Wednesday, 19 March 2025


NICE – Arnold "Old Chief" Cleveland has finished his 3500 mile Sea to Shining Sea bicycle ride and will be welcomed home a no-host party this Sunday, July 26.

The party will be held at the Boathouse in Nice from 3 p.m. until whenever.

Anyone who would like to welcome Cleveland home is invited.

There will be live music and children are welcome.

The Cleveland family also thanks their blog followers for their support.

LUCERNE – The Lucerne Alpine Senior Center needs your old, empty printer cartridges.

Bring them to the drop-off box in the center's dinning room and stay for a wonderful lunch.

The cost is $4 for seniors (who have the ability to pay) and $5 for all others. Lunch includes salad bar, soup, main course and dessert with beverage.

Recycle to help the environment and raise money for the senior center.

The Lucerne Alpine Senior Center is located at 10th and Country Club.

Sisters Hannah and Kyley Garcia point out the tobacco litter surrounding their blanket. Courtesy photo.




LAKE COUNTY – The Lake County Tobacco Education Program, a state-funded program of the County of Lake Health Services Department and Lake Family Resource Center (Lake FRC), sponsored a “undo Tobacco Litter” event on June 20, with members of the Lake County Tobacco Education Youth Coalition.

As in previous years, tobacco product litter was the most common item found.

“It’s so gross,” said Hannah Garcia of Lakeport. “My sister and I put our blanket on the grass next to the water and there were cigarette butts everywhere we looked.”

Her sister, Kyley, added, “We wanted to clean up the park so people wouldn’t have to picnic and swim with all that litter. We mostly found cigarette butts and wrappers. In one hour, we completely filled our bags with cigarette butts.”

“I wish people didn’t smoke in parks,” added Hannah.

Dave Roush, youth coordinator for the Lake County Tobacco Education Coalition says, “Tobacco litter poses a serious health hazard to children and animals. The toxic residue in butts not only litters the environment, but seeps into underground water systems and poisons the soil. There are over 4,000 chemicals in each cigarette, with over 60 known carcinogenic. Examples of chemicals found in cigarette litter are: formaldehyde, arsenic, ammonia, nicotine (a natural occurring insecticide in tobacco leaves), acetone, carbon monoxide, and benzene. It is a complex mixture which cannot be changed by nature. There is no safe level of exposure of these dangerous chemicals.”

The “undo tobacco litter” is just one of several activities held by the youth coalition each year to educate the community about the dangers of tobacco use.

Another activity is the annual youth purchase survey, where youth coalition members, under the supervision of adult coalition members, attempt to purchase tobacco products at local retailers. This activity helps to educate retailers and their employees on the need to keep tobacco products out of the hands of children.

Other activities include speaking before the Board of Supervisors and city councils about the impacts of tobacco use on the residents, wildlife and environment of Lake County, making videos about tobacco issues, traveling to Sacramento to meet with legislators regarding local needs, and learning leadership skills.

If you would like further information about the Lake County Tobacco Education Coalition call Joy Swetnam, project manager, Lake County Tobacco Education Program at 707-262-1611 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Hannah and Kyley Garcia display the tobacco litter they picked up in one hour. Courtesy photo.

The Sunburst Custom Telecaster in birdseye maple was donated by local guitar maker and musician Clyde Colwell as a fundraiser for Lake County Community Radio. Courtesy photo.


LAKE COUNTY – Clyde Colwell, a Lake County guitar maker and musician, has donated a custom Telecaster and case valued at $950 to Lake County Community Radio (KPFZ 88.1 FM) as a fundraiser to be raffled off by the station from July 19 throughout the summer and fall.

The Sunburst Custom Telecaster in birdseye maple has a quilted maple top, clear pickguard, noiseless pickups from Fender, and an awesome, pure sound.

The announcement was made and the raffle launched at the Singer-Songwriter Concert produced by Michael Barrish at the Soper-Reese Community Theatre to benefit KPFZ on Sunday, July 19.

The guitar raffle drawing will take place at the “Country Joe” concert to be held at the Soper-Reese on Saturday, Oct. 17, when local producer Herb Gura and Colwell will present the guitar to the owner of the lucky winning number.

Tickets are $1 each or 25 tickets for $20. All proceeds will go to KPFZ 88.1 FM (Lake County Community Radio) to keep the airwaves alive with continued community broadcasting. KPFZ is supported by community memberships and contributions. All donations are welcome!

Colwell is a graduate of the Cooper School of Art and a student of philosophy and music throughout his life. His vision for Lake County is its evolution into an artists’ colony with many little bistros and clubs around the lake for musicians, writers, singers, artists and art/music patrons.

Colwell’s studio is located at 9287 Chippewa Trail (Clearlake Riviera) in Kelseyville, telephone 707-277-0472, or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

KPFZ, located at 149 North Main St. (second floor) in Lakeport, is a nonprofit (501c3) organization founded to provide locally-produced community radio for the Lake County area.

From its antenna on Mt. Konocti, the FCC licensed full-power station broadcasts shows from 40 local volunteer programmers for more than 80 hours each week on 88.1 FM to reach all of Lake County and beyond into the four surrounding counties.

To become a member of Lake County Community Radio (LCCR), volunteer to help the station, make a donation, apply for a program, underwrite, buy raffle tickets or for more information about the raffle or other events, please call 707-263-3640.



The winning raffle ticket will be drawn on Oct. 17, 2009. Courtesy photo.

LUCERNE – Community members are invited to a final organization meeting to apply for the charter for the new Northshore Lions Club.

The club values community members' interest and your desire to give back to your community, and are soliciting knowledge of local concerns that a service organization like the Northshore Lions Club could address.

To share these concerns and to learn more about the Lions International Organization, the group will have an organization meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 22, at the Lucerne Community Church, 5870 Highway 20, Lucerne.

For those who have already decided to join, please bring the $30 charter fee made out to Lions International.

Those lacking knowledge to make an informed decision, prior to committing, will find the meeting staffed with officers of the organization able to answer all of your questions.

The group is exited about the renewed spirit of optimism and the many new businesses along the Northshore of Clear Lake.

Along with this, comes many new community members who are not so fortunate.

There are children and adults with health and vision problems not currently being solved by existing organizations or government programs.

Lions International’s Motto of “We Serve” those less fortunate is a realistic mission statement in today's economy and environmental arena.

For more information contact Harry De Lope at 707-277-9177 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Responsible local journalism on the shores of Clear Lake.

