U.S. Census is under way as workers have begun verifying the addresses of households across the country.

Eventually, more than 140,000 U.S. Census workers will count every person in the United States and will gather information about every person living at each address including name, age, gender, race and other relevant data.

The big question is: How do you tell the difference between a U.S. Census worker and a con artist?

BBB offers the following advice:

  • If a U.S. Census worker knocks on your door, they will have a badge, a handheld device, a Census Bureau canvas bag and a confidentiality notice. Ask to see their identification and their badge before answering their questions. However, you should never invite anyone you don’t know into your home.

  • Census workers are currently only knocking on doors to verify address information. Do not give your Social Security number, credit card or banking information to anyone, even if they claim they need it for the U.S. Census. While the Census Bureau might ask for basic financial information, such as a salary range, the Census Bureau will not ask for Social Security, bank account, or credit card numbers nor will employees solicit donations.

Eventually, Census workers may contact you by telephone, mail, or in person at home. However, the Census Bureau will not contact you by email, so be on the lookout for email scams impersonating the Census.

Never click on a link or open any attachments in an email that are supposedly from the U.S. Census Bureau.

CLEARLAKE – The Lake County Stonewall Democratic Club will hold its next meeting on Monday, Oct. 26.

The meeting will be held at the Redbud Library, 14785 Burns Valley Road, Clearlake.

A potluck will be held at 6:30 p.m., to be followed by the meeting at 7 p.m.

The end of year events will be discussed including the upcome elections and the Christmas party.


All LGBT people, and their friends and allies are are invited come and meet new friends, and help make a difference in our community.

For more information contact Harold Riley, 707-995-3905.

Claire Grieve, Mend-Lake Publicity Chairman

POTTER VALLEY – The Mendo-Lake District of the California Garden Club will hold its fall general meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 28.

The meeting will be held at Spotswood Estate in Potter Valley.

Registration and coffee hour start at 9:30 a.m., the meeting starts at 10:30 a.m., followed by the lunch ($15 by reservation only).

Opportunity drawing, potted and named plants, books and items will take place at the White Elephant table.

Featured speaker Tricia Smith will discuss the “Essence of the Tree.”

There are six garden clubs all within the Mendo-Lake District ( ). All the districts in California are under the Calif. Garden Club Inc. ( ), then within the Pacific Region ( ), and then the National Garden Clubs, Inc. ( ). These Web sites contain a wealth of information – check them out.

GinaBelle Smith is the Mendo-Lake district director. For further information check out any of the above Web sites or call 707-964-3798.

All are welcome to visit the garden clubs. The district meets quarterly and the public is invited to attend any of the meetings. Watch for future announcements of meetings and activities.


Responsible local journalism on the shores of Clear Lake.

